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RSVP here: Capacity: 30 Target audience: Technical Women who regularly attend technical meetings [Working Groups] and would like to develop and “command their presence” in high pressure meetings. Workshop Background The Command Presence Workshop (CPW) has been recognized by Anita Borg Institute and Harvard Business Review. It is intended to teach participants how to handle “senior-level high pressure meetings”. The majority of the workshop is a task-force convened to address a simulated, but very realistic crisis event. In the class, each participant assumes a role, and is given about 30minutes to prepare 1-2 slides.

Once the class has prepared, the simulation begins. There is a role-play simulations. It is not uncommon to hear occasional “gasps” of disbelief from the participants. The workshop participants will thus experience rapid-fire questioning, interruption, and other situations that occur in senior-level meetings, but in a safe environment conducive to learning techniques for handling such situations. Event is now at max capacity. Women of OpenStack Networking Event - Tokyo Summit!

Cd Driver Hewlett Packard Plus Writer Ferber

Jump start your week at the Summit with a fun evening where you can get to know your fellow Women of OpenStack! IBM and Intel are proud to host the Women of OpenStack Networking social - organized by the OpenStack Foundation. Please join us!

HAPPY HOUR, 4:30 - 7:30pm AOYAMA LAPUTA GARDEN We'll have food, drinks and a special giveaway (not t-shirts!). TRANSPORTATION: Busses pick-up at Building #3 PAMIR, Level 1 of the Summit Venue. Maps will be emailed to everyone who RSVPs. Busses will begin loading at the Summit Venue at 3:45pm and depart starting at 4:10pm. Shuttle busses will rotate until the party concludes. Aoyama Laputa Garden is a 20-minute drive from the Summit venue.

While all are welcome, we want to first invite women working on OpenStack-related projects to mingle and network. This is a unique opportunity to meet and make connections with other women before the Summit. We hope you'll join us to learn more about how you can get involved in building a stronger women's presence in the OpenStack community. Space is limited, RSVP required! Like it or not, application developers will compare their private cloud experience with what they’re accustomed to in the public cloud. If expectations fall short, they’ll continue using public clouds instead of your private cloud, even it’s behind your back -- the shadow cloud. Bitnami founder and COO, Erica Brescia, will share insights into the most important cloud features app developers care about, rates of public cloud and application adoption, and what you can do to ensure your private cloud is successful in banishing the shadow cloud.

Consumer services from major cloud service providers have driven the first wave of cloud computing. However, over the next five years, opportunities created by the Internet of Things and big data/analytics will be the leading drivers of enterprise cloud growth. Imad Sousou, platinum member, OpenStack Foundation board of directors, will detail how Intel is working with the community and with partners in the industry to drive the maturity of OpenStack for the enterprise and to deliver easy-to-deploy solutions, enabling tens of thousands of new clouds.

GMO Internet Group (GMO), headquartered in Tokyo, is a global Internet services provider offering a comprehensive and industry-leading product portfolio to thousands of customers worldwide. GMO has four OpenStack-based cloud/hosting products, running on over 1,400 compute nodes, available in four global geographies and used by over 15,000 customers. In today’s keynote, we will discuss how GMO enhance it’s hosting products through the usage of OpenStack, and how customers today are benefiting from this technology. We have some common cross project concerns that fall by the wayside when we don't pull the whole community together to focus attention on them. Things like functional testing, upgrades, interaction with DefCore, recruiting more core reviewers, and application of the logging guidelines. Let's sit down together and pick one or two 'themes' for this cycle for all projects to be considering as background for their project-specific goals.

Moderator: Doug Hellmann Etherpad: How can we make log messages and the log library both flexible enough and standard enough that the library meets the needs of projects without imposing project specific formats into the log stream. Progress has been made, but let's put together the plan to keep this moving forward for Mitaka. Spec: Deeper dive/standards on when/how to use the set of Log Levels OPS should not need no stinking DEBUG! Based on How to move logs to being useful without DEBUG level set. Hacking rules? Better ideas?

