Beat This The Best Of The English Beat Band

Beat This The Best Of The English Beat BandBeat This The Best Of The English Beat Band

Beat /bit/ USA pronunciation v., beat, beat•en or beat, beat•ing, n., adj. • to strike forcefully and repeatedly: [~ + object ]to beat a door down. [no object ]She beat on the door until he finally answered. • to hit (a person or animal) repeatedly so as to cause injury; thrash: beat him and left him for dead. • to smash against: [~ + object ]listening to the rain beating the trees.

[no object ]We heard the rain beating on the trees. • to flutter or flap: [~ + object ]a bird beating its wings. [no object ]The hummingbird's wings were beating at least 100 times a second.

• to hit (a drum) so as to make a sound: [~ + object ]The bagpipers began to beat their drums to start the parade. [no object ]We could hear the drum beating in the distance.

• to stir (ingredients for a mixture) vigorously: [~ + object ]Beat the egg whites well. • [~ + object ] to break, shape, or make by hitting: to beat swords into plowshares. • to make (a path) by repeated walking: [~ + object ]beat a path through the jungle.

Jul 3, 2009 - 3 min - Uploaded by Elconquistador69tooGroovy! The Beat (known in North America as The English Beat) are a 2 Tone ska revival. In the early '80s, the British press was all too eager to discard yesterday's band, and it paid scant attention to the third Beat album, Special Beat Service — which is a shame, because in many ways it was the group's best. But this was the album that broke The English Beat in America, where it toured.

• Music and Dance to mark or keep (time) by strokes, as with a metronome: [~ + object ]Can't you beat time to this music? • to defeat in a contest; do better than: [~ + object ]finally beat him in that match. ]to be better than: [~ + object ]Making reservations on the phone sure beats waiting in line. • [~ + object ] [Informal. ]to baffle: It beats me how he got the job. ]to soften or overcome the bad effects of: [~ + object ]He tried to beat the system by helping people directly. ]to escape or avoid (blame): [~ + object ]beat the rap by pleading temporary insanity.

• to throb or pulsate: [no object ]My heart was beating wildly every time she looked at me. • beat back, [~ + back + object ] to force (an enemy) back; force to withdraw: The troops beat back the first assault. • beat down, [~ + down + object ] • to subdue: He was able to beat down his opposition. • beat off, • to ward off; push back: [~ + off + object ]Our army beat off their attacks. [~ + object + off ]We beat them off easily. • beat out, • Informal Termsto defeat; win: [~ + out + object ]to beat out the competition.

[~ + object + out ]to beat them out. • beat up, to strike repeatedly so as to cause painful injury; thrash: [~ + object + up ]The gang beat him up. [~ + up + object ]The gang beat up anyone they could. • a stroke or blow, or the sound made from such a stroke: [ ]Give us two beats on the drum, then start the guitars. • [ ] a throb or pulsing: a pulse of 60 beats per minute. • the major rhythm of a piece of music: [; usually singular ]All her songs have a great beat. • one's assigned area of responsibility: [; usually singular ]The police officer's beat was my neighborhood.

• Informal Terms Informal. Exhausted; worn out: [be + ~ ]really beat after staying up all night. • Sociology of or characteristic of members of the Beat Generation: [before a noun; often: Beat ]beat poetry. Idioms • Idioms, Informal Terms beat it, Informal. To go away: I told you to beat it and leave me alone. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2017. Beat (bēt), USA pronunciation v., beat, beat•en or beat, beat•ing, n., adj.

• to strike violently or forcefully and repeatedly. • to dash against: rain beating the trees.

• to flutter, flap, or rotate in or against: beating the air with its wings. • to sound, as on a drum: beating a steady rhythm; to beat a tattoo. • to stir vigorously: Beat the egg whites well. • to break, forge, or make by blows: to beat their swords into plowshares. • to produce (an attitude, idea, habit, etc.) by repeated efforts: I'll beat some sense into him.

