Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf Editor

Cards Against Humanity 4th Expansion Pdf Editor

An under pressure John Key later claimed “mass surveillance is not occurring against New Zealanders, it never has”, promising to resign if innocent civilians were.

A black 'question' card and a white 'answer' card The Cards Against Humanity website provides the rules of the game: The basic rules are as follows: To start the game, each player draws ten White Cards. The person who most recently pooped (a form of ) begins as the Card Czar and plays a Black Card, face up.

The Card Czar reads the question (or fill-in-the-blank phrase) on the Black Card out loud. The remaining players fill in the blank (or answer the question, depending on the exact contents of the black card) by silently passing one White Card, face down, to the Card Czar. The Card Czar shuffles all of the answers and shares each card combination with the group. For full effect, the Card Czar should usually re-read the Black Card before presenting each answer.

The Card Czar then picks the funniest play, and whoever submitted it gets one Awesome Point. After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar, and everyone draws back up to ten White Cards. The of a white card is a (which may be a ), including both single words and phrase constructions. Black cards are either fill-in-the-blank statements or questions. Both white and black cards break these rules on rare occasions.

The rules in Cards Against Humanity are flexible and can be altered with the many (which are listed in the manual and website) that players can incorporate (e.g., winning cards are chosen democratically, ability to trade points for cards, points given by ranks, etc.). The game also incorporates rules for so-called 'Pick 2's' and 'Pick 3's'; black question cards that are answered with multiple white answer cards. The official rules include additional provisions for gambling previously won 'Awesome Points' for the right to play additional white cards during a round. Release and sales.

A stack of Cards Against Humanity boxes at 2013. After six months of development, Cards Against Humanity officially released in May 2011. A month later, it became the number one game on. Since its release, CAH has gradually become more popular and has seen a rise of sales throughout the years.

The estimated that CAH earned at least $12 million in profit, and according to the company customers have downloaded the PDF file 1.5 million times in the year since they began tracking the numbers. Despite co-creator Max Temkin stating in a 2014 interview that he did not want retail shoppers to 'cheapen our brand', the game and expansion packs are currently being sold in select Target retail locations, as of August 2016.

In October 2011, the game was exhibited as part of the 'Big Games' area of the annual games festival in Culver City, where the release of a first expansion was officially announced. In November 2011, the expansion was released. It sold out in three days.

The first expansion contained 100 new cards and 12 blank cards. Black Friday promotions Since 2013, the creators of Cards Against Humanity have held satirical promotions on. In 2013, an 'anti-sale' was held in which the game's cost was raised by $5 USD. Despite its higher price, the game went on to maintain its best-selling status on Amazon and experienced a minor spike in sales during that period. In 2014, to 'help you experience the ultimate savings on Cards Against Humanity', the game and its expansions were removed from the online store and replaced by 'Bullshit'—boxes containing sterilized, sold at $6 USD each. Over 30,000 boxes were sold. The 2016 Holiday Hole being dug In 2015, the game's online store was replaced by an order form with an offer to 'Give Cards Against Humanity $5' and receive nothing in return.

The offer was justified by claiming that 'the greatest Black Friday gift of all is buying nothing. We're offering that for the rock-bottom price of $5. How can you afford NOT to seize this incredible opportunity?' , and that what the money would be used for would be announced 'soon' 11,248 customers spent $71,145 on the offer during the campaign. The money was ultimately divided equally among the Cards Against Humanity team members, who were asked to report back what they spent their money on. Many of them made donations to different charities. For 2016, the creators began to live stream the excavation of a 'Holiday Hole', and stated that they would continue to dig the hole as long as they continue to receive donations.

The creators have not stated any reason for the hole nor any planned use of the money, and explicitly ruled out charity in a FAQ by asking the reader, 'why aren't YOU giving all this money to charity? It's your money.' $100,573 was collected. Expansions and additional products Cards Against Humanity comes as a base set, with six separate commercially available expansions, nine themed packs, and one additional accessory. There are also 3 international editions and 17 limited availability releases. Pack Total cards White cards Black cards Pack Symbol Notes New Blank New Blank Base Game Cards Against Humanity 550 460 — 90 — — The original game Only available in the US Canadian Edition 550 460 — 90 — Replaces some American-centric jokes with ones targeted toward Canadians. Only available in Canada UK Edition 550 460 — 90 — Replaces some American-centric jokes with ones targeted toward British people.

Only available in the UK Australian Edition 550 460 — 90 — Replaces some American-centric jokes with ones targeted toward Australians. Cards Against Humanity. Retrieved March 23, 2012. The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram. Interview with The Onion AV Club. Archived from on 2012-06-24. Retrieved June 13, 2011.

Dice Hate Me Interview. Retrieved November 11, 2016. • Kimball, Diana.. Retrieved April 3, 2014. Kickstarter Page For Cards Against Humanity.

Retrieved June 11, 2011. Retrieved 7 February 2015.

• Megan Graham (May 16, 2014)... Retrieved December 21, 2014.

IndieCade Big Games 2011. Cards Against Humanity. • Carlson, Nicholas.. Business Insider. Retrieved April 2, 2014.

Ars Technica. Retrieved 30 November 2014. • Landau, Joel (16 December 2014).. New York Daily News. Retrieved 16 December 2014. Retrieved 26 November 2016. • Olanoff, Drew..

Retrieved December 16, 2015. Retrieved 26 November 2016. The Guardian. Retrieved 29 November 2016. Cards Against Humanity. Retrieved December 17, 2012.

Cards Against Humanity. The Mary Sue.

Patrick Rothfuss Blog. Chicago Tribune Puzzler review. Archived from on 2011-02-25.

Retrieved June 13, 2011. Thrillist review. Retrieved June 13, 2011. Retrieved April 3, 2014. • Brooks, Dan (October 7, 2016)...

Retrieved October 25, 2016. • Adamczyk, Laura (October 7, 2016).... Retrieved October 25, 2016. • O'Neil, Tyler (October 11, 2016)....

Retrieved October 25, 2016. • External links •.

Thank you for your work. I have just completed reading in Consortiumnews the damning criticism of the man and movie “J. Edgar,” and have forwarded it to a younger civil servant now relatively new to federal service as a caution regarding the powers available even to administrators at relatively low levels. The temptation to bend the offices one holds to one’s personal direction is often great, and Hoover’s career appears to be a case to study. I will follow your group’s work now and in the future with very great interest. It is a very interested article and I could not agree with you more regarding the importance to study Hoover’s career. I could find several parallels to the classical book The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli which I recently read online again.

The methods were written some 500 years ago but are stil to this day very important and relevant seeing that politicians and civil servants use these methods. If this is done on purpose or not is another topic that I will not get into here. @ consortiumnews Thank you for a great site and I look forward to read and follow your site.

EXCELLENT work; And Thank You. It is heart warming during a very chilling time to see you’ve hit upon many key academic items that since the election of R.

Nixon have systematically built and empowered the Fourth Reich that eventually on 9-11 pulled-off the biggest and filthiest coup upon our government in the history of our dear country. Reporting Truth in the face of the Fourth Reich’s terribly lying brainwashing propaganda machine is indeed truely difficult and often soul taxing; But it is such REAL Patriots that history will records as the TRUE beacons that heard and answered the many warnings and calls by our greatest Patriot Forefathers such as Thomas Jefferson, to be vigilantly on guard for the very worst threat to our Democracy: Domestic enemies from within and the careless self-important Ignorance among our citizens those enemies foster and depend upon. I think you might wish to revisit so cavalier an attitude in light of another story that’s remained largely undercover to this day: Project Paperclip. To those whose entire lives centered around militarism and the sports’ team mentality fixed on “winning wars,” importing Nazi scientists seemed like a tremendous strategic advantage. But what happens when a new crop is planted next to an existing crop?

The answer would be some form of cross-pollination and based on the insidious methods now routinely deployed by the world’s largest military, the cross-pollination with Nazi “culture” is evident. First Bush and his circle of maniacal fools found cause to revivify torture–albeit hidden under a new name. Then Obama gave all that a pass. Now behaviors that civilized people KNOW to be uncivilized are “on the books” for someone as spiritually defective as Trump to utilize. Societal change happens through cohesive movements and trust is the glue that binds committed souls together. But what happens to trust when the habit of FBI infiltration is established and today’s Secret Surveillance State makes the East German Stasis look like amateurs? Torture, spying what else were the Nazis known for?

Aggressive war. (check) Using a scapegoat population as target to massive anger over lousy jobs and low wages (check) Investing more in militarism than agencies of care-giving (check) I’ve seen the term “Fourth Reich” used in media forums and by the day, it’s becoming more apt. Only the naive fall for its camouflage behind the Cross and the Flag. Dear Robert Parry, You have said that Barack Obama is outflanked by holdover neocons in his administration, and has had to resort to back-channel diplomacy, much the same as John Kennedy. However, it took Kennedy less than two years to figure things out and get the back channels going.

If you are correct in your assessment, I would have thought that by 5 years into his two terms, Obama would have been more forceful. I wonder why, given the Ukraine situation, he has not simply fired Victoria Nuland and the US ambassador to Ukraine. I wonder why, given the Ukraine situation, Obama has allowed the US to cyber-attack the Crimea vote. I wonder why he selected John Kerry as Secretary of State after warmonger and neocon buddy, Hillary Clinton, left the post. After all, a review of Kerry’s Vietnam War record strongly suggests that he is as sociopath. And his performance at State suggests that he speaks far to loosely and easily about war. I also wonder why Obama, in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief, has not yet cleansed the officer corps of all of the theocratic, neo-fascists in its ranks.

Thank you for considering my remarks. And I look forward to hearing from you.

I’d like to add my 2-cents to your comment. Kennedy probably had more courage than the modern stable of so-called electable candidates. But several other dynamics have changed. If you’re familiar with Nancy Mayer’s book, “Dark Money,” you’d see that the establishment of right wing think tanks and their winding their way into major media and academia was a carefully planned form of stealth (by the 1%).

Also, Bill Clinton’s deregulation of the media enabled the public’s airwaves to be swallowed up by 5 major broadcast corporations. And election time is better than Christmas when it comes to all those virtual cash registers ringing up over the cost of air-time to any would be serious political contender. Obama’s campaign cost him one billion big ones. And who funded him?

The answer is FIRE–Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate. One billion means a good deal in terms of quid pro quo. Big Money vets the candidates and funds them so that once they are in powerful positions, these figures will be able to pay back their donors. So long as the system runs on money, those with the most of it will determine policy. Many people look for weaknesses in individual candidates.

Given human imperfection, that approach will always prove partially fruitful. Many others view politics as another team sport and their chief concern is proving which party is better or worse. Real power lies with the puppeteers and they largely determine who will head the various departments. What Trump is doing now is heading EVERY government agency with someone who hates government and just wants to free big business from all fetters so that it can go about raping the commons (and stealing the resources of the many to serve the few) under the guise (and mantra) of Free Enterprise or another adulteration of the meaning and virtue of the term “free.” Obama, like Holder, like the various stooges (Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, Kerry) who have shown fealty to the Deep State oligarchs serve their masters not U.S.

This Cancer has infected both major parties. Yet they’d rather write the nation’s death sentence than allow in the type of exposure that would enable a Sanders or Stein to win and thereby improve The Lot of The People. Dear Irina, Mr. Putin is certainly not a Democrate but neither is he a bloodthirsty monster who in cold blood shot down MH17 and thanks to Robert Parry and others, the question of who did it, and how, is still open. Hagena and Partners, a team of retired Luftwaffe general staff officers, has written a 53-page study (in German).