- Gaps - Survey - Docs - Enforcement Moderator: rockyg Etherpad: The Service Catalog is an incredibly useful concept in the keystone project, which is substantially underused today. We had an exploratory session in Vancouver to move the ball forward, which led to a cycle of building up context on the problem. The Tokyo session will be presenting an path forward to a Service Catalog: TNG which will be a set of steps we can move forward on.

It will quickly touch on items that seem uncontroversial, and then get eyes on some of the potentially more controversial pieces to come up with the best approach forward. The base line cross-project spec for this work is evolving here: Moderator: Sean Dague Etherpad: Is this your first OpenStack Design Summit? Unlike most conferences, you are invited to participate and play an active role. Where to start?

The rationale and the organization that allows such a unique collaborative design will be explained. This is your chance to get answers and get the best of it!

During this session we will let the attendants know some details about the Design Summit, including who will be attending, different tracks and purposes, which sessions/talks are the most suitable for beginners and how they can participate. This short introduction will be followed by a a lively presentation of the most common situations and how to behave when facing them.

It will be a miniature experience of a first participation to the Design Summit. The Product WG recently asked a majority of the PTLs for a list of questions that would provide necessary information to make design decisions and to better understand how the services are being used in OpenStack cloud deployments. While the full list of questions is too long for a 40 minute session, we would like to spend time on 10 or 11 of these questions with you, the operators, so that we can take this feedback directly to the project teams.

The projects that will be discussed are Nova, Cinder, Glance, Heat, Horizon, Triple O, Ironic, Kolla, and Keystone. Thanks in advance for your help! Note: This is an interactive discussion for the ops community. No presentations will be given. Please come armed with your knowledge, bug links and be ready to pitch in:) Moderators. With the ever increasing adoption of Openstack in Enterprises and transforming from Sandbox research projects into viable Product Grade deployments the ask for architecting the deployments properly is fast becoming a necessity.

This session would would walk through all the required tasks to be considered by an Openstack Architect while designing an Enterprise Openstack Cloud. Openstack Design and Architecture: Process of Designing and Planning a Minimum Viable Platform to start off an Openstack Architecture. A Cloud Discovery Workshop Template used by the Red Hat Cloud Practice will be discussed.

This session helps prepare the architecture team and customers to collaborate on the solution architecture. Some topics to be considered for Openstack Architecture Design Solution Architectures based on Cloud Discovery Worksop. Openstack Base Deployment: Control Plane Recommendations. Compute Recommendations.

Networking Recommendations. Failure Domain Recommendations. Availability Recommendations Openstack Services - Deploying and Extending OpenStack Core Services: The core components will be covered in addition to tech preview components..

Rally Operating and Managing Openstack: We will dive into how to operate and manage an OpenStack cloud.. Nagios or other Montoring Tools. Database Patching. Maintenance Tasks. Hypervisor Maintenance.

Controller Maintenance. This session will illustrate a new network packet logging mechanism for security-group and FWaaS, and how it benefits the admin and tenant users. The admin and tenant users of enterprise systems need to audit their network activity or investigate the network packet tracking when they see a problem. Neutron, however, has no such a feature today.

We are developing a new feature that enables network packet logging for security-group and FWaaS. This session will explain: • How to setup and use the logging feature.

• What information to log for auditing and trouble shooting from our experiences on our public cloud. Swift makes an ideal storage solution for web applications that need to store large volumes of data, be it photos, videos, or any other larger type of media data.

Application developers no longer need to care about the storage and possible growth because data, metadata, and application logic can now be clearly separated. This simplifies the development process and at the same time ensures a high scalability of the whole system. In this talk, you’ll learn about an overview of Swift itself with a focus on some very useful features inside Swift for (web) application developers. Then, you’ll learn how to make use of these features with 2 very popular web frameworks, AngularJS and Django. When you leave this session, you should have a good overview how to start your own Swift-powered applications. Keystone supports four different types of tokens, UUID, PKI, PKIZ, and Fernet. Let’s take a deep dive into: • Understanding token formats • Pros and Cons of each format in Production • Performance across multiple data centers • Token revocation workflow for each of the formats • Horizon usage of the different token types We previously deployed UUID and PKI in Production and are now moving towards the latest format, Fernet.