• to make (a path) by repeated treading. • to strike (a person or animal) repeatedly and injuriously: Some of the hoodlums beat their victims viciously before robbing them. • Music and Danceto mark (time) by strokes, as with the hand or a metronome. • Sport [Hunting. ]to scour (the forest, grass, or brush), and sometimes make noise, in order to rouse game.

• to overcome in a contest; defeat. • to win over in a race: We beat the English challenger to Bermuda. • to be superior to: Making reservations beats waiting in line. • to be incomprehensible to; baffle: It beats me how he got the job. • to defeat or frustrate (a person), as a problem to be solved: It beats me how to get her to understand. • to mitigate or offset the effects of: beating the hot weather; trying to beat the sudden decrease in land values. • Slang Termsto swindle; cheat (often fol.

By out): He beat him out of hundreds of dollars on that deal. • to escape or avoid (blame or punishment). • Textilesto strike (the loose pick) into its proper place in the woven cloth by beating the loosely deposited filling yarn with the reed.

• to strike repeated blows; pound. • to throb or pulsate: His heart began to beat faster. • to dash; strike (usually fol.

By against or on): rain beating against the windows. • to resound under blows, as a drum. • to achieve victory in a contest; win: Which team do you think will beat?

• to play, as on a drum. • to scour cover for game. • Physicsto make a beat or beats. • (of a cooking ingredient) to foam or stiffen as a result of beating or whipping: This cream won't beat. • Nautical, Naval Termsto tack to windward by sailing close-hauled. • beat about: • to search through; scour: After beating about for several hours, he turned up the missing papers. • Nauticalto tack into the wind.

• Idioms, Informal Terms beat all, [Informal. ]to surpass anything of a similar nature, esp. In an astonishing or outrageous way: The way he came in here and ordered us around beats all! • Idioms beat a retreat. See retreat (def. • Idioms beat around or about the bush. See bush 1 (def. • beat back, to force back; compel to withdraw: to beat back an attacker. • beat down: • to bring into subjection; subdue.

• Informal Termsto persuade (a seller) to lower the price of something: His first price was too high, so we tried to beat him down. • Informal Terms beat it, to depart; go away: He was pestering me, so I told him to beat it. • beat off: • to ward off; repulse: We had to beat off clouds of mosquitoes. • Informal Terms [Slang ]( vulgar). To masturbate. • Building beat out: • Informal Termsto defeat; win or be chosen over: to beat out the competition. • [Carpentry.

]to cut (a mortise). • to produce hurriedly, esp.

By writing or typing: There are three days left to beat out the first draft of the novel. • Sport [Baseball. ](of a hitter) to make (an infield ground ball or bunt) into a hit: He beat out a weak grounder to third. • Idioms beat the air or wind, to make repeated futile attempts. • Idioms beat the rap. See rap 1 (def. • beat up: • Also, beat up strike repeatedly so as to cause painful injury; thrash: A gang of toughs beat him up on the way home from school.

In the third round the champion really began to beat up on the challenger. • British Termsto find or gather; scare up: I'll beat up some lunch for us while you make out the shopping list. • a stroke or blow. • the sound made by one or more such blows: the beat of drums. • a throb or pulsation: a pulse of 60 beats per minute. • Timethe ticking sound made by a clock or watch escapement. • one's assigned or regular path or habitual round: a policeman's beat.

• Music and Dance • the audible, visual, or mental marking of the metrical divisions of music. • a stroke of the hand, baton, etc., marking the time division or an accent for music during performance. • Show Business [Theat. ]a momentary time unit imagined by an actor in timing actions: Wait four beats and then pick up the phone. • Poetry [Pros. ]the accent stress, or ictus, in a foot or rhythmical unit of poetry. • Physicsa pulsation caused by the coincidence of the amplitudes of two oscillations of unequal frequencies, having a frequency equal to the difference between the frequencies of the two oscillations.

• Journalism • the reporting of a piece of news in advance, esp. Before it is reported by a rival or rivals. Exclusive (def. 13), scoop (def.