With very few exceptions we had to rely on open sources and the laws of probability, and also on examening the question “cui bono”. If you are interested in our findings, we send a digital copy in German. The Russian translation which we ordered and which will be checked by us for accuracy of technical terms (aviation and missile terminology)) unfortunately has not yet been completed.

Sincerely Dr. Hermann Hagena, BrigGen (Luftwaffe retired), Bonn, germany yet. Robert Parry is WRONG when the lumps “neocons” with “liberals.” Liberals would have advocated that UN peacekeeping forces be put in place to solve such problems. They follow the love-your-neighbor-as-yourself principle.

Our nation’s “neocons” (war profiteer puppets for our nation’s military industrial complex) are the ones who have been advocating unilateral US military actions to deal with such problems (more often than not with disastrous consequences for nearly everyone “on the ground” in such areas). Your web site may never have been needed more. The propaganda by the MSM is ubiquitous, unceasing and insidious. It would appear as if a significant portion of Americans are incapable of even thinking about MSM as largely propaganda — while at the same time being quick to declare everything from, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba et al as nothing but propaganda. Thank you for your most impressive, long standing commitment to first sorting out the discernable facts. I marvel at how you can keep this up. As a poly sci major I must say I have always been taught that the Facists were right of center, and if you examine their contorted thoughts they tend to lean towards the right in my experience.

To whom or what do you refer that would call facists left wing? Because they called themselves national socialists doesn’t mean a whole lot. Communist referred to themselves as democratic republics but there was little democracy at work anywhere that saw Stalin’s shadow. He defined communism until he died because as he so coyly said about the pope, “how many divisions does he have?” Are we talking about some arcane social science definition or the world as it operated around the time these names meant something, WWII. Roosevelt was a leftist by most standards and he fought Hitler, who he did not consider a fellow traveller.

I confess to a little confusion over terms here. When will you recognize that the frack attack, from Ukraine to Syria is the reason for destabilization and terror?

Israel could green Gaza, but the petro dollar war destabilizes the world and brings extinction. The true great evil is the dollar. And if Israel were to release its green innovation it would result in American imperial destabilization.

We saw this when the Israel supreme court kicked out halliburton from fracking the Golan. Soon after, Obama came down on Israel with condemnation for settlement construction. Regardless of whether its right or wrong. We all have to walk in goose step with American imperialism. The race to gain access to the Mediterranean or Ukrainian frack fields and transfer that energy into dollars is the main reason the world is in a frenzy.

Release the innovation in conversion systems like Algae bio diesel and watch prosperity come with efficiency designs and free time for communities who gain royalties from their own energy production. Biomass into Bio Gas!

Why isnt this valued? Why do you contribute to the cycle of violence with your reports of condemnation of injustices that have nothing to do with the causes but are just effects from the crisis of the petro dollar wars? I’m waiting for you to catch up Robert Parry! Now that Dick Cheney and his daughters have “gone public” in a effort to “rewrite history”, we need an article from someone like you who can expose the leading roll which Dick Cheney performed in providing Saddam Hussein with chemical “weapons of mass destruction” which Saddam used to kill massive numbers of Iranians (and Iraqi Kurds) during Iraq’s Reagan-supported military invasion of Iran.

The massive casualties inflicting on Iran by Reagan/Cheney/Saddam team will not be soon forgotten. And I believe that Dick Cheney’s role in this probably constitutes a WAR CRIME! This is the primarily reason the leaders of Iran “hate America” and “distrust America” so much, and it is NOT without good reason. Please do article explaining to American readers in greater detail that this why it is that the leaders of Iran “hate America” so much. Regarding Blind Eyes, Deaf Ears and Dumb Tongues In October 2014 I filed a criminal complaint with the International Criminal Court at The Hague charging Obama, Erdogan and twenty-seven other international operators from eleven countries with war crimes.

Like the Count of Monte Cristo famously suggested, I am waiting and hoping. But I been growing deaf from the silence emanating from The Hague. The Complaint entitled Criminal Carnage in Syria by the Criminal Cabal for Perpetual War claims that illegal weapons transfers in violation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973, the EU Treaty (2008) regarding exports of military equipment and the Rome Statute, Articles 7 and 8, Crimes against Humanity and the Crime of Aggression were instrumental in committing the crime of aggression against the sovereign nation of Syria. The entire 63-page complaint can be read and/or downloaded. Recently I had an opportunity to ask a direct question to John Pilger – award-winning Australian-British investigate journalist.

Ali Slimas asks: Going back to a question on Mainstream Media, what are the best/ most reliable news outlets that you would recommend? JohnPilger: Start with Realnews, Truthout, Information Clearing House, Consortium News. There are hundreds. All you need do is look and navigate through them. Your website has been recommended as one of the best/ most reliable and I feel the comment has great value coming from such a well respected journalist as John.

Please feel free to use it at your disposal, as promotion of what you do. Dear Robert, Your work is so appreciated here that our form of support comes mostly in re-publishing your articles with a link to your site. (which will continue to be our principal form of support until our meager resources improve). There are 2 questions. #1, May we continue to do so?

I can’t find a contact link or email address, so we have yet to ask your ‘permission to post’. And #2, Can you recommend a secure server? Our own blog is messed with constantly. We see photos and articles and videos disappear, and phony posts submitted by the dozens. Our reply email is below. Thank you in advance for any answers. Yours Truly, VIctoria Bingham.

Why is Robert Parry so fixated on the “Islamic state” insurgency group, while the US is supporting all other Islamic groups like the ones operating in Lybia, and those who fight the Syrian army? As an “investigative” journalist he should have known better. The demonization of th IS Sunni group by the US dates back to 2014 only, while this group has been operated in Syria since 2011.

2014 is the year when the IS threatened US interests in Iraq by routing the Shia- dominated army of the puppet Bagdad regime from all Sunni areas in Iraq.The US began to bomb IS targets in Iraq/Syria to stop further advances of this Sunni group in Iraq, which threatened the Kurdish stronghold, Arbil, and Bagdad itself! The clueless Parry should know that if IS has been so successful in recruting fighters and holding large territories in Iraq/Syria, it’s because of the continuation of the US anti-Sunni terror policy in Iraq by Kurdish bands and the Shia-dominated Bagdad regime.

The conflict in Iraq is set on sectarian terms, initiated by US terror invasion of Iraq in 2003. IS is one of its byproducts. Set up global group to prevent global catastrophe by new means. Optimal Development by sage globalization in addition to life of countries. The main productive force is science. Hence, the global problems are caused by exhaustion, ageing of its basis, general ideas. The way out is the general ideas on Optimal Development (OD), as a compromise between the private and public interests for the OD Center as a union of the OD general ideas and The Giving Pledge, the green Climatic Fund etc.

The Law on preservation of energy shows, that the current work gives incomes only for the current needs. Hence, capitals have been obtained by exhaustion of science, its general ideas and must be invested into the new general ideas. Support triune form of global part of optimal philanthropy. The conventional philanthropy deals with particular or local problems. To get rid of the global negative phenomena there’s a need to deal with the general or global problems. That’s why there has appeared in the USA “The Giving Pledge”, which is in fact the material and global part of the optimal philanthropy.

Accordingly between Europe and Asia there have appeared the general ideas on Optimal Development (OD), as a compromise between the particular and general interests. The OD general ideas are in fact the spiritual and global part of the optimal philanthropy. A union of “The Giving Pledge” and the OD general ideas will be the global part of the optimal philanthropy in a form local-compromise-global. This and the whole OD theory is in agreement with the triune image of God, meaning life must be based on the triune or optimal form private-compromise-public etc. According to the OD “The Giving Pledge” has to invest into the OD min 0.001+ of its capitals a year, with taking it back if necessary.

There’s a need of a US bank account “Optimal Development Center headed by A.G. Teregulov”, for optimization of thinking, transport, energetics, with branches in big cities. The OD Center will be between the East and West.

The OD general ideas will give cheap mass goods and services worth min $35.5 trillion (you’ll get the details). Optimal land, water, air, Space transport.

The planes’ wings cause strong air resisance. The way out is the optimal wings (like the bird’s wings in gliding), to ensure a compromise between the wing and the air. This’ll ensure the take off and landing speed about 25 km/h min air resistance, to keep it by increment of speed according to decrement of air density, speed of sound at the altitude of 30 km, boundless increment of speed above it, spending of energy like of a bus when going up, restoration of its main part by the optimal propellers when going down. The positive effect will be like that of the E-mail in comparison with the post.

The optimal planes ( will allow most safe, cheap, fast flights to any place, including Space, and back. The results are based on the author’s specialty and the universal Method of Optimal Development. There’re the positive references of a prominent specialist and of Rospatent. The optimal air, water, land craft will reduce fuel expense, exhaust, warming, car accidents, jams, stop price rise, give new incomes. (The EU grants about $5 billion for the since movement in the air is the most effective one, but they’ve no new general ideas.) Teregulov (Turek Ul or Turk Son). Degree & Sci. Title on General Mechanics with applications to aircraft etc.

Member of Kazan academy of scientific creativity. Son got this specialty too. He is strong in design & business. +7 843 236 5517 P.S. “I like to support causes where a lot of good comes from a little bit of good, using the latest advancements, on a global scale” (

That’s why the market’s ups are caused by the new general ideas’ use and the downs by their exhaustion, and the global crisis will be stopped by the new general ideas, since “Ideas rule the World”. “Rupert Murdoch, probably the world’s most powerful publisher” who with his first newspaper the ‘News’ began his media empire in Adelaide [city] South Australia [state] where he has since maintained a newspaper publishing state monopoly. Murdoch betrays Australians with his newspapers having fake archives of newspapers published to assist to conceal crimes and corruption. News articles published have been erased or altered for the fake archives. Details of billions of dollars of public debt remain concealed.

Australia is incapable of dealing with US citizen Rupert Murdoch without the assistance of foreign countries. No comment from Rupert Murdoch. To: Editor, Robert Parry RE: How to starve the Monster in the room – Don’t Feed It.

Parry, As we look for ways to end violence at home and abroad; to dismantle Cold War mentalities, policies and weapons of mass destruction, I would suggest that we have to address the root of this monstrous construct of US against ‘them’ – the other/the enemy, in all its forms; to understand the origin of fear, hatred and violence. Survival of our species is rooted in cooperation, not survival of the fittest. But, long ago constructs of competitiveness for power and control shaped the way human children in our culture developed and many earlier societies that were forced into conflict or to retreat to very harsh circumstances. Fast forward to today, where there is a resurgence of nationalism and isolationism with military provocation on a scale not seen since the Cold War. There is a monster of violent industry that is sustained by an embedded human psychological condition and we need to address this with ethical and moral consistency that teaches and acts to reject all forms of violence. Only in this way, will we starve the insatiable beast of war-making and unsustainable industrial practices. I ask you to please consider the information below, and perhaps write about the source or roots of our acceptance of violence and our ‘otherizing’ conditioning, and the moral injury it is causing.

For your thoughtful consideration: Feeding a Monster: The Unholy Alliance Between the Military-Industrial-Complex and Animal Agribusiness Stop the War$ on Mother Earth! “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau Animal agribusiness is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases such as methane. Not only is animal agribusiness causing deforestation, water pollution (helping to kill coral reefs), ocean depletion of biodiversity (fish caught to be ground up and fed to livestock) but it is water/land use intensive. Big animal fishing/agribusiness and the military-industrial-violence-complex are inseparable (with an understanding that massive violent extractive energy industries fuel the demands of both ) These two toxic unsustainable industries of death and violence are killing off biodiversity and polluting the entire planet. We must starve this monster hybrid of profit and domination.

