Biology For Bodybuilders Pdf Files

Biology For Bodybuilders Pdf Files

Are you tired with weight loss fads and stupid workout plans that simply don’t provide the results they promise? Welcome to the 90 Day Bikini Program, the world's leading physique transformation plan with tens of thousands of members. Specifically developed over a decade of research and testing by world renowned Celebrity Trainer and nutritionist, Rudy Mawer, MS. Rudy is world famous for his rapid scientifically proven transformations, with clients ranging from elite athletes, gold medalists, hollywood celebs and pro bikini competitors. Unlike all other workout plans you will find online, this is a complete and long-term weight loss solution. Providing everything you need for long-term success and building in healthy and sensible lifestyle and dietary changes. The 90 day program provides over 25 home and gym workouts, 7 day meal plans, 100+ videos, menstrual cycle and menopause hormonal optimization, advanced supplement guides, direct support, a private community with over 20,000 members and most importantly, education for long-term success.

Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004 Mar;36(3):484-9. Bodybuilders' body composition: effect of nandrolone decanoate. Van Marken Lichtenbelt WD(1), Hartgens F, Vollaard NB, Ebbing S, Kuipers H. Author information: (1)Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

Biology For Bodybuilders Pdf Files

It’s time to rapidly transform your physique and finally achieve your goals forever! • You’ll get high frequency workout designs to maximize fat loss, optimize hormones and achieve lean muscle tone. • All the training blocks are specially designed for rapid fat loss, improved muscle tone and strength gains. • You’ll get a female specific plan with extra focus on legs, bums and tums, so you can tone up and create the perfect beach body. • Each plan includes High Intensity Interval Training, which creates rapid fat loss and supercharges your metabolism – continue to burn fat for 48 hours AFTER the workout! • Tailored supplement protocols to support your workouts and DOUBLE fat loss (proven by research).

• When you sign up today, you’ll get access to an advanced series of 7 day nutrition plans, tailored to your own body's calorie/macro needs. Each plan includes a complete macro breakdown and timing structure. • Great news! You can still enjoy your diet, based on your favorite meals, with the shopping list containing over 100 food items to choose from. • You’ll learn how to optimize your hormones, endocrinology, fiber types and nutrient utilization, with our step-by-step guides.

• Our program and 40 page manual is packed with educational material and empowerment so your results last forever. This is no quick fix, it’s a lifestyle change! • Everything comes in a simple, easy to follow done-for-you format – no confusion or guesswork needed. • You’ll get high frequency workout designs to maximize fat loss, optimize hormones and achieve lean muscle tone. • All the training blocks are specially designed for rapid fat loss, improved muscle tone and strength gains. • You’ll get a female specific plan with extra focus on legs, bums and tums, so you can tone up and create the perfect beach body. • Each plan includes High Intensity Interval Training, which creates rapid fat loss and supercharges your metabolism – continue to burn fat for 48 hours AFTER the workout!

• Tailored supplement protocols to support your workouts and DOUBLE fat loss (proven by research). • When you sign up today, you’ll get access to an advanced series of 7 day nutrition plans, tailored to your own body's calorie/macro needs.

Each plan includes a complete macro breakdown and timing structure. • Great news! You can still enjoy your diet, based on your favorite meals, with the shopping list containing over 100 food items to choose from. • You’ll learn how to optimize your hormones, endocrinology, fiber types and nutrient utilization, with our step-by-step guides. • Our program and 40 page manual is packed with educational material and empowerment so your results last forever. This is no quick fix, it’s a lifestyle change! • Everything comes in a simple, easy to follow done-for-you format – no confusion or guesswork needed. Ctp Pro 1.8 Serial on this page.

Price is listed in USD / American, this equates to around £14 UK GBP or $24 Canadian / Australian Dollars, you can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world. The 90 Day Bikini plan is provided instantly in downloadable PDFs / Ebooks (just like an ebook from Amazon). It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. All plans/ebooks are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc. All plans/ebooks can also be printed out very easily, just like a word document. This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no recurring payments.