We would like to share our lessons learned with different formats and help you decide on which format is suitable for your cloud. Cloud application developers using the OpenStack infrastructure are demanding implementations of not just the Swift API, but also the S3 defacto and CDMI standard APIs. Each of these APIs not only offers features in common but also offers what appear to be unique and incompatible facilities. At this BoF, we’ll discuss how to: Implement a multi-API strategy simply and effectively, sensibly manage the differences between each of the APIs, map common features to each other, take advantage of each of the APIs' strengths, avoid lowest common denominator implementations. OpenStack is a global community, OpenStack is deployed in many countries. As such, Internationalization (i18n) is essential to the success of OpenStack.

The i18n team is a very special team whose contributions, in the form of translations, are of great value to the development and documentation of OpenStack. In this session we will cover the team structure, how to become part of it, the process to translate OpenStack's different modules and documentation, and the translation tool used to do it (Zanata). The Japanese translation team coordinator will also share his experiences in openstack translation. Come and join us to learn how to help OpenStack speak your language! NTT Resonant Inc., one of NTT group company, is an operator of the 'goo' Japanese web portal and a leading provider of Internet services.

NTT Resonant deployed and has been operating OpenStack as its service infrastructure since October 2014 in production. The infrastructure started with 400 hypervisors and now accommodates more than 80 services and over 1700 virtual servers. It processes most of 170 Million unique users per month and 1 Billion page views per month. We will show our knowledge based on our experience. This talk will specifically cover the following areas: • This shortened the timeframe to provide virtual server to service developers. • This improved the efficiency of development cycle by making it possible for service developers to scrap and build virtual servers by themselves.

• How we successfully introduced OpenStack under short timeframe from planning through migrating most of services from existing infrastructure. • How we designed our system using Nova, Glance, Swift, Keystone, Horizon and Neutron. • Which components we decided to integrate with OpenStack and not to integrate. OpenStack flexibly allows us to separately use appliances such as load balancer and firewall. • The distribution we chose was packages from RDO community of the Icehouse release. • How we modified the code to meet our requirement and our operation rules, mainly Horizon and some of APIs. • How we use Puppet, Zabbix and ticket system to manage and operate 400 hypervisors in efficient.

• How we improve and automate our workflow including both of virtual server provisioning and web application configuration by using Puppet framework. • We show our whole actual process from the creation of virtual servers to cutting over a web service in connection with OpenStack, Puppet, Zabbix and a few manual configurations for network appliances.

• How we monitor more than thousands virtual servers swarmed over OpenStack as a team responsibility of operation monitoring system in company. • The issues and future plan we have been addressing such as upgrade. Toshikazu Ichikawa is a Senior Research Engineer for NTT Software Innovation Center of NTT Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. He has been working to design and develop the cloud infrastructure system using OpenStack for NTT Group companies more than one year. Prior to this job, he was a Sr.

Manager of Japan Business Development and Architecture for Verio Inc., which is a subsidiary of NTT America, in Utah, U.S.A. He worked for the design and development of public cloud service named cloudn and the business development of managed hosting services from 2011 to 2014. He also has a research engineer backgroud at NTT Sharing Platform Laboratories of NTT Corporation. He worked for the research and development of the system including cloud computing and distributed storage system for 10 years. As OpenStack itself has continued to evolve it's governance model, Neutron has done the same.

In a world where we're all operating under 'The Big Tent', Neutron has carved out it's own effort dubbed 'The Neutron Stadium.' During Liberty we've added a lot of new things into the project, from APIs to plugin and driver backends to new services.

This talk will cover a background on Neutron, how it's evolved as the OpenStack world has changed, what the Stadium has brought inside, and where things are headed. You will leave with a clear understanding of how Neutron is a platform, what has changed and what the future holds in this area. Moving from an era of vertical scaling and infrastructure resiliency to a world where reliability in the infrastructure is not assumed and application owners must start thinking about horizontal scaling and fault tolerance at higher layers can be challenging. A deep dive into what are the best practices for deploying distributed, scalable applications on cloud, where are the challenges and what solutions scale well. Hear real world examples of how Comcast stood up an internal private cloud service leveraging OpenStack and Ceph.