To understand the destruction, I suggest these short videos on animal fishing/agribusiness: Links to facts, here: It’s very important that we understand and inform others of the intersectionality or linkage between the animal fishing/agribusiness and military-industrial-complex connections, as well as, their combined consequences on animals and the planet; the agenda or goal being to raise awareness, reduce suffering and build coalitions between different peace and justice movements. Together, we will have more leverage and power against this level of unsustainable malevolence. An important aspect in understanding this ‘unholy alliance’ or connection is to see that it is rooted in the culture of accepted violence, immoral human behavior and otherizing. Both the military and animal agribusiness have conditioned and indoctrinated people into accepting subjugation, harm and the killing of other sentient beings not for subsistence, but for control, domination and profit.

It stems from human entitlement or essentialism, also called speciesism. This then is the beginning of selective compassion and immoral cognitive dissonance, resulting in a young human mind experiencing their first moral injury. Speciesism within human culture informs developing minds that it is acceptable to subjugate, torture, harm and kill certain animals but not others. Thus begins the otherizing of nonhuman animals and their use as a resource to be bred, raised, killed, controlled or kept as property.

This later manifests as racism, sexism and all forms of negative discrimination between humans, leading to hatred, violence and war. The military-industrial-violence-complex uses this speciesist – otherizing empathy/compassion conscience compartmentalization as part of their desensitization boot camp programs (soldierizing – sailorization) of recruits in preparing them to kill the ‘enemy.’: And with that, the cycle of direct or indirect/complicity in harm and violence is continued causing internal moral conflict resulting in terrible psychic wounds for people, as well as, military veterans suffering with PTSD and moral injury. 22 US military veteran suicides each day).

Since ancient herding cultures began this destructive harmful otherizing has lead humanity to continue to propagate this culture-of-death for profit and dominance that is the military-industrial-violence-complex and animal fishing/agribusiness; Together, they are killing individual humans, nonhuman animals and the living systems of our planet. As we face the current climate crisis, it’s imperative for the survival of life on Earth to undo the damage of our crisis of conscience and begin to promote values that align with ethical peace-making and justice for all. Moral consistency and ethical coherence in all that we do and support will begin to change the patterns of speciesism, patriarchal colonialzation and human violent destructive behavior. It will help to heal the psychic wounds of veterans, our collective human conscience and the planet. Let us learn to be peaceful, to teach peace and reject all forms of violence so that the Monster of the Military-Industrial-Violence-Complex and animal agribusiness dies of starvation and neglect.

Let’s grow instead, a new culture that supports and sustains life and fairness for all. – Jeff Informative resources provided, below: Videos on moral injury: Jonathan Shay established the term, Moral Injury: Jonathan Shay, MD, PhD psychiatrist retired from a career in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Boston, Massachusetts, and author of the acclaimed Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character (Shay, 1994) New York, NY: Scribner. Moral injury. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 31, 182–191. Doi:10.1037/a0036090 Sherman Pentagon’s Massive Carbon Foot(boot)print And, not factored are GHGs from Carbon to Methane released from the whole of the infrastructure of animal agribusiness to get animal flesh/secretion ‘food’ to the warfighters: USDA partnership with DOD to mitigate climate change (cough!): —snip “In the most recent marketing year (2014 – 2015), about 59 percent of total U.S. Soybean production was exported to international markets – that’s a total of more than 2.3 billion bushels with an astounding value of more than $24 billion. The products included whole soybeans, soybean meal (primarily used for livestock and poultry feed), and edible soybean oil.” – —snip The Department of Defense annually purchases about: 194 million pounds of beef (estimated cost $212.2 million) 164 million pounds of pork ($98.5 million) 1500,000 pounds of lamb ($4.3 million) Monsanto Connections – Military/Ag History: U.S.

I am a big fan of Especially in these times when our deplorable corporate media are kissing Trump’s tuchus because, I assume, he’s making money for them. Softball interviews and no fact checking.

Nobody holds his feet to the fire. Fortunately we have your source for news and informed opinion. I have been reading your articles and those of your contributors for 10 years now, and I’ve bought most of your books. I would like to make a donation to your enterprise, but I have run into hard times since the 2008 meltdown. I’m 76 years old, trying to make a living as a freelance editor and writer in a society that has never respected older people, but even less so now. 15 years ago I was making over $100 K managing publications departments for Apple and other computer companies. Now I’m on a limited income, consisting mostly of my monthly social security check.

So I regret that I can’t make a contribution at this time. But please continue with your courageous, insightful, and truthful journalism.

Best, Phil Johnson. Where were you when the Clinton administration was in way over its head in the Balkans – supporting Islamist Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo.

Daniel Pearl wrote a definitive post-war article (WSJ, December 1999), on America’s unjustified, brainless war against Serbia – built on KLA lies and the now to-be-expected, legendary CIA incompetence. And where was your reportage regarding America’s push to expand NATO in the 1990s also under Clinton – basically designed to spur the defense industry which with no Cold War to deal with had to find another cold war. Clinton obliged – bombing Serbia aroused Russia into the realization that NATO – especially an expanding NATO may be an existential threat to the Russian people. Giving Islam an additional foothold in Europe and bringing on Cold War II, I lay on the Clinton’s doorstep – did you cover any of that? Russia, Europe and America should be natural allies against militant Islam and China. What have we gotinstead? Cover any of that?

A Plan for the people to attain POLITICAL CLOUT to avoid the “unthinkable.” October 8, 2016 Dear Mr. Parry Namaste, Salam, Shalom, Peace, Paz, Pace, Heiwa, If the Nuclear dangers are potentially catastrophic (end life as we know it), the people must find a way to reduce the threat! Here is a plan for the largest movement of nonviolence the world has ever seen. I humbly, but BOLDLY, would like to submit that I have a plan to UNITE the people in every country – a PEOPLE MOVEMENT to ultimately defuse the conflicts! The people in the US and Russia need to unite to tell their own governments to scale down the rhetoric, antagonism, and ultimately work together. The methods being used right now are not working because of the obstacles you so adroitly described in your article about the “Unthinkable.” It is a Gandhi / King-like, Global Movement of Nonviolence, For the Children (GMofNV) and it is one step away from being implemented. This is a FORMAL REQUEST to ask you to write about the plan to give it some visibility.

The world is becoming more and more divided and violent. We must do the opposite and UNITE! A major segment of the plan is for the leaders of a GMofNV to issue demands and the nuclear issues are at the top of the list. Another major segment is to capture and “keep” the attention of the media – as Gandhi would do.

A GMofNV is designed to unite all the movements, religions, Mayors and Community Leaders (local application). Please contact me as soon as you are able. Thank you very much. Peace and Love, Andre Sheldon Director, Global Strategy of Nonviolence Facilitator, CALL to WOMEN, a World-Wide Unity Campaign Home number: +1-617- 964-5267 Email: Andre (at) Website: Facebook: Global Movement of Nonviolence Howard Zinn, author/ historian, in an interview by Yuri Loudon in The Internationalist, posted October 18, 2006 said, “I now believe only in the movements of the people that can change history.” HOWARD was my confidante. He wrote to me, “Your ‘Call to Women’ is excellent. Well written, clear, strong. No doubt women represent non-violence best.” Robert Koehler – Columnist at Huffington Post wrote to me, “I couldn’t agree more, regarding women as peace leaders.” Gila Svirsky – Co-founder of Coalition for Women for Peace “I completely agree with your vision and overall approach – to mobilize women to lead the way to peace.

This has been core to our peace activism in Israel for almost 20 years.” Noam Chomsky – Author, Activist – “I hope your effort achieves the resonance it should.” Michael Lerner – Founder of Network of Spiritual Progressives – “I agree that the patriarchal world needs to change.”. What happened with the Darrell Whitman & OSHA case? Will more OSHA employees retire, get transferred, quit now that Donald Trump is the President Elect and has said “drain the swamp”. How do companies get on the OSHA Whistleblower Protection Advisory Committee (WPAC) for Management? Did any of those companies have any serious violations that went unresolved forcing employees to contact their local OSHA office and how many serious violations did each company have while their member was on the OSHA WPAC for Management. Are any of those companies contacted with any global “hot line” that employees are encourage to call to report violations in their workplace and are any of those “hot lines” actually reporting back to the employer as a “favor” vs a complaint making the employees targets for termination and or pass over for promotion or other jobs.

Is there an Ethic Issues with employees contacting their “hot line” or giving their name with reporting to OSHA? Robert Parry, I’m afraid your site may already be targeted, as you said might become a possibility on a recent radio interview. After having just heard you on Flashpoints (Dec.

2 2016 – I think this was a re-run of an interview that aired earlier this week), I went to your site to get more information on the “fake news” controversy. I was repeatedly informed by my browser that it “could not access this site.” I could, however, access any other site I went to at this time. With repeated attempts, I was able to access the site, but the same message kept popping up when I went back to the site–even to a page that I had left open on my desktop! I hope this was just a fluke, but I’m letting you know. I really appreciate all your work. CGs, Chris Kinder.

I just finished Mr. Parry’s long, detailed article on Gary Webb’s work and the ways that the mainstream media went to work deliberately discrediting him for daring to expose those unwelcome truths. This is but one of many cases that prove that the MSM is in no position to lecture writers, reporters, journalists, and open-minded citizens on the meaning of truth. With that being said, other more egregious examples of mass media complicity in dangerous lies told often include the story that led to the demolishing of Iraq with deadly blow-back still reverberating throughout the Middle East.

I’m talking both about the Inside Job of 911 and the horrors being purposely linked–falsely–to Saddam Hussein to serve as rationale for initiating already planned wars against a number of (6) Middle East Nations. (Project For a New American Century’s playbook.) In today’s version of Democracy where corporations write the scripts that become mass media’s talking points when not “magically” translated into public policy, any researcher/reporter/scientist/doctor who dares to expose the genuine dangers attributable to too many vaccines poured into infants’ bodies quickly is granted pariah status. The film “Vaxxed’ intended to air at Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Festival was banned and along with it, both The Story and the truth. Monsanto manages the same outcome as per its genetic monstrosities and how these products are publicly perceived. The media’s sound-byte milieu has too many assuming that once a story “passes out of The News Cycle” it ceases to hold importance. And so, little is said about the true state of the Pacific Ocean post-Fukushima; and little is said about the state of the Gulf of Mexico–post Maconda Drilling debacle; and major attempts at blacking out what just has taken place at Standing Rock (with Veterans for Peace standing in solidarity with Indigenous Tribal Peoples) remain underway.

Between the taunt of “conspiracy theorist,” the Pentagon’s very own propaganda arms calling independent journalists’ material “fake news,” and too many reporters, environmental activists, and inconvenient truth tellers being gunned down (like hospitals in war zones), the drive to control the public’s perception of ALL NEWS all the time is operational. It’s no doubt one of the unpublished protocols of “Total Information Awareness.” When not spying on the public, inciting false flags, or generally worsening relations between people the Deep State’s operators are now gunning for a TOTAL control of all “respected” narratives. And if they succeed in undermining the Internet’s open access channels, millions of people will consume the faux food for thought diet that is to truth what bio-tech “food” is to nutrition. These are times that test men’s and women’s souls thus blessed are the truth tellers and peace makers. Thank you for your work.

Dear Robert Parry, I want to thank you for the great job you are doing and also want to encourage you to continue without being disheartened, thinking you are not reaching enough people. It’s not always the numbers, that count. I believe, the Zeitgeist is actually very much influenced by very few people. And I think, you may be one of them.

I’m not rich, but I would like to contribute a little to your excellent work. I’m not sure, actually how to do that from here (Germany) – I have a Mastercard Gold – but I think I would need a IBAN Nr.

To send you any money. I have a lot of relatives in Australia and it is complicated and costly to send money there. Also, I would ask you to always put a date to every article you publish, so I can see at a glance – what relevance it has to my interest.