• Also called newsbeat, run.the particular news source or activity that a reporter is responsible for covering. • Governmenta subdivision of a county, as in Mississippi.

• Informal Terms, Sociology( often cap.) beatnik. • Idioms off one's beat, outside of one's routine, general knowledge, or range of experience: He protested that nonobjective art was off his beat. • Music and Dance, Idioms on the beat, in the correct rhythm or tempo: By the end of the number they were all finally playing on the beat. • Informal Termsexhausted; worn out.

• Sociology( often cap.) of or characteristic of members of the Beat Generation or beatniks. Beat ′a•ble, adj.

• • ' Beat It' is a song written and performed by American singer from his sixth solo album, (1982). The song was produced by together with Jackson. Following the successful chart performances of the Thriller singles ' and ', 'Beat It' was released on February 14, 1983 as the album's third single.

The song is also notable for its famous video, which featured Jackson bringing two gangs together through the power of music and dance. 'Beat It' received the 1984 for and, as well as two. It was inducted into the Music Video Producers Hall of Fame. The single, along with its music video, helped propel Thriller into becoming the.

The single was certified platinum in the United States in 1989. Placed 'Beat It' on the 344th spot of its list of '.

The song was also ranked number 81 on Rolling Stone 's '100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time'. In the decades since its release, 'Beat It' has been covered, parodied, and sampled by numerous artists including,,, and. The song was also featured in the National Highway Safety Commission's anti-drunk driving campaign. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Production and composition [ ] 'Beat It' was composed by Michael Jackson for his album. Producer had wanted to include a song in the vein of 's ', though Jackson reportedly had never previously shown an interest in the genre. Jackson later said of 'Beat It', 'I wanted to write a song, the type of song that I would buy if I were to buy a rock song.

That is how I approached it and I wanted the children to really enjoy it—the school children as well as the college students.' Has suggested the inspiration of 'Beat It' and its video came from the Jackson family experiencing gang activity in. 'From our front window, we witnessed, about three bad rumbles between rival gangs.' Upon hearing the first recorded vocals, Jones stated that it was exactly what he was looking for. The song begins with seven distinct synthesizer notes played on the digital synthesizer, with credited for the Synclavier performance on the song.

The intro is taken note for note from a demo LP released the year before, called 'The Incredible Sounds of Synclavier II' first published in 1981 by Denny Jaeger Creative Services, Inc and sold by, makers of the Synclavier., lead guitarist of band, was asked to add a. When initially contacted by Jones, Van Halen thought he was receiving a. Having established that the call was genuine, Van Halen borrowed an amplifier from guitarist and recorded his guitar solo free of any charge. 'I did it as a favor', the musician later said.

'I was a complete fool, according to the rest of the band, our manager and everyone else. I was not used. I knew what I was doing – I don't do something unless I want to do it.' Van Halen recorded his contribution following Jones and Jackson arriving at the guitarist's house with a 'skeleton version' of the song. Fellow guitarist recalled, 'Initially, we rocked it out as Eddie had played a good solo—but Quincy thought it was too tough.

So I had to reduce the distorted guitar sound and that is what was released.' The song was among the last four completed for Thriller; the others were ', ' and 'The Lady in My Life'. Right before Van Halen's guitar solo begins, a noise is heard that sounds like somebody knocking at a door.

It is reported that the knock was a person walking into Eddie's recording studio. Another story has claimed that the sound was simply the musician knocking on his own guitar. The engineers were shocked during the recording of Van Halen's solo to discover that the sound of his guitar had caused the monitor speaker in the control room to catch fire, causing one to exclaim, 'This must be REALLY good!' The lyrics of 'Beat It' have been described as a 'sad commentary on human nature'. The line 'don't be a macho man' is said to express Jackson's dislike of violence, whilst also referring to the childhood abuse he faced at the hands of his father.