In less than 3 years the cloud is supporting over 500 internal customers including large scale, high performance applications such as our X1 platform and Residential Email. A review of what architectures, tools and services work well for large scale stateless applications as well as how smaller apps tackle their deployments. Answers to where and how our apps securely manage state, store data, and plan for failure. Is OpenStack commercially viable for service providers? Any service provider looking to develop its cloud solution business wants a service that can be brought to market quickly and cost effectively. It needs to provide differentiation, and to be able to scale as the service grows.

How to achieve that? Build or buy?

Or any combination? In this session we will go through some of the challenges we faced when creating OpenStack based Cloud Service Providers in the early days and how we would do some things differently. Gerald is leading DOCOMO Euro-Labs' standardization team which is active in the areas of Machine-Type-Communications (MTC), Software-defined Networking (SDN), 5th Generation Mobile Networks (5G), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV).

In the latter topic, Gerald is participating in OPNFV project with a concentration on the topics Doctor (Fault Management) and Promise (Resource Reservation). In 2010 Gerald started as researcher for the next generation mobile core network in DOCOMO Euro-Labs in Munich, working on improving the Quality of Experience (QoE) and efficiency of mobile networks. He represented DOCOMO Euro-Labs in the European research projects MEDIEVAL and SAIL, where partners from academia and industry worked to optimize mobile networks for multimedia services and scalable/adaptive solutions for a next generation transport network respectively. Gerald studied electrical and information engineering at the Technische.

OpenStack and network functions virtualization (NFV) has become the telecommunication industry’s first choice for meeting rigorous networking requirements of high reliability, low latency, and massive scalability. In this customer panel, industry leaders China Mobile, Verizon Wireless, and Telus Communications share their real-world experience and lessons learned deploying OpenStack for NFV.

Moderated by Red Hat’s VP of Worldwide Service Provider Sales, Darrell Jordan-Smith, join us to hear more about their success with OpenStack for NFV. How often is your pleasant night of sleep interrupted by a Neutron nightmare? Although Neutron is one the most complex OpenStack projects to troubleshoot, this hands-on workshop will give participants awesome tips for quickly resolving Neutron-centric problems.

Each participant will gain hands-on Neutron troubleshooting experience by receiving credentials to a live OpenStack Kilo environment. By the end of this workshop, participants will not only know how to identify and fix common Neutron issues but learn the necessary tools to prevent future headaches so you can finally get a good night's rest! Matt Dorn is a Cloud Technology Instructor with Rackspace focused on helping IT teams around the world build private clouds with OpenStack. He understands that many feel a great deal of intimidation when approaching open source projects and is fanatical about providing an easy to understand learning path that makes OpenStack accessible and fun.

His experience includes joining a 4-person hosting startup in Philadelphia to a leadership position for Dell’s Cloud Services team. Matt blogs about OpenStack. Traditionally, enterprise data center security has been enforced at the perimeter through firewall appliances. As 'the cloud' has become the data center design blueprint, in a large part thanks to OpenStack's success, there effectively no longer is a perimeter; new cloud security models are needed.

Nuage Networks VSP, an industry-leading SDN platform, has been designed to address cloud security concerns from the ground up. More importantly, Nuage Networks has further enabled cloud security through a deep field of certified technology partners. In this talk, Hussein Khazaal will provide an overview of the cloud security advantages that Nuage Networks VSP provides and the additional value created through Nuage Networks certified security partners.

(continued) The Service Catalog is an incredibly useful concept in the keystone project, which is substantially underused today. We had an exploratory session in Vancouver to move the ball forward, which led to a cycle of building up context on the problem.

The Tokyo session will be presenting an path forward to a Service Catalog: TNG which will be a set of steps we can move forward on. It will quickly touch on items that seem uncontroversial, and then get eyes on some of the potentially more controversial pieces to come up with the best approach forward.