As author and publisher of a line of Iowa Heritage books, pirated out of business because Iowa judges were granted sovereign power and need not consider evidence but may rule for their friends. As author turned publisher thanks to my second publisher Wallace Homestead of Des Moines, I had created a viable and expanding publishing business until the seventh printer I hired went pirate and declared all my books his as The Sutherland Publishing Company which before January 1984 had only been publisher of the Montezuma Republican with a small two plate printing press on the side. They printed three books for Iowa Heritage then declared every book I had done for the last ten years was now a Sutherland Publishing Company book–the word against my documents of proof they won all the way thru the Iowa Supreme Court despite being identified as major drug traffickers–by Montezuma business man and the then Chief of Police of Grinnell, Iowa who simply said: “They’re CIA I can’t touch them. FBI Agents Richard Heft and Bill Langdon stated: “You’re right they have know drug connections, but sorry we can’t help you with you book piracy problem. Using local law enforcement who had to remain anonymous or be killed I eventually made contact with the Nebraska Legislature and what was called “The Franklin Investigation” I have just spent over 26 years trying to free the slaves in this country. Children who are being raped, tortured, prostitute and murdered.

In 1991 I switched to film after broadsides and newspapers I published had no effect, I did “The Siege Against the Farmer” interviewing three farmers who were being taken down by the totally corrupt legal judicial system of Iowa. I went on to interview the Gosch family about the kidnapping of their son Johnny and eventually wrote the book “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home” for Noreen Gosch but in 1992 I did “America’s MIA Children” Missing in America, murdered in America.

My young college film maker editor went on to work as a Television producer and recently brought out of the vault unseen before raw footage. Lost Documentary # Pizzagate was placed on You Tube Jan 4, 7 and by the time I found it on the 15 Jan it had over 20,000 viewers it is now on at least 36 websites and reaching 100,000 viewers while in Billings, Mt the library refuses to show my award winning film “Zielinski” by Chase Thompson and Ryan Walker” and the reporter for the Billings Gazette calls the film “laughable” echoing an early letter from Dennis Reyson then Executive Editor of the Des Moines Register. Anyone who examined the court records where I sue Sutherland Printing Company for misappropriation of my business name would have seen the irregularity of dismiss all forms of evidence to accept the word of your friends. Based on work with those who have tried to free the MIAs left in ASIA I have described what is happening to missing and murdered American children as America’s MIA Children–more have been murdered or disappeared in the last 30 years than all the American soldiers who have died in all the wars from the Revolutionary War to the present.

All media I have met have claimed they are too dumb to look the information up. Is the following of interest?

******************* CIA: ULTIMATE MAFIOSI??? (updated) Rarely, if ever, is it possible for a non-fiction writer to present a scenario of bloodcurdling brutality by homicidal maniacs inflicting wonted killing and torture for population subjection; of mass annihilation of entire communities to further economic greed; while relying upon braggadocio interviews from participating actors; and presented in a style that would make aficionados of Edger Allen Poe turn green with envy. But Douglas Valentine has done it. With an unprecedented opportunity to interview agents of the CIA and not be restricted by a secrecy oath has been published as CIA – AS ORGANIZED CRIME. The evolution of the CIA method of territorial conquest is enhanced through Vietnam and Afghanistan. Douglas identifies 1953 as the originating date of using civil dissent to foment a coup.

That was the inspiration of Kermit Roosevelt, using British Petroleum employees, Iranian political dissidents and CIA/Wall Street funds, to overthrow Ayatollah Khomeini who was threatening to nationalize British Petroleum. Wall Street interests were thereby able to gain an economic interest in Iranian oil and impose a puppet Shah. Exploitation of Iran would continue. Douglas makes clear the development of the new method of operation. The methodology includes inducing internal strife and factionalizing dissident with the status quo. Funding of both sides is not uncommon.

Random acts of brutality and killing will instill fear and submission. Brutal police home rule including torture would be essential. Deliberate lies to government officials are made as they see fit (ask Colin Powell). Overt invasions by foreign troops is replaced with infiltrated US special forces assisting local entities in “humanitarian” relief. Douglas has difficulty identifying the capo di tutti capi (the boss of the bosses). He makes repeated references to the Establishment. Other writers have referred to a shadow government, or the elites, the one percent, or the Deep State.

Is the ultimate force so concealed that it is not seen, or is there a concern about suicideing? The powers behind the CIA have been identified by David Talbot. In THE DEVIL’S CHESSBOARD he reveals the history of Allen Dulles relying upon his cronies on Wall Street for funding to create the CIA. Wall Street repeatedly sought policies that conflicted with the government. The secrecy of an intelligence agency could conceal their operations.

Kermit’s coup in Iran was merely repaying their investment. The master must be repaid. Gone are the days when a thinly disguised British war ship would be loaded with 500 tons of military explosives then filled with American passengers who were comforted by assurances from the US government of their safety. The Lusitania was stripped of naval escort and ordered to reduce speed and eliminate evasive maneuvering as it entered the enemy submarine infested area. It took more than a year for Wall Street to hype the US public to support World War One.

To have failed would have bankrupt Wall Street from the loans to European nations that would have been voided by a Germany victory. Blofeld Software Editor De Fotografias there. Gone is the need of a $60 million price paid by Wall Street for the Bolshevik revolution with the prize of the Czar’s largest hoard of gold in the world. A straw enemy to demand more military spending, controlled from Manhattan (according to a communist deflector), would no longer be necessary. The USSR was repeatedly rescued from collapse by the USA.

Antony Sutton; Aleksandr Solzenitsya. The similar expansion of communism into China, as a foreign policy of the U.S,, had not been openly linked to Wall Street. HOW THE FAR EAST WAS LOST by Anthony Kubek; WHILE YOU SLEPT by John Flynn. Gone also was the need for FDR and Wall Street cronies to formulate a seven point agenda to economically oppress Japan. Japan was becoming too great a competition for US business. Their access to French oil in Indochina had to be eliminated.

Japanese communication codes were broken. Pearl Harbor was not a surprise. The price of more than 3000 casualties at Pearl, and the thousands that followed, were insignificant to Wall Street.

DAY OF DECEIT by Robert Stinnett. Kermit changed all of that. Now the CIA is a much more subtly way of compelling nations to satisfy Wall Street dictates—and the cost has been shifted to the taxpayers. John Perkins in CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN reveals how the CIA, through graft, lies, and intermediary companies, compel foreign nations to accept national debt which they are unable to service. Specific details of how Wall Street, the IMF and World Bank are used to rape nations is presented by Michel Chossudovsky in GLOBALIZATION OF POVERTY. Foreign nations that will not self-destroy by accepting debt will be overthrown by Wall Street using the CIA and the US military. Panama offers a concise example.

Torrijos ran up a debt to Wall Street bankers of over $1.6 billion which was beyond their possibility of servicing. He was able to negotiate a treaty with the US to return sovereignty of the canal zone to Panama. The US would pay Panama for the price of the canal in return for favorable banking laws, but the funds would be seized by the Wall Street banks. The US taxpayers would pay for the loans. Torrijos would die in an airplane explosion. Finger pointing included the CIA as the culprit. Noriega, who had been second-in-command, was responsible for facilitating the CIA’s drug trafficking.

When he convened a meeting of central American nations to resist CIA oppression, Panama was attacked by US bombardment killing thousands of Panamanians. Noriega is now in US prison for drug trafficking. The CIA demonstrated to the world the price of disloyalty. Castro, Qaddafi, bin Laden, Hussein, and Somoza were each CIA assets who allowed nationalistic sympathies to interfere with CIA demands. But the nefarious activities of the CIA are not limited to involvement in foreign nations.

President Eisenhower had grounded the CIA’s U-2 flights as the Paris Peace talks with Khrushchev loomed. The CIA countermanded the order and sent Gary Powers on a sabotaged trans-USSR flight to thwart the peace talks. Wall Street cannot tolerate peace. Fletcher Prouty, JFK AND THE CIA.

Fletcher also reveals how the CIA countermanded JFK’s order for protective air cover at the Bay of Pigs. Allen Dulles wanted a full scale US military invasion of Cuba. JFK took the rap for the failed invasion and threatened to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. JFK was also going to stop the CIA’s war in Vietnam. The assassination of JFK (and MLK) by the CIA is well documented (by other than the Wall Street controlled MSM).

PLAUSIBLE DENIAL by Mark Lane; ACT OF TREASON by John Groden; JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE by James Douglass; HIGH TREASON by Mark North; and others. The Tonkin Bay lie perpetuated the war another eight years. Richard Nixon dared to close the CIA school at Fort Hale, Colorado which was training Tibetans to invade China. The frame-up included a deliberately sabotaged Watergate break-in by CIA assets. The CIA also controlled secret tapes that were corrupted by expunging exculpatory evidence.

Nixon additionally increased the funding for a war on the CIA’s importing of drugs. Nixon got his pay-back. Nixon even had the audacity to oppose a trade treaty which infuriated David Rockefeller—after David had been nice enough to put Nixon in office. Jimmy Carter fired 600 CIA agents. George Bush (ex CIA Director) and Dick Cheney are alleged to have been involved in a deal with Iranians to make sure he was not reelected. The orchestrated action is detailed in OCTOBER SURPRISE by Barbara Honegger. Wall Street allegedly bankrupt Jimmy’s peanut business.

For those who view the 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Centers as a false flag Wall Street act for greed (Ref. ), the analysis of the avionics by Rebekah Roth in METHODICAL ILLUSION would appear to be something only the CIA has the where-with-all to accomplish. However, if you assist the CIA by running drugs and illegal military weapons through Arkansas, you can become President and receive lavish foundation donations, profuse book royalties, and overly-funded speaking engagements from Wall Street entities.

Also, if your parents and grandparents were faithful CIA agents you can become President without a birth certificate and can use a Social Security number issued in Connecticut even if you never lived there. Being a retired CIA Director/son can be helpful also. But the evolution of CIA implementing Wall Street exploitation by Special Forces has been further developed.

The Wall Street control of the IMF and WB to impose national debt, in conjunction with the European Union, the ECB and Troika, have taken direct control of Greece. The confiscation of national assets at fire-sale prices by creditors proceeds after Goldman Sachs imposed a bond issue deliberately schemed to cause national bankruptcy. John Perkins could use Greece as an example. Congress could find no wrong in Goldman. Trump has even placed 10-15 former Goldman employees in key spots.

Or has the Wall Street controlled CIA already completed a coup by deposing dovish Flynn with hawkish McMasters? But the perfidious acts—qualifying for current indictments—of Wall Street is believed to extend much further back than 1947. But that is another story. The conclusion of Douglas is most ominous: the same pattern of societal corruption the CIA has inflicted in the Mideast (and the third world) is being formulated within the United States. Greg Palast writes that internal Wall Street memos have identified collection of the $20 trillion U.S. Debt is the “ultimate goal.” Ref.. Wall Street would want to divert your attention with the video screen of sacrificial political lackeys cavorting in DC.

The controller of the video is in Manhattan behind the curtain and Toto is nowhere in sight. If there is no change in the current direction of attention, the future is bleak. Acknowledging, first, that you know much more than I do about the US?Russia relationship, I find you adamant criticism of the NYT and TWP re their reporting puzzling: the extremity of you position doesn’t make sense to me, although your reporting of the Nicaragua affair must have seemed that way at the time and I believed you then when I knew even less. That you don’t include the WSJ is puzzling as well. I find the WSJ to expensive to read regularly. Unless I’m the only person who has questions about this, could you respond?

MobTraffiq Video Partnership Hi Team, I am writing to you on behalf of MobTraffiq, a digital agency based out of Hyderabad, India. We manage around 3.5 billion impressions a month across display, video, mobile and native with 50+ intl publishers signed up with us.