The song is played in the key of at a moderately fast of 138–139. In the song, Jackson's vocal range is B3 to D5. Drums on the song were played by co-founder. A remix of '2 Bad', is featured on containing a sample of 'Beat It' as well as a rap by and guitar solo by Wyclef Jean. Release and reception [ ].

'The uncredited guitarist who whipped out the fluttering, squealing solo on this ode to macho cowardice was Eddie Van Halen. The aerodynamic metal flight pumped crossover fuel that would boost the success of Thriller — a gimmick Jackson would flog later with spots from Slash and Carlos Santana. Without the Van Halen precedent, there might have been no collaboration of Run-DMC and Aerosmith on the 1986 rap/rock version of 'Walk This Way'.'

'Beat It' was released on February 14, 1983, following the successful chart performances of ' and '., the vice president of, convinced Jackson to release 'Beat It' while 'Billie Jean' was heading towards No. Dileo, who would later become the singer's manager, predicted that both singles would remain in the Top 10 at the same time. 'Billie Jean' remained atop the for seven weeks, before being toppled by ', which stayed at No.

1 for a single week, before Jackson reclaimed the position with 'Beat It'. 'Billie Jean' and 'Beat It' occupied Top 5 positions at the same time, a feat matched by very few artists. The single remained at the top of the Hot 100 for a total of three weeks. The song also charted at No. 1 on the US and No.

14 on the chart in the US. Billboard ranked it at the No. 5 song for 1983. 'Beat It' also claimed the top spot in Spain and The Netherlands, reached No. 3 in the UK and the Top 20 in Austria, Norway, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland. In a review, Christopher Connelly describes 'Beat It' as the best song on Thriller, adding that it 'ain't no disco AOR track'. He notes of the 'nifty dance song', 'Jackson's voice soars all over the melody, Eddie Van Halen checks in with a blistering guitar solo, you could build a convention center on the backbeat'.

's states that the song is both 'tough' and 'scared'. Claimed that the song has Eddie Van Halen 'wielding his might in the service of antimacho'. Observed that the song was an 'uncharacteristic dalliance with the rock idiom'. The track also won praise from Jackson biographer J.

Randy Taraborrelli, who stated that the song was 'rambunctious'. 'Beat It' has been recognized with several awards. At the, the song earned Jackson two of a record-eight awards: and. The track won the for favorite dance/disco 12' LP in 1983. The single was gold by the (RIAA), a few months after its release, for shipments of at least one million units. In 1989, the standard format single was re-certified platinum by the RIAA, based on the revised sales level of one million units for platinum singles. The total number of in the US, as of September 2010, stands at 1,649,000.

Music video [ ]. Jackson in the music video for 'Beat It'. The music video for 'Beat It' helped establish Jackson as an international pop icon. The video was Jackson's first treatment of black youth and the streets. Both 'Beat It' and ' are notable for their 'mass choreography' of synchronized dancers, a Jackson trademark. The video, which cost Jackson $150,000 to create after refused to finance it, was filmed on —mainly on locations on East 5th Street —around March 9, 1983. To add authenticity to the production but also to foster peace between them, Jackson had the idea to cast members of rival Los Angeles street gangs and.

In addition to around 80 genuine gang members, the video, which is noted for opening up many job opportunities for dancers in the US, also featured 18 professional dancers and four breakdancers. Besides Jackson,, and, the cast included, Stoney Jackson,, Tony Fields, Peter Tramm, Rick Stone, and Cheryl Song. The video was written and directed by, produced by Antony Payne and Mary M. Ensign through production company GASP. The second video released for the Thriller album, it was choreographed by Michael Peters who also performed, alongside Vincent Paterson, as one of the two lead dancers. Despite some sources claiming otherwise, Jackson was involved in creating some parts of the choreography. Jackson asked Giraldi, at the time already an established commercial director but who had never directed a music video, to come up with a concept for the 'Beat It' video because he really liked a commercial Giraldi had directed for in Chicago about a married couple of two elderly blind people who instead of running from a run-down neighborhood all the other, chose to stay and throw a block party for all the young children in the area.