You will get access to every ebook above forever. The Transformation Manual is more than just an introduction to the program. It breaks down the science behind how we can transform our body and gain muscle while losing weight, teaching the key principles on how we can attack that stubborn body fat which, until now, has been so challenging to get rid of. It also provides educational material to EMPOWER you, explaining how to become your own personal trainer and tailor your own diet.

No more slow progress or stalled results, it gives you an EXACT blueprint to continually lose fat without any road blocks. The 7 Day done-for-you meal plans provide a 7 day rotational menu that you can immediately use. The diet plan can be tailored to your specific bodyweight and caloric needed, while providing the individual macros for every food (not meal, every single food!).

This allows you to make simple replacements with our food list cheat sheet, containing the macros for over 100 foods. You can build the ultimate diet within the guidelines set, enjoying the foods you love (including ice cream & pizza!) while still burning fat!

Rudy is a world renowned Hollywood Celebrity Trainer with nearly a decade’s experience in physique transformation. He has successfully coached over 500 personal clients, including NBA Athletes, Gold Medalists, Pro Bikini Athletes and Bodybuilders and World Record Holders.

Along with this, he has a 1st class Masters and Bachelors in Exercise & Nutrition Science, is a certified CISSN Sports Nutritionist and is a respected researcher in the fitness, supplement and nutrition scientific community. Rudy also consults for the world's leading fitness authorities and is a part-time scientific editor for, T-Nation, Authority Nutrition, Muscle & Strength, Kaged Muscle, IFBB Ben Pakulski, Mi40, Kris Gethin and many more You can now learn from all of Rudy's knowledge and research, condensed into a mind blowing weekend of research, science, practical application and fun!

As this plan is based on years of advanced scientific testing which has been successfully utilized by 1000s of our members I am fully confident in you and your results. I understand you’ve likely failed before and followed fad diets or plans that promise the world but you need to understand this is a totally different ball game due to my scientific/research background and experience with elite athletes, models and Hollywood Celebs. After all, the US Navy even bought me in to train the hardest and most elite men on the face of the earth. So, because I know the plan works, I offer a results backed guarantee if you complete the full plan and do not get results. Simply all you must do is complete the plan, follow my workouts/diet plans and then if, after 90 days, you’ve failed to lose weight or inches, you can request a full refund!

Don’t worry, we can also stay friends! Price is listed in USD / American, this equates to around £14 UK GBP or $24 Canadian / Australian Dollars, you can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world. The 90 Day Bikini plan is provided instantly in downloadable PDFs / Ebooks (just like an ebook from Amazon).

It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. All plans/ebooks are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc.

All plans/ebooks can also be printed out very easily, just like a word document. This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no recurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever. As always, the answer depends. For example, someone who has 100LB to lose will drop fat much faster than someone who has 10LB to lose.

It also depends on how hard you work and how consistent you are etc. However, the average reported weight loss from clients on the plan who focus purely on fat loss is around 22 LBs. Halstead Wickes Combi 102 Manual Treadmill. Not bad for only 90 days right? Remember, anyone or any program can make you drop “Weight”, but half of that is muscle. We focus purely on FAT LOSS not WEIGHT LOSS. This way the end result will be a lean but athletic physique, not just a skinny one!

It also means you will be much healthier, stronger and have a better metabolism and hormonal environment after the 90 days! You can certainly achieve equal results by optimizing a non meat diet. I myself have been vegetarian my whole life so can provide you with more support than most meat eating coaches / trainers out there. I’ve included both a vegetarian and fish only plan, complete with tons of high protein, physique friendly meals. I’ve even matched the macros / calories, so you will be on the exact same plan as everyone else!

These can be further tailored if you are vegan, just dropping out the dairy based products for vegan friendly alternatives! I’ve spent 7 years researching the techniques and months developing the program, I want to share this research backed plan and help as many people as possible! I don’t believe that money should be a barrier for good information (and there’s so much bad info out there now) that can help you improve your health and physique. I constantly have clients or fans message me when they are paying crazy money for a personal trainer or following a celebrity workout which is terrible.