Some of our direct premium publishers include the India Today Network, Times Internet, Trinity Mirror, Washington Times, Dingit, Hearst Digital and others. We are interested in purchasing video units from you for our advertising campaigns. Details as follows.

Player Size: Small, Medium and Large Geo: US, UK, AU and CA Platform: Desktop and Mobile Buy Type: Tag based and Non-guaranteed buy Please let us know how we can take this discussion forward. USA is a nightmare. There is no way i can respect this country anymore. They lie about everything(WW2, JFK, RK, MLK, Apollo mission,Viet-Nam, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston bombingthey lie on all), they cheat, they are master of bad fakery. They give only value to greedy and cruel people like the Bush family. The way you Mr. Parry totally dismiss the claim of the victim family member of the 9/11 attack show even a suppose critic journalist swallow the worst shit of his gov with pleasure.

Shame on you USA in the history book you stand for the biggest bunch of cruel moron. You can lie to yourself but the history judge youShame on you forever and because your God is Gold Oil Drugsamazing evil bastard,,, pedo psychopath with not a single once of empathyFuck You!

Greetings dear reader, I do not expect to be believed but consider what is offered below. A basic familiarity with the contents of the Bible is that it features 73 Books (66 in Protestant versions). What is vastly unknown is that an unlisted 74th Book of scripture (67th in Protestant versions) does exist as a promised scripture to exist materially somewhere in the continuum of time. This unlisted Book of prophecy scripture is found mentioned in Daniel 10:21 and 12:4-9. These verses clearly indicate the promised scripture is meant for a time other than Daniel the prophet’s time. Daniel was instructed to seal up the ‘Book of Truth’ (or ‘Truthful Book’ – depending upon translation), for it was not to be known until the time of the end. Fast forwarding about 2,600 years to November of 2010 continuing till 2015, an alleged prophet has come forward with a public message for the whole of mankind.

According to the instructions given the alleged prophet, the public message is foretold in the Book of Daniel and is to be called the ‘Book of Truth.’ Furthermore and most importantly, the alleged scriptural revelation is meant to prepare the souls of mankind for the Second Coming of Christ – the Great Day of the Lord. The alleged Book of Truth is said to be the interpretation of the Book of Revelation and is also said to be a guide of great benefit for those willing to listen, in these end times.

While such a theme would likely make a worthy fictional story for the box office, it may be possible and possibly plausible that the Book of Truth is a profound reality of our era. Please allow me to explain. But before going onward be assured I would not trouble myself to bring you this information if it were not something that I feel of an imperatively serious nature and frankly, a duty – a duty that may one day be your own burden in regard to the welfare of others.

I have nothing to gain, in a material sense, from this correspondence, due to the fact that the messages of the alleged Book of Truth can be read online or downloaded free, and no advertising exists on any of the Book of Truth archive sites. Download Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst Savegame here. There are printed books of the messages if one desires that format, of which I have no connection. My sole desire is to alert humanity of what I perceive, at present to be true, and with hope, to bring others to join in a global prayer crusade, called for by the Book of Truth, to help mitigate the suffering of mankind at this time – the culmination of Biblical events leading to the Second Coming of Christ. I do not present this Book of Truth information on the bet that claimed prophecies will one day manifest. I am of the firm opinion that nine prophecies, possibly more, have already become facts, at this early stage, with other predictions appearing to be in the process of fulfillment.

According to the messages, much more, in terms of prophecies becoming fulfilled, is yet to come and will manifest in such a way that no one, not even a ‘hardened atheist’ will be able to deny that the Second Coming of Christ is close. At the fundamental level I would describe the Book of Truth as a guiding text for a time of increasing complexity. IF authentic, it reveals the general details of global conspiracy and the personalities involved who are to deceive an unsuspecting humanity, at this time of the end. On a positive note it is also a guide to the remedy of the declared multi-faceted global conspiracy. The remedy is simple, it is prayer. A commitment to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Crusade Prayers (found in the Book of Truth) is asked by Jesus, with emphasis on prayer groups forming.

This regimen of prayer is to counter the increasing evil and to help in saving the souls of many. There is a level of complexity regarding the request for prayer and that is the subject of the ‘Remnant.’ Prayer is the key to the mitigation of suffering that is to be experienced by mankind. The Remnant is to play a crucial part in this regard – more prayer less suffering. Because I cannot aptly describe this concept of the ‘Remnant’ in a few lines, I offer for anyone interested, a tip to conduct your own review of certain messages which speak of the Remnant.

If you desire, this is what I would suggest: There are many English language Book of Truth archive sites (numerous sites representing multiple languages seem to be part of the mystery of the global Remnant). One such English language sites that is easy for me to remember is: w w w. T h e b o o k o f t r u t h o n l i n e. B l o g s p o t. Go to this site and download the PDF file of the Book of Truth messages. Save the PDF on your computer. Next, open the PDF which will start your PDF reader (if you don’t have one go online to acquire one), at the top of the reader click on the EDIT tab, in the dropdown list click on ‘Find’, doing so will open a text box in the lower left-hand corner, therein place your search term (be sure to correctly spell the word(s)) and then click the ‘down’ arrow key to the right to get your first search term match, the match will show in highlighting.

Further searching is done by clicking on the same down arrow key. The ‘up’ arrow key will reverse direction of search.

To start a new search, drag the scroll bar to the top then click on the X to the right of the text box to clear the box for new search term to be entered. *For foreign language archive links go to: w w w. T h e r e m n a n t a r m y. I n f o If you wish to get a basic overview of what important subjects comprise the Book of Truth, in addition to ‘Remnant,’ below you will find recommended search terms (there will be some overlap of subjects since most messages have more than one topic). I’d like to contribute, but this page indicates a basic misunderstanding of the political paradigm. I suggest you watch a few old George Carlin bits on youtube.

He got it: left and right, Democrat and Republican are illusions to give voters the impression they have a choice. Until now, and possibly even now, we have not had a real choice (unless you count Ross Perot, who unfortunately didn’t win); we’ve had two possible paths to the same end: war, and more war, to fill the pockets of the owners and enslave the rest of us who survive. And now with the CIA as the destabilizing arm, and the NSA as the guard arm of the New World Order the owners want, we have very little chance of being free again.

But I have hope. Robert, Apologies for what may seem like a last minute invitation, but your name just came up as someone I should invite to this gathering. Last year Yale University Press invited me to write a book for their Why X Matters series, which has so far published books with titles like Why Architecture Matters, Why Liberal Arts Education Matters, Why Translation, Preservation, Romantics, Acting, Poetry etc. Matter and have assigned others where X equals things like Music, Diplomacy and Art. The books are short (25,000-30,000 word) essays defending the existence or practice of something that has contributed good things to civilization.

My X = Muckraking. Why Muckraking Matters. Marine Le Pen Claims French Election was Rigged There is mounting evidence that the deep state has reached far into France and rigged the French election to make certain that the EU retained control over French policy. Thousands of Le Pen ballots were mailed out having been hand-torn, rendering them “spoiled ballots” and uncountable in the election. At the same time, Macron voters received not one but two ballots in the mail, allowing them to vote twice.

Have a look: See: here: here: here: here: and here: As a lifelong Francophile I mourn the death of the French culture and identity now made certain by the takeover of France by the EU – the culture Macron claims does not exist. Read the rest of the story HERE: At Since I’ve asked everyone else in the media that SHOULD have very valued and informational responses and depth on this topic, I will specifically ask here as well. Question: As I understand it, there is only ONE person in this nation with both the responsibility, the means, mission, and unlimited, unrestricted power to enforce errant, un-checked, and imbalanced consequences over our computer security. He/she can direct, without any oversight, the thrust, tone, tenor, and depth of ALL Headquarters, field agencies, offices, and officers in their postswith the authority to arrest, detain, and hold responsible ANYONEAND EVERYONE who violates the laws governing ALL manner of thingsBLEand can arrest ANYBODYUP TO, AND INCLUDING THE POTUS!

My question is a bit more direct. If this person has the ability written into our law, to cast so wide and inclusive a net, why was he/she not the First Person contacted when news was broken that Trump, and Republicans, (in collusion with Russia, and no less than Vladimir Putin himself) compromised the voting system’s integrity, the democratic election process, the infrastructure of the Presidency and all support elements and resources??? I find it deplorable that such large organizations that are promoted as our media competence en-total haven’t done basic research to go the Sergeant-At-Arms, who is responsible to investigate!? Dear sir, thank you so much for the article on Trump (and his predecessors) inner working with the middle east. I already knew about Saudi Arabia probable funding of the war machine, but your article on Trump leaving the Saudis off his ban list explained the hundreds of years of religious history that no ‘greedy yank and his need for oil’ could EVER change.

These ppl will actually die, cut their noses off despite for these beliefs, and the mainstream media has covered it up for so long, and the puppets who get their major news feeds from FakeBook (kRaK mE uP) are so misinformed, its nice to know someone is out there doing some investigative research and passing it along to us who are willing to take the time to READ IT. ~Thank You Mr Parry, and I saved your site. A new movie on Tupac Shakur is coming out Thursday worldwide and should top the box office.

I wrote two books related to the importance of his and his malcom x-linked/black panther family’s activism. I’m going to send you a sample articles i wrote for Z magazine and Covert Action Quarterly in relation to the topic. One trailer for the movie showed it used key parts of my research not otherwise aired in such a large scale way before. I was hoping to write a movie review with the hopes you’d consider putting it in your online magazine. I wrote the Z and CAQ articles in 1998 and 2013, and published the books in 2007 and 2015.

Consortium News’ masthead notes, “Independent Investigative Journalism” and the “About” text above states its ambition to be an “investigative news magazine.” I have read a number of articles recently which have caused me to question the use of “investigative.” Just now, I read “The Fallacies of the Russia-Truthers” and was left with only one impression: it is only one-sided; is this is a brainwashing piece? Who is this James W. At the bottom of the article, it offers little biographical information. It seems Carden “served as an adviser on Russia policy at the US State Department.” Who was Carden working for when he was this adviser? Why was that omitted from this mini-bio?

On the internet, there are few entries, maybe 7, related to a James W. Not even a Wikipedia bio. Russia Direct has on their Profile page this Biography on Carden: “James Carden served as an Advisor to the US-Russia Presidential Commission at the US State Department. Since then, he has contributed articles on US-Russia policy to The National Interest, The Moscow Times and was featured in the BBC’s ‘best of’ global opinion roundup. He graduated from the Johns Hopkins University and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Currently he is a Contributing Editor to The Nation.” This thin bio is the most I could find on the internet. What is interesting about Carden is, according to Russia Direct, a graduate of Moscow State Institute.

Why is that not noted at the start of the article or at the article bottom? Such omissions are significant. Who publishes his writings?

Consortium News, The Nation magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Quartz, The American Conservative, and The National Interest. Quite a mix of left and right publications. Also, there is The Moscow Times which is excluded from the Consortium bio. And, what is Russia Direct? It is also headquartered in Moscow and it is “a small analytical journal that is financed by the Russian government.” Again, how could this be omitted from the Consortium News bio? Why are facts that might offer an opposing – balanced – view omitted from Carden’s article? Instead, the formula is: factual information that utilizes loaded words obviously intended to influence the reader in only one way.

Scanning the list of articles on your site’s home page today include: “anti-Russia hysteria,” “Russia-Bashing,” “The U.S. Political/media demonization of Russia’s Putin is unrelenting,” “a demonized foreign leader, like Vladimir Putin,” “The Russia hysteria sweeping America’s political-media world,” etc. More loaded words.