Contrary to popular belief, the concept of the video was not based on the Broadway musical; in reality Giraldi drew inspiration from his growing up in. The video had its world premiere on MTV during prime time on March 31, 1983 though it should be noted that neither Beat It nor Billie Jean was, as is often claimed, the first music video by an African-American artist to be played on MTV. Soon after its premiere the video was also running on other video programs including 's, 's, and 's. In fact, Beat It was the first video shown on the latter's first ever telecast on July 29, 1983. The video opens with the news of a fight circulating at a.

This scene repeats itself at a, where gang members arrive via foot,, and out of, while the video's titular song begins to play. The camera cuts to a scene of Jackson lying on a bed, revealing he's the one singing contemplating the senseless violence. The singer notices rival gangs and leaves. Michael Jackson dons a red leather J.

Parks brand jacket, and dances his way towards the fight through the diner and pool hall. A knife fight is taking place between the two gang leaders in a warehouse.

They dance battle for an interlude of music until MJ arrives; the singer breaks up the fight and launches into a dance routine. The video ends with the gang members joining him in the dance, agreeing that violence is not the solution to their problems. The video received recognition through numerous awards. The named the short film their Favorite Pop/Rock Video and their Favorite Soul Video.

The Black Gold Awards honored Jackson with the Best Video Performance award. The Billboard Video Awards recognised the video with 7 awards; Best Overall Video Clip, Best Performance by a Male Artist, Best Use of Video to Enhance a Song, Best Use of Video to Enhance an Artist's Image, Best Choreography, Best Overall Video and Best Dance/Disco 12'. The short film was ranked by Rolling Stone as the No. 1 video, in both their critic's and reader's poll. The video was later inducted into the Music Video Producer's Hall of Fame. The music video of the song appears on the video albums:,,, on the bonus DVD of and.

Live performances [ ] On July 14, 1984, Jackson performed 'Beat It' live with his brothers during '. The brothers were joined on stage by Eddie Van Halen, who played the guitar in his solo spot. The song became a signature song of Jackson; the singer performed it on all of:, and. The October 1, 1992 Dangerous Tour performance of 'Beat It' was included on the DVD of the singer's box set. The DVD was later repackaged as.

Jackson also performed the song on the, a concert celebrating the musician's thirtieth year as a solo performer. The performance featured as the song's guest guitarist. A highlight of Jackson's solo concert tour performances of the song is that would he would begin the song on a (which he would also later use with ' during the ) after performing Thriller. Another live version of the song is available on the DVD. The song would have also been performed as part of the concerts which were cancelled due to Jackson's death. Legacy [ ] Michael Jackson's 'Beat It' has been cited as one of the most successful, recognized, awarded and celebrated songs in the history of pop music; both the song and video had a large impact on pop culture. The song is said to be a 'pioneer' in black rock music, and is considered one of the cornerstones of the Thriller album.

Eddie Van Halen has been praised for adding 'the greatest guitar solo', aiding 'Beat It' into becoming one of the. Shortly after its release, 'Beat It' was included in the National Highway Safety Commission's anti-drunk driving campaign, 'Drinking and Driving Can Kill a Friendship'. The song was also included on the accompanying album. Jackson collected an award from President at the, in recognition for his support of the campaign. Reagan stated that Jackson was 'proof of what a person can accomplish through a lifestyle free of alcohol or drug abuse. People young and old respect that.

And if Americans follow his example, then we can face up to the problem of drinking and driving, and we can, in Michael's words, 'Beat It'.' Frequently listed in greatest song polling lists, 'Beat It' was ranked as the world's fourth favorite song in a 2005 poll conducted. Over 700,000 people in 60 different countries cast their votes. Voters from the UK placed ' at No. 1, ahead of ', with a further five of the top ten being solo recordings by Jackson.

In 2004, magazine placed 'Beat It' in the 337th spot on its list of the. The song was featured in the films, and. When re-released, as part of the campaign in 2006, 'Beat It' charted at No. 15 in the UK. The song has been used in TV commercials for companies like,,,,, and the.