It’s sad that someone is putting in all the effort on a program that will never work. With the 90 Day Bikini Plan you can be confident in the fact that it’s backed by years of research, 100’s of medical studies and has been tested on over 1000 people already! Price is listed in USD / American, this equates to around £14 UK GBP or $24 Canadian / Australian Dollars, you can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world. The 90 Day Bikini plan is provided instantly in downloadable PDFs / Ebooks (just like an ebook from Amazon). It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. All plans/ebooks are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc.

All plans/ebooks can also be printed out very easily, just like a word document. This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no recurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever. *Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real men and/or women, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Every person has unique experiences, exercise habits, eating habits, and applies the information in a different way.

Thus, the experiences that we share from other people may not reflect the typical user’s experience. However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated users have achieved.

In addition, you assume certain risks inherent in exercise and nutrition programs by using this system. You should not begin the program if you have a physical condition that makes intense exercise dangerous. In addition, our programs require you to follow an eating plan and, at times, restrict the amount of calories you consume. You should not begin this eating plan if you have physical or psychological issues which make fat loss dangerous. / Rudy Mawer's programs are an educational service that provides general health information. Rudy is not a doctor, and his advice is not a substitute for medical advice.

Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program. The information on this website is for entertainment purposes only and should not be seen as a substitute for working with a qualified professional. You must consult with a medical / fitness professional before starting any new exercise / nutrition program. Results may vary depending on the individual, hard work and consistency is required. Prices quoted for programs and packages are based on the date of publication. Actual prices may vary and are not final until you reach the checkout page.

All programs are downloadable products only, provided in PDF. No physical product will be delivered. Please read the terms and conditions in full before purchasing. Registered Business Address: 101 W Beach Pl, Tampa, FL, USA, 33606. When I was 39 I worked with a personal trainer for a year to lose weight that had crept on, and he introduced me to Carb Cycling and proper HIIT, tailoring workouts round my injuries. Since moving house, I have no longer been able to use my PT and am ‘on my own’.

I signed up to the 90 Day bikini plan as it seemed a comprehensive resource that complemented the style of training and eating I had become accustomed to. This along with the user group gave me the guidance I was missing from my PT who had been encouraging me to increase calories for some time. The diet plan was the easy to follow and the recipe book provided me with plenty options to mix things up. This was badly needed for me as I had previously fallen into the trap of eating the same things day in and out. The workouts were perfect for me.

I was used to a serious session and felt I got progress with these. Adding in the HIIT workouts meant I could get some more variety on the days I struggled with injury. 6 months in, (not training religously due to injury) and I dropped from 68kg to 62kg (14lb weight loss). I felt stronger, had more stamina and felt great on my trip to USA. Although these pictures are not great, I can see a huge difference in my face and body!

Life can easily get in the way and I have gained a little weight back, but the plan gives me the tools to dip back in and get back to where I want to be easily I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Rudy’s plans. There is something for everyone.

Frances M, 42, Scotland. All I a can say is purchasing 90 day bikini plan is the best thing I have ever done!! Honestly I was very skeptical at first but after reading the manual and understanding how the carb cycling and macros worked I knew this was something I could do. I didn’t have much weight to lose. I mainly wanted to build muscle and get lean, I lost a total of 4 pounds and lost inches off my waist, hips and thigs. I am thrilled with my muscles definition especially in my upper body.

I love the support I received from you and the FB group. Everyone is positive in their remarks. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get healthy and see results. Thanks you for personally responding to all my group posts and being so supportive. I have completed the 90 day bikini plan, and literally my body shrank. It looks live I’ve been vacuum packed! Everything tightened, muscles popped out, and my skin has never looked as plump and healthy.

I continued with MAD straight after and now have only a week to go, to finish it. My body has had a total transformation. With Rudy’s plans and scientific knowledge on nutrition, and exercises, it has changed my life forever. I wish I knew all this when I was young! Thanks Rudy, and to all the FB group who constantly support and encourage each other.

Laura, Scotland, UK. Between the 90 day bikini program, 30 days of HIIT, his delicious macro cookbook, private Facebook page and now his supplements (which are safer and smarter than anything you will find in a nutritional store): Rudy Mawer has created my absolute one stop shop for incredible workouts.