You know where this is going, the case is obvious, and I could go on but will close with this: I really thought Consortium News was a bona fide news source, meaning objective investigative journalism. Once again, I am disappointed. No source of news can be trusted; they manage to remind the reader, always mistrust until what has been published is proven from reputable sources to be true. Whenever anyone mentions Consortium News, the foregoing will be my reply. Ethical journalism is what my post is about and its flimsy existence at Consortium News. I have no comments at this time regarding Russia and the 2016 elections because you, me and Consortium News are waiting for the results of the various investigations to be announced. Any entity representing either side of the issue is damned foolish for making a case for a position when the evidence does not exist.

Russia-gate exists only because Consortium News says it exists – that is the objective. Consortium News is using “loaded language” to develop support for Russia in general because the authors have one or more relationships with Russia which they do not disclose in the articles I cited. NYT REVELATIONS: THERE IS MUCH MORE TO THE SO CALLED RUSSIAGATE THAN JUST TRUMP.HE HAPPENS TO BE THE TARGET AT THE MOMENT.THE REAL DEAL IS THE WARMONGER WALL STREET ZIONIST NEO CONS ARE THE CULPRIT.AND THE CIA FBI ETC ARE THEIR PAWNS. RUSSOPHOBIA IS THE AGENDA. ALL TRUMP HAS TO DO IS CAPITULATE AND WHICH HE IS CURRENTLY DOING. BACKING OFF ANY RELAXING OF SANCTIONS ETC AND BACKING NATO WHICH HE HAD NOT DONE PREVIOUSLY.


DEA Agent Unraveled the CIA’s Alleged Role in the Murder of Kiki Camarena Blood On the Corn In 1985, a murky alliance of drug lords and government officials tortured and killed a DEA agent named Enrique Camarena. In a three-part series, legendary journalist Charles Bowden finally digs into the terrible mystery behind a hero’s murder. By Charles Bowden and Molly Molloy ‘America’s War on Drugs’: Inside New Miniseries Exposing Hypocrisy of U.S.

Drug Policy New four-part docuseries dives into links between CIA, DEA and military, providing “secret history of the past 50 years.”. History Channel – America’s War on Drugs Former U.S. Drug Agents Allege Government ties to major traffickers Get it here, Now! Part 1 Part 2 DEA Agent Celerino Castillo III accuses George HW Bush of knowing about the Contras drug OP at Ilopango.

Footage of John Kerry questioning drug pilots in front of his Senate committee, Ex Dea Mike Levine describe CIA Agent Roberto Suarez take over of an entire country (Bolivia) Using Nazi Merceneries lead by the Infamous Klaus Barbie. Former chief of The DEA El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) Phil Jordan Speaks on Camera Part 3 Part 4 Powderburns 2709 N. 28 1/2 street, McAllen Texas, 78501 Everyone please help out Celerino Castillo III with a paypal, bit coin or plain old fashioned check donation to help him get the message out. Twimc: i don’t think i’ve been on your website before; i got here to read an article suggested in another news forum i’m on.

Certainly spirited discussion. And at least i’m not seeing a bunch of ad hominem garbage.

I didn’t see any posted rules about comment levels of decency standards. That said, “exiled off mainstream” used a highly offensive term: “raghead” barbarians in one of his posts.

I would like to see him called out by your staff/editor in re-asserting that terms like raghead, n***er, k*ke, spic, wop, etc. Are inappropriate and will not be tolerated. Why don’t any of the independent sources of news i look at ever have a specific area dedicated to the state of science in the U.S.?

And I don’t mean “climate change” for crying out loud! That is not synonymous for science!

I mean the systems of distribution of federal funds, the selection of topics, the financialization of the scientific journals – there are so many issues to address from a political perspective – is there some trepidation because we think science is somehow special and can’t be analyzed politically? Since the topic is never discussed in campaigns or mainstream media, you would think others would fill in the gaps. Just wondering. Best wishes and thank you for exisitng. I wrote here a few weeks ago questioning Consortium News’ journalism after finding transparency and bias issues. Specifically, I questioned the lack of any mention of James W.

Carden’s professional relationship with Russian entities in his extremely biased article, “The Fallacies of the Russia-Truthers.” Those who know The Conversation will find author and disclosure information placed just to the right at the beginning of the article. Regarding ‘loaded language,’ today I stopped in at CN to scan the Home page articles for July 6 – July 12, 2017 looking for the articles clamoring about a conspiracy against Russia. You know the articles with titles or the introduction paragraph with ‘loaded language’ like “Russia-gate” or “Russia bashing.” I found six the last time. CN has a need to be protective of Russia which I do not understand. How is CN’s biased journalism in favor of Russia any better than what CN claims to be MSM’s ‘Russia bashing’? Today, I found six more articles on the first page (there were others on the following page): “Seeing the Substance in Trump-Putin Meeting” July 12, 2017 “but the U.S.

Media/political world can’t get past its obsession with Russia-gate” reports Gilbert Doctorow. “Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump” July 10, 2017 “Exclusive: The new Russia-gate furor is over Donald Trump Jr. Meeting a Russian who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton, but the Clinton team’s Russian cash-for-trash search against Trump Sr. Is all but forgotten, writes Robert Parry.” “Ten Problems with Anti-Russian Obsession” July 9, 2017 “Many anti-Trump Americans see the Russia-gate ‘scandal’ as a way to derail Donald Trump” says Rick Sterling. “The Syrian Test of Trump-Putin Accord” July 8, 2017 “Exclusive: The U.S. Mainstream media remains obsessed over Russia’s alleged ‘meddling’ in last fall’s election” writes ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern.

“MSM, Still Living in Propaganda-ville” July 6, 2017 “but the U.S. Mainstream media is still slouching around in “propaganda-ville,” says Robert Parry.” “The Democrats’ Russia-gate Obsession” July 6, 2017 “National Democrats are so wedded to the Russia-gate strategy for destroying President Trump politically that they are willing to risk destruction of the planet in a nuclear war, explains Norman Solomon.” I mentioned the omission of James W. Carden’s professional relationships related to Russia.

Here is another example: Gilbert Doctorow authored the article at the top of the above list, “Seeing the Substance in Trump-Putin Meeting.” At the end of the article this is the information provided about Mr. Doctorow: “Gilbert Doctorow is a Brussels-based political analyst. His latest book Does Russia Have a Future? Was published in August 2015.” Russia Insider notes this, in part, about Mr. Doctorow: Gilbert Doctorow is a professional Russia watcher and actor in Russian affairs going back to 1965. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College (1967), a past Fulbright scholar, and holder of a Ph.D. With honors in history from Columbia University (1975).

After completing his studies, Mr. Doctorow pursued a business career focused on the USSR and Eastern Europe. For twenty-five years he worked for US and European multinationals in marketing and general management with regional responsibility. From 1998-2002, Doctorow served as the Chairman of the Russian Booker Literary Prize in Moscow. In my opinion, professional journalism would have much of the Russia Insider information right at the top of the article. CN laundered Mr.

Doctorow being a “professional Russia watcher” and had “a business career focused on the USSR and Eastern Europe.” The Conversation notes this on their “Who We Are” page: “We aim to help rebuild trust in journalism. All authors and editors sign up to our Editorial Charter. All contributors must abide by our Community Standards policy. We only allow authors to write on a subject on which they have proven expertise, which they must disclose alongside their article.

Authors’ funding and potential conflicts of interest must also be disclosed. Failure to do so carries a risk of being banned from contributing to the site.” Are you listening Consortium News? I have cited Davies posted article on War Crimes as footnote 23.

Sorry the comment form does not convey the list of footnotes. I trust the context is acceptable. [I cannot find a contact button] Olde Reb ***************** EMBEZZLEMENT BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE?? “How does the Federal Reserve rape the United States??” you ask. Let’s keep it simple. They can use the same scheme the Rothschild banks 1 developed centuries ago but the methods of concealment are now much improved.

2 The medieval Rothschild Bank would establish a line of credit for the King provided the King would issue a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry Rothschild credit would be used to pay for obligations incurred by the king which would then circulate in the kingdom between merchants into perpetuity. The bank would sell the king’s promise of gold which would be held by purchasers as an interest bearing investment.

The promise would be renewed on its maturing date and continue to be rolled-over. The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bank had the gold; the public had a promise that the king would eventually pay them in gold—which would probably never happen. Everything went smoothly as long as the bank could sell the promise and the people did not demand the gold. 3 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (financiers) AND THE STATE 4, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people, would come to a catastrophic climax.

5 The Federal Reserve 6 does the same thing for the U.S. Government’s deficit spending. Their wizard is hiding behind the curtain to obscurant any public inquiry.7 The Federal Reserve bank of New York will grant credit (not “create money”) in an account of the US government with an amount that the government will pledge. 8 The government will expend the book-entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government. The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. The heading of the currency given to the supplier by the local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note; i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve identified as a “tender” (substitute) required by law to be accepted for an imprinted number of dollars.

9 To sell the pledge from the government (the Treasury security) at the highest price, the bank will hold an auction but will camouflage it as an auction by the government. Acceptance of bids/interest rate and the amount of deficit spending permitted is controlled by the BOG.10 Government regulations clearly reveal the funds from the auctions are controlled exclusively by the FRBNY. 11 In addition to the approximate $1 trillion annually auctioned for deficit spending (new cash), the roll-over of approximate $10 trillion debt from prior years (publicly held maturing) is annually auctioned and disbursed by the FRBNY.

12 The difference in handling of the two accounts is the supreme camouflage. Funds for roll-over securities are credited by the FRBNY to a government account. The FRBNY then pays the Primary Dealers (from the government account) for their task in collecting the maturing securities from the public. There is no increase in the National Debt nor is there any inflationary pressure. If the funds from deficit spending securities were to be used in redeeming Treasury securities in the market (i.e., paid by the FRBNY to the government), it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt. It would also eliminate any increase in money in circulation (inflation). That clearly does not occur.

WHERE DO FUNDS FROM THE AUCTIONS OF DEFICIT SPENDING SECURITIES GO?? The only viable dispersal of funds identifiable to this writer is the funds are commingled with funds to select Primary Dealers. If the Primary Dealers include shareholders of a privately held incorporated Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, which would not have to reveal corporate records,13 the profit could be completely hidden from view.

14 The deficit spending amount 15 would be clear profit for the owners of the BOG. The statutory charter of the Federal Reserve stipulates profit of the operation belongs to the government.

Concealment of funds that belong to the government appear to be embezzlement, among other crimes. Various theories abound on how the purloined funds have been utilized to the detriment of society. 16 If the scheme is not exposed, Wall Street internal memos identify collection of the $20 trillion debt is the “ultimate goal” and would reduce the United States to the status of Greece. 17 Wall Street’s objective in Greece 18 is not to exploit, but is to destroy the nation. 19 Indeed, national sovereignty has been acquiesced by Greece to the Troika (financiers) as the terminal end of Goldman Sach’s “shitty” three billion Euro debt.

20 The proposed Goldman Sachs government budget (whoops, Trump’s budget) includes huge deficit spending increases (increased military spending with cuts in social programs) with unrealistic increases in national productive/tax base.21 This is the same scheme Wall Street and the CIA have used to bankrupt other nations for four decades. 22 A humongous military budget is essential for psychopathic war-mongering.

23 Get ready to kiss your 401(k), your government benefits, your pension, and your bank accounts goodbye, with strikes prohibited, health care costs escalated, and mass layoffs (including government personnel), and economic chaos among other things. 24 We can rest assured the same scheme is used by the ECB with the Euro. FOOTNOTES, including detailed analysis, are sometimes clipped by destination software. They can be sent to an email address. TOM CRUISE MOVIE ABOUT DRUG SMUGGLER BARRY SEAL >>>>>>>SEPT 29, 2017 “AMERICAN MADE” A pilot lands work for the CIA and as a drug runner in the south during the 1980s. American Made tells the story of Barry Seal (Tom Cruise), a TWA pilot who is recruited by the CIA to help counter the emerging communist threat in Central America. Seal’s role in this major CIA covert operation led in turn to his involvement with the Medellin cartel, which ultimately embarrassed the Reagan White House after the Iran-Contra scandal became public.