On the episode of season 3's 'Face the Music', Jamal says to Slick Billy West, played by, 'Well Gone Michael Jackson and Beat It' which was in the final scene. The song also appeared in the 2008 music game,, as the last song in the vocal career. Notably, in this game, the vocalist will perform the same dance routine performed by Jackson on the video and live performances when singing the final verse. The song is featured on the dancing game. Format and track listing [ ] 7' vinyl single – US (Epic 34-03759) No.

Title Writer(s) Length 1. 'Beat It' 4:18 2. 'Get on the Floor' Michael Jackson, 4:44 12' vinyl single – UK (Epic TA 3258) No. Title Writer(s) Length 1. 'Beat It' Michael Jackson 4:11 2. 'Burn This Disco Out' 3:38 3.

'The Jacksons – Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough' (live version), Michael Jackson 4:22 Visionary single 2006 No. Title Writer(s) Length 1. 'Beat It' Michael Jackson 4:18 2. 'Beat It' (Moby's Sub Remix) Michael Jackson 6:11 Visionary single DVD No.

Title Writer(s) Length 1. 'Beat It' (video) Michael Jackson 4:18 Credits and personnel [ ] Adapted from the Thriller liner notes. Performers • – lead vocals, background vocals, drum case beater • – rhythm guitar • – lead guitar, bass guitar • – guitar solo • – synthesizer, synthesizer programming • –, synthesizer • Bill Wolfer – keyboards • – • – drums Production • Michael Jackson – writing, composition, co-production, rhythm and vocal arrangement • – production, rhythm arrangement • Greg Smith – synergy Charts and certifications [ ] Weekly charts [ ]. • Michael Jackson • track listing ' (13) ' Beat It 2008' (14) ' (15) For, singer remixed 'Beat It'. The song, titled ' Beat It 2008', featured additional vocals by fellow Black Eyed Peas member. Upon its release in 2008, the song reached No. 26 in Switzerland, the Top 50 in Sweden and No.

65 in Austria. This was the second remixed version of 'Beat It' to get an official release, following 's Sub Mix which was released on the ' and ' singles in 1992, as well as the 'They Don't Care About Us' single in 1996 (and re-released as part of the Visionary campaign. ) Reception [ ] 'Beat It 2008' received generally unfavorable reviews from music critics. Rob Sheffield of Rolling Stone claimed that the song was a 'contender for the year's most pointless musical moment'. AllMusic criticized Fergie for 'parroting the lyrics of 'Beat It' back to a recorded Jackson'.

's Kelefa Sanneh also noted that the Black Eyed Peas singer traded lines with Jackson. , she queried. Todd Gilchrist was thankful that the remix retained Eddie Van Halen's 'incendiary guitar solo', but added that the song 'holds the dubious honor of making Jackson seem masculine for once, and only in the context of Fergie's tough-by-way-of- interpretation of the tune'. Tom Ewing of observed that Fergie's 'nervous reverence is a waste of time'.

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Retrieved April 3, 2015. Bibliography [ ] • Austen, Jake (2005). • Cadman, Chris; Halstead, Craig (2007). Michael Jackson: For the Record. Authors OnLine.. • Campbell, Lisa (1993). Michael Jackson: The King of Pop.

• Campbell, Lisa (1995). Michael Jackson: The King of Pops Darkest Hour. • Dean, Maury (2003). Rock 'n' Roll Gold Rush. Algora Publishing..

• Denisoff, R. Serge (1988). Inside MTV... • Halstead, Craig; Cadman, Chris (2003). Jacksons Number Ones. Authors OnLine.. • Halstead, Craig; Cadman, Chris (2003).

Michael Jackson: The Solo Years. Authors OnLine.. • Taraborrelli, J. Randy (2004). The Magic and the Madness. Terra Alta, WV:..

ML Publishing Group. • Whiteley, Sheila (2005). Too Much Too Young... External links [ ] • on •.