Flexible (and sustainable) nutrition, smart, safe supplements, and a tremendous community of support. Not only has my already active and fit physique experienced rapid changes, but I’ve come to enjoy nutrition, rather than feeling I am being restrictive. To have access to his expertise in combination with money back guaranteed results but not to try his programs, is a disservice to what you can achieve.

Jaclyn G., age 40, Omaha, NE. “I cannot say enough great things about Rudy’s 90 day bikini program. It’s everything that I’ve been looking for in a workout plan and more. The workout plan pushed me further each week, to get the results I was looking for. I was able to slim down and see more muscle definition each week.

The workouts were always switched up to keep your muscles guessing and help accelerate your results. It was easy to follow and laid out perfectly. The eating plan was perfect.

I didn’t feel like I was starving or bored with the food, and loved how I was able to cycle my macros. I definitely got the results I was looking for in the 90 day bikini program, and would highly recommend this to anyone looking to lose weight and gain muscle. I’ve tried other fitness plans, and they were all generic without much variety. With Rudy’s, I felt that the plan was specifically tailored for me.

I can’t wait to do the program again after my pregnancy! I know I will get the results I’m looking for!” Joanne Z. SMOOTHIES • Creamy Peach Smoothie • Raspberry Power • Goody Smoothie • Avocado Green Smoothie • Creamy Pomegranate Smoothie • Cottage Cheese Green Smoothie • Black Grape Smoothie • Cinnamon Protein Smoothie • Pumpkin Seed Smoothie • Simple Spinach Cantaloupe Smoothie • Tofu Blackberries Smoothie • Avocado Goat Cheese Smoothie • Cantaloupe Almond Smoothie • Cheesecake Smoothie • Strawberry Yoghurt Smoothie • Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie • Lime Spinach Smoothie • Peanut Butter Spinach Smoothie • Carrot Smoothtie • Green Apple Kale Smoothie. DINNER • Turkey Thai Skewers • Chicken Parmesan Bites • Coconut Parmesan Fish Fingers • Pork Cutlets with Peppers • Chicken with Cheese Vinaigrette • Zucchini Noodles and Turkey Bolognese • Simple Rosemary Salmon • Turkey Stir Fry • Collard Greens Pork Salad • Steak with Asian Salad • Halibut and Leeks • Healthy Stir-fry • Salmon Slaw • Shrimps with Rice and Eggs • Chicken Apple Sausage • Shrimp and Green Beans for Oven • Cold Chicken Salad • Herbed Lamb Chops • Broiled Sole with Herbs • Tuna with Bok Choy. LUNCH • Green Turkey Salad • Aromatic Pork Tenderloin • Turkey and Zucchini Burgers • Salmon with Stir-fried Salad • Chicken Meatballs with Cheese • Lettuce Turkey Fajita Wrap • Fresh Mediterranean Kebabs • Sweet and Sour Chicken with Cauliflower Rice • Asian Style Tuna Balls • Turkey Streaks with Salsa and Green Beans • Chicken Satay • Spicy and Fruity Burgers • Mexican Chicken Strips with Cauliflower • A Day Ahead Pork and Apples • Steak Salad with Raspberries • Burrito Bowl • Coconut Shrimps with Sauce • Beef Sirloin Skewers • Fast Asian Style Flounder Fillets • Chicken Mushroom Stir Fry. BREAKFAST • Lemon Blueberry Pancakes • Turkey Breakfast Burgers • Cottage Cheese Fruit Bowl • Salmon Omelet • Cottage Cheese Pancakes • Egg White Puffs with Vegetables • Greek Yoghurt Peach Delight • Chicken Muffins • Egg Mushroom and Turkey Quiche • Banana Protein Orange Muffins • Strawberry Lemon Pancakes • Beef Scrambled Eggs • Breakfast Parfait/ Sundae • Turkey, Cottage Cheese and Chives Scramble • Spinach and Sun-dried Tomato Frittata • Fast Chicken Roll • Quark Cheese with Protein Nut Topping • Tuna Omelet in microwave • Protein Cacao Waffles • Pancakes with Cottage Cheese Topping.