Director: Doug Liman Writer: Gary Spinelli Stars: Tom Cruise, Caleb Landry Jones, Domhnall Gleeson Budget: $80,000,000 (estimated) Universal Pictures (2017) (USA) (theatrical) Flying high! Tom Cruise gets back in cockpit to run drugs and guns for CIA, DEA and Pablo Escobar in explosive trailer for American Made Read about Barry Seal here: Watch the trailer: Air Cocaine: the Wild, True Story of Drug-Running, Arms Smuggling and Contras at a Backwoods Airstrip in the Clintons’ Arkansas by Jeffrey St. Clair – Alexander Cockburn Clintons, Contras and Cocaine by Jeffrey St. Clair – Alexander Cockburn Wanda Palacio was a witness waiting to testify in John Kerry’s senate office, when Barry Seal’s plane (Now owned by Southern Air Transport, crashed starting the iran Contra Affair) On Sept. 26, 1986, Kerry tried to spur action by presenting Weld with an 11-page “proffer” statement from a 31-year-old FBI informant who had worked with the Medellin cartel and had become a witness on cartel activities.

The woman, Wanda Palacio, had approached Kerry with an account about Colombian cocaine kingpin Jorge Ochoa bragging about payments he had made to the Nicaraguan Contras. As part of this Contra connection, Palacio said pilots for a CIA-connected airline, Southern Air Transport, were flying cocaine out of Barranquilla, Colombia.

She said she had witnessed two such flights, one in 1983 and the other in October 1985, and quoted Ochoa saying the flights were part of an arrangement to exchange “drugs for guns.” According to contemporaneous notes of this “proffer” meeting between Weld and Kerry, Weld chuckled that he was not surprised at allegations about corrupt dealings by “bum agents, former and current CIA agents.” He promised to give serious consideration to Palacio’s allegations. After Kerry left Weld’s office, however, the Justice Department seemed to concentrate on poking holes in Palacio’s account, not trying to corroborate it.

Though Palacio had been considered credible in her earlier testimony to the FBI, she was judged to lack credibility when she made accusations about the Contras and the CIA. 3, 1986, Weld’s office told Kerry that it was rejecting Palacio as a witness on the grounds that there were some contradictions in her testimony. The discrepancies apparently related to such minor points as which month she had first talked with the FBI. Two days after Weld rejected Palacio’s Contra-cocaine testimony, other secrets about the White House’s covert Contra support operations suddenly crashed –literally — into view. 5, a quiet Sunday morning, an aging C-123 cargo plane rumbled over the skies of Nicaragua preparing to drop AK-47 rifles and other equipment to Contra units in the jungle below. Since the Reagan administration had recently won congressional approval for renewed CIA military aid to the Contras, the flight was to be one of the last by Oliver North’s ragtag air force. The plane, however, attracted the attention of a teenage Sandinista soldier armed with a shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile.

He aimed, pulled the trigger and watched as the Soviet-made missile made a direct hit on the aircraft. Inside, cargo handler Eugene Hasenfus, an American mercenary working with the Contras, was knocked to the floor, but managed to crawl to an open door, push himself through, and parachute to the ground, where he was captured by Sandinista forces. The pilot and other crew members died in the crash.

As word spread about the plane crash, Barger — who had left the AP and was working for a CBS News show — persuaded me to join him on a trip to Nicaragua with the goal of getting an interview with Hasenfus, who turned out to be an unemployed Wisconsin construction worker and onetime CIA cargo handler. Hasenfus told a press conference in Managua that the Contra supply operation was run by CIA officers working with the office of Vice President George Bush. Administration officials, including Bush, denied any involvement with the downed plane. Our hopes for an interview with Hasenfus didn’t work out, but Sandinista officials did let us examine the flight records and other documents they had recovered from the plane. As Barger talked with a senior Nicaraguan officer, I hastily copied down the entries from copilot Wallace “Buzz” Sawyer’s flight logs.

The logs listed hundreds of flights with the airports identified only by their four-letter international codes and the planes designated by tail numbers. Upon returning to Washington, I began deciphering Wallace’s travels and matching the tail numbers with their registered owners. Though Wallace’s flights included trips to Africa and landings at U.S. Military bases in the West, most of his entries were for flights in Central and South America. Meanwhile, in Kerry’s Senate office, witness Wanda Palacio was waiting for a meeting when she noticed Sawyer’s photo flashing on a TV screen. Palacio began insisting that Sawyer was one of the pilots whom she had witnessed loading cocaine onto a Southern Air Transport plane in Barranquilla, Colombia, in early October 1985. Her identification of Sawyer struck some of Kerry’s aides as a bit too convenient, causing them to have their own doubts about her credibility.

Though I was unaware of Palacio’s claims at the time, I pressed ahead with the AP story on Sawyer’s travels. In the last paragraph of the article, I noted that Sawyer’s logs revealed that he had piloted a Southern Air Transport plane on three flights to Barranquilla on Oct. 2, 4, and 6, 1985. The story ran on Oct. Shortly after the article moved on the AP wires, I received a phone call from Rosenblith at Kerry’s office. Sounding shocked, the Kerry investigator asked for more details about the last paragraph of the story, but he wouldn’t say why he wanted to know.

Only months later did I discover that the AP story on Sawyer’s logs had provided unintentional corroboration for Palacio’s Contra-drug allegations. +++++++++++++ HISTORY CHANNEL EXPOSES DRUG TIES TO COVERT WARS “America’s War on Drugs” About “America’s War on Drugs” is an immersive trip through the last five decades, uncovering how the CIA, obsessed with keeping America safe in the fight against communism, allied itself with the mafia and foreign drug traffickers. In exchange for support against foreign enemies, the groups were allowed to grow their drug trade in the United States.

The series explores the unintended consequences of when gangsters, war lords, spies, outlaw entrepreneurs, street gangs and politicians vie for power and control of the global black market for narcotics – all told through the firsthand accounts of former CIA and DEA officers, major drug traffickers, gang members, noted experts and insiders. Night one of “America’s War on Drugs” divulges covert Cold War operations that empowered a generation of drug traffickers and reveals the peculiar details of secret CIA LSD experiments which helped fuel the counter-culture movement, leading to President Nixon’s crackdown and declaration of a war on drugs. The documentary series then delves into the rise of the cocaine cowboys, a secret island “cocaine base,” the CIA’s connection to the crack epidemic, the history of the cartels and their murderous tactics, the era of “Just Say No,” the negative effect of NAFTA, and the unlikely career of an almost famous Midwest meth queen. The final chapter of the series examines how the attacks on September 11th intertwined the War on Drugs and the War on Terror, transforming Afghanistan into a narco-state teeming with corruption. It also explores how American intervention in Mexico helped give rise to El Chapo and the Super Cartels, bringing unprecedented levels of violence and sending even more drugs across America’s borders. Five decades into the War on Drugs, a move to legalize marijuana gains momentum, mega-corporations have become richer and more powerful than any nation’s drug cartel, and continuing to rise is the demand for heroin and other illegal drugs.

Get it here, Now! Featuring Celerino Castillo III, Michael Levine, Phil Jordan, Ryan Grimm, Nick Schou “We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn’t.

I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.” -Washington Post owner Katharine Graham in a 1988 speech to CIA recruits titled “Secrecy and the Press”: “Several informed sources have told me that an appendix to this Report was removed at the instruction of the Department of Justice at the last minute. This appendix is reported to have information about a CIA officer, not agent or asset, but officer, based in the Los Angeles Station, who was in charge of Contra related activities.According to these sources, this individual was associated with running drugs to South Central Los Angeles,around 1988. Let me repeat that amazing omission. The recently released CIA Report Volume II contained an appendix, which was pulled by the Department of Justice, that reported a CIA officer in the LA Station was hooked into drug running in South Central Los Angeles.” –U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters – October 13. 1998, speaking on the floor of the US House of Representatives.

Robert Perry Dear Robert, Just read your article regarding Bill Browder. As it happens I just completed a book about him which I’m about to self-publish. However, knowing how aggressivly Browder and his backers squash anything that spoils their narrative I expect Amazon might find that I’ve violated “community standards,” and delist the book. The book’s intent is to deconstruct the deception in Browder’s narrative and make a contribution to a peaceful, constructive resolution to the needless conflict between Russia and the West. Browder has been among the loudest cheerleaders for escalation of that conflict. Otherwise, like Browder, I’m a hedge fund manager and I’ve crossed paths with him twice. I understand that you might receive too many requests of this nature but for whatever it’s worth I think the book I wrote is terrific.

Everyone agrees – important people. =) My request is: could you take a look at the book and see if you can help me publish/promote it, particularly if it could be interesting to you as well or to Consortium News.

Money is very distant secondary to me – my primary motivation is getting this out to as many people as possible before it gets squashed. In that case, where can I send you a copy? Finally, thank you from the heart for your journalism, I count you among the small number of people who have not sold their integrity and I know that has made your life harder. It does not go unnoticed and it DOES make a difference.

A huge one I think, even if it’s brewing below the surface and in silence. If you can’t respond to my request: I understand and accept that you probably have good reasons. Still, keep me in mind in case the book makes any small splash – what we’re fighting for is the hearts and minds of the Western public so that they may reject fear and loathing and embrace peace and cooperation among nations. Kind regards, Alex Krainer. Dear fellow humanitarian, While Western countries have wealth, peace, and free speech not found in many other countries, corporate Mainstream media ensure very limited effective free speech for dissident humanitarians.

The disproportionately Zionist-dominated US media giant Google has responded to “fake news” assertions with massive but sneaky Google censorship that further limits effective free speech of dissidents worldwide, further empowers the neocon- and Zionist-dominated Establishment, and also threatens the planet – Humanity and the Biosphere are existentially threatened by nuclear weapons, poverty and climate change but science-based risk management is crucially dependent on free speech and accurate reportage. It is cogently argued that in the looming Age of Artificial Intelligence, data represent the “new oil of the digital economy”.

Seymour Hersh’s recently published recorded rant asserting that Seth Rich was the source of wikileaks access to DNC emails tracked some of the forensic evidence listed in your recent VIPS Memo analysis, but also asserted that he been told the contents of an FBI report, including review of Rich’s laptop, showing communications with Julian Assange, and arrangements to share a dropbox folder. The recording also references NSA records of his phone usage, perhaps a mistake, or perhaps reflecting that the FBI went to NSA to review Rich’s phone communications. Your VIPS seem very qualified to know where in the NSA and FBI records evidence would exist as to whether NSA and/or FBI ever recovered phone conversations or emails between Rich and Assange. Perhaps they could file a FOIA request, or let others know exactly what to ask for, along with this report Hersh and others refer to. The simple fact of whether Rich and Assange ever communicated would be valuable, and disclosure should not compromise any legitimate national security purpose.

If those records are comprehensive and disprove communication, that would support the official line, but if they show communication, then they partially validate the Seth Rich angle. Same with when and how many times. If FOIA won’t penetrate, then perhaps a private attorney general action, alleging violation of NSA laws which prohibit surveillance of citizens, or FBI or CIA involvement in domestic political activities, would do the trick. Other topics that might be similarly pursued include the nature of CrowdStrike’s FBI contract beginning in June 2015 (did it involve tools for projecting hack authorship onto foreign entities?), recipients in those agencies of Christopher Steele’s dossier on Trump, communications with Steele and Fusion GPS. It’s also possible that new leadership from the Trump Administration at those agencies might learn something through the process that those responsible may not want them to know. Foreign powers always had a tough go in Afgahn. THE JEWISH KABBALAH WHAT IS KABBALAH?

Today, “Kabbalah” makes most think of pop stars like Madonna or Britney Spears who dabble in the occult. Actually, Kabbalah has no real relevance to Gentiles. It is an occult theology and practice centering around the superiority of Jews and their predestined purpose to dominate society. While conservatives focus on the dark side of Islam, they take it for granted that Judaism is a benign religion of peace and tolerance. But if we are brave enough to take a closer look, we find a very, very different reality. Deep in the heart of Judaism’s sacred texts lie a set of twisted and chilling beliefs. Christian-Jewish historian Alfred Eidersheim comments, “It is undeniable that already at the time of Jesus Christ, there existed an assemblage of doctrines and speculations that were carefully concealed from the multitude.

They were not even revealed to ordinary scholars. This kind bore the name of Kabbala.” [1] In Kabbalist theology, “God”, called the “En Sof”, is beyond rational description. He consists of the most exalted, rarified light. As his wavelengths descend, they manifest themselves, according to Jewish Kabbalists, as a most wonderful phenomenon: the Jewish people.

Jews, being semi-divine, are the rational, physical manifestations of God’s presence in the universe. They are as indispensable to the existence of the universe as a proton is to an atom. EVIL GENTILES: Unfortunately, the wavelengths of God continue to descend, becoming so degenerate that they produce demons and – most troubling to Israel – satanic creatures called “Kliphoth,” or Gentiles. The rabbinic treatise, “Sepher Or Israel, 117”, recommends: “Take the life of the Klipoth and kill them, and you will please God the same as one who offers incense to Him.” [2] The Zohar, meaning “brightness” or “light”, is the five-volume repository of Kabbalistic lore and mystic speculation. It explains, “‘living soul’ refers to Israel who have holy, living souls from above, and ‘cattle’ and ‘creeping thing’ and ‘beast of the earth’ to the other peoples who are not ‘living soul’.” [3] BAD VIBRATIONS: According to the Zohar, the great tragedy of this world is that the Kliphoth or Gentiles perpetually unsettle the higher levels with their evil imbalance. As long as the Kliphoth continue to exist in their present state of discord, God and His universe will be disordered as well.

In this concept we find a rationale for the Kabbalists’ hatred of Gentiles. Jesus said, “The time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John 16:2) The Kabbalist sees the extermination of the Gentile as a necessary process toward restoring order in the universe. He teaches that the Gentile is a form of demon who should be treated with no more genuine benevolence than one would treat Satan himself. Gentiles, whom the Zohar describes as “Amalekites”, have an intrinsic tendency to disorder the world, causing it to revert to its primordial state of chaos (tohu) and emptiness (bohu). “All of these [Gentiles] tend to bring the world back to the state of tohu and bohu, and they caused the destruction of the temple. But as “tohu” and “bohu” gave place to the light, so, when God reveals Himself, they will be wiped off the earth.

But, withal, redemption will not be complete until Amalek will be exterminated.” [4] “The People of the Earth are idolaters, and it has been written about them: Let them be wiped off the face of the earth.” [5] LONG SUFFERING ISRAEL: Until the blessed day when the Gentiles are exterminated, the Zohar says, Israel must remain in a withered, blighted condition. This is because Gentiles, by the confusion they stir up in the lower levels, prevent the blessings of the Shekina in the upper levels from adequately descending upon Israel. Someday, however, things will be as they were meant and “man” (meaning Israel) will be given the preeminence he was created to enjoy. Then, says the Kabbalah, “man should be unique and ruler over all.” [6] HOW WILL “MAN” CONQUER THE WORLD? “Rabbi Jehuda said to him Rabbi Chezkia: “He is to be praised who is able to free himself from the enemies of Israel, and the just are much to be praised who get free from them and fight against them.” Rabbi Chezkia asked, “How must we fight against them?” Rabbi Jehuda said, “By wise counsel thou shalt war against them.” (Proverbs 24:6) “By what kind of war?” “The kind of war that every son of man must war against his enemies. Which Jacob used against Esau-by deceit and trickery wherever possible.

They must be fought against without ceasing, until proper order be restored. Thus it is with satisfaction that I say we should free ourselves from them, and rule over them.”” [7] The intention of this passage is clear: world domination. WORLD DOMINATION: When Jews control the planet, Kabbalists believe, God’s power will be manifest through the Messiah. Shared from US Involved in Informal Talks With N Korea – Former US Under Secretary of State https:/ te Bottom of Form US Involved in Informal Talks With N Korea – Former US Under Secretary of State © AP Photo/ Alex Brandon WORLD 12:07 Get short URL 1125440 According to Thomas Pickering, United States is involved in informal talks with representatives of North Korea, though no diplomatic breakthrough has been reached yet. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States is involved in informal talks with representatives of North Korea, though no diplomatic breakthrough has been reached yet, Thomas Pickering, the former US Ambassador to Russia and US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, told RIA Novosti in an interview. In May, the North Korean Foreign Ministry’s bureau chief for North America, Choi Sun Hee, said she had met with Pickering, not ruling out the possibility of bilateral contacts with the United States “under the right circumstances.” “Without reference to the confirmation of any particular meeting or not, I think that it’s clear to say that we have engaged in ‘track two’ discussions [informal meetings between the representatives of state and non-state actors] with North Koreans, the ones they’ve talked about. My own view is that they have been useful, but they have not led to any instant diplomatic breakthrough,” Pickering said.

He stressed the importance of diplomatic and informal contacts. “Sometimes ‘track two’ contacts are useful to the parties as a way of exchanging ideas and opening the door to new ways of thinking about the problem. ‘Track two’ discussions that I’ve been engaged in have involved briefings of the US government before and after the discussions have taken place. It’s not an effort to supplant the government or to replace, but to try to help them understand what’s going on,” Pickering said. © AP PHOTO/ PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS Narrow Majority of US Voters Doubt Trump Can Handle North Korea Last week, the broadcaster NHK reported that Evans Revere, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, had met with Choe Kang Il, the deputy director general for North American affairs at North Korea’s Foreign Ministry, on the sidelines of the international conference on security issues in Northeast Asia in Switzerland. No details of the meeting were disclosed though. The situation on the Korean Peninsula has become aggravated in recent months due to Pyongyang’s missile launches and nuclear tests, all conducted in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

On September 3, North Korea announced that it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb that could be loaded into an intercontinental ballistic missile, which became Pyongyang’s sixth nuclear test. In light of these developments, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted its toughest-ever resolution against North Korea that restricted oil exports to Pyongyang, banned imports of textile products from the Asian nation as well as the country’s access to gas liquids, among other restrictions.

However, North Korea has not halted its missile and nuclear activity, and conducted another missile test on Friday. Bob, have you seen this lunacy? ALL CITIZENS NEED TO READ THIS! Las Vegas and SH, etc, aside, might the NWO lunatics be controlling some actions of Trump using SSSS in White House, such as bombing Syria based on fake evidence? Remember also, how his disposition seems to change a few months into his presidency that left so many of us aghast?

“FALSE FLAGS” are LEGAL PROPAGANDA PRODUCED by the Department of Defense An excerpt: Subliminal Mind Control – SSSS The “Sound of Silence” is a military-intelligence code-word for certain psychotronic weapons of mass mind-control tested in the mid-1950s, perfected during the 70s, and used extensively by the US military in the early 90s. This weapon is based on subliminal carrier technology, or the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS). It was developed for military use by Dr.

Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703 – “Silent Subliminal Presentation System” for commercial use in 1992. The patent abstract reads: “A silent communications system in which non-aural carriers, in the very low (ELF) or very high audio-frequency (VHF) range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.” The Sound of Silence Spread Spectrum broadcasting equipment allows for the implantation of thoughts, emotions, and even prescribed physical actions into human beings. In the private sector SSSS goes by the name Silent Subliminal Presentation System and the technology has also been released to certain corporate vendors who have attached brand names like BrainSpeak and Silent Subliminals to their own SSSS-based products. It is a technology that uses subliminal programming that is carried over Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly into the subconscious human mind.

Perfected more than twenty years ago by the DoD and battlefield-tested upon Iraqi soldiers in the Gulf War during 1991, SSSS is a proven weapon. The US Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries through BBG broadcasts. SSSS is completely undetectable by those being targeted and it delivers its subliminal programming directly to the human brain via the auditory sense at frequencies that humans are incapable of perceiving as sound, there is no defense against it. Coupled with the use of supercomputers, an individual’s unique electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns can be digitally altered and then stored for rebroadcast via digital UHF.

Computer-enhanced EEGs can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude emotion signature clusters, synthesize them and they can then be broadcast over TV and radio signals directly into the brain where they can then silently trigger the same basic emotion in another human being. Good recent Alastair Crooke about Syria but IIRC you also hired and gaved voice to some Syrian rebel apologist. Might have been wrong on that and then fired her–either wrong or that reporter’s Syrian propaganda posts were sent to the barn. I think though any (and especially) a new news independent media shouldn’t eliminate posts, even if it doesn’t agree with the agenda.

Even a skeptical agenda. And maybe I’m ignorant if that person’s ignorant articles are still here. Can’t find them, or long ago. Deleted, or both.

After this post I’ll try to keep trying to find the posts. I think a few referenced Murtaza Hussain and his beloved Syrian White Helmet terrorist buddies. Even if he didn’t know that was happening. Even if an Oscar presented. You are awesome Robert Parry. No matter any tiny disagreements. Wonderful person and amazing journalist/writer and a good moral person.

May you live forever, you utter STALWART. And if I somehow have $5 or more in bank at end of month, it’s yours.

You boneheads are letting in social justice fanatics into your site’s content and it will harm your site. Everytime I hear these ridiculous non defined terms like white supremacy peppered about in relation to completely unrelated subjects I only think of one thing: the protocols of the elders of zion but for white people. You are now part of a cult.

None of what is happening today politically in the United States has any remotely significant relation to “white supremacy”. Its embarrassing that you allow such ill defined concepts to impact your analysis. Its a childish view of current events and history. The time of guilty wealthy bourgeouis liberals is over and will be soon burried with its proponents into the earth.

What is the ONE paragraph, that will CHANGE EVERY THING you THOUGHT you KNEW about who ASSASSINATED JFK? Here it is: What do Richard M. Nixon (former Vice-President under Eisenhower), LBJ (Vice-President under JFK), Allen Dulles (former Director of the CIA, fired by JFK, after the “Bay of Pigs” debacle), Cord Meyer (LBJ’s “Man” at the CIA, and with whose ex-wife JFK had an affair!), George H.W.

BUSH (CIA & Texas OIL-man), David Morales (CIA), E. Howard Hunt (CIA), Frank Sturgis (CIA), MARITA LORENZ (CIA), Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA/FBI), and Mafia Pilot David Ferrie all share in common? Answer: Their involvement in one or more aspects of the NSC (National Security Council) 5412 Committee’s (CIA) “Operation 40” to ASSASSINATE Cuba’s Fidel Castro. Thank you for excellent current affairs and analysis journalism, Consortium News. I’m an Australian, but try to read independent media from all over the world because I think it’s vital all who dissent are familiar with what’s happening and what’s being said about it in other parts of the world. I think one of the first things we learn talking to each other all over the world is we’re all hearing the same political slogans and narrative – often word for word. The only contested matter is which country’s neocons came up with the latest line first and exported it.

Once you know that’s happening, it becomes much easier to recognise propaganda and unite to fight it internationally.