The base line cross-project spec for this work is evolving here: Moderator: Sean Dague Etherpad: At the ops midcycle dhellmann talked with Chris Hoge about some of the issues the DefCore team is encountering with establishing the correct versions of APIs, with changes to APIs, and with the tests for our APIs.

This led to the mailing list discussion about the Glance project priorities for Mitaka. A design summit session would be a chance to identify problem areas and work on solutions to ensure that all projects fully understand how they can and should be making changes while maintaining compatibility testing.

We should also work on improving communication between the contributor community and the DefCore committee. Dhellmann also spoke with zehicle, and he's planning to be present at the session to help with that so when DefCore identifies potential issues, they can feed back into the project teams and vice versa. Moderator: Doug Hellmann Etherpad: During the Liberty cycle we introduced a number of governance tags that can be applied to project teams and deliverables, in an effort to provide information about what we produce in the big tent and help our users navigate that ever-growing set of projects. This session will look back at the tags we introduced, and will brainstorm the next step.

The 'next-tags' workgroup at the Technical Committee already has a few things in the pipe (tags to describe which projects have a horizon panel, or heat resources, or devstack plugins, tags to describe the QA being done.), but what are we missing? Moderator: Thierry Carrez Etherpad: Amazon Web Services has had regions across the globe and Availability Zones (AZ) as standard offering for years. The tiering and choice of locations is best practice that OpenStack architects should embrace as they build a blueprint for geo-distributed OpenStack clouds. The notion of different regions and AZ allows smaller “blast zones” in the event of outages plus enables use cases such as active/standby clouds, tenant data replication and new tiered application architectures.

All of these use cases are extremely attractive but if not undertaken correctly, a geo-distributed OpenStack endeavour can be unpredictable, costly and complex. The cornerstone to a winning Geo-Distributed OpenStack Clouds architecture is the networking layer. While there are existing network architectures that leverage existing routing protocols and tunnelling mechanisms, OpenStack offers an opportunity to rethink and implement a lightweight mechanism based on a radically simpler software based implementation. In this session, learn how PLUMgrid is leveraging existing OpenStack compatible technologies and extending it to support a geo-distributed OpenStack cloud architecture. We will delve into technical implementation, physical infrastructure considerations and use case examples. Have you ever had a really interesting idea that you believe could benefit a significant number of OpenStack clouds but you are not a developer so can't contribute code?

Join us in this session to learn about the various ways non-developers can (and need to!) contribute to the OpenStack community. This session not only applies to operators but to any person that has a stake in the future of OpenStack. We will cover review and discuss groups that exist inside the OpenStack community that focus on specific market segments and how to get involved with them. We will also introduce the concept of user stories and how to submit them to the newly formed Product Working Group. What you will get out of this session: • An overview of the User Committee and [Working Groups]/teams that exist today • An understanding of the role that the Product WG plays, how to interact with it, and how its results are used in the community • Learn how you can submit user stories using the Product WG Repo and Template • Instructions/demo on how to submit a user story • Understand the value of work group participation as an OpenStack user. DOCOMO MAIL is 24/7 cloud mail system which has accesses from over 20 million people.

This mail system stores user's mail archive in OpenStack Swift with Peta Byte scale capacity deployed by NTT DATA. We have been successfully operating this service since Sep 2014 without any downtime. In this session, we'll present the actual issues and challenges we have faced and conquered.

Here're some specific points we'd like to highlight. * No service degrade, no downtime. * Massive scale and still growing. * Hundreds of servers operated by few people.

'Rule The Stack' is a community competition held at the Summit that challenges OpenStack wizards to build a complete OpenStack infrastructure with compute, storage, and networking. Participants compete on speed, accuracy and sophistication of their deployment. In this session, the winners of the previous 3 Rule the Stack competitions will reveal the tips and tricks they used to reliably provision OpenStack in just minutes. Learn how these techniques extend beyond the competition and can be adapted to be used in your own data center. If you are interested in trying your hand in this year's competition, we will provide a USB key for you to give it a shot.

Think you have what it takes to 'Rule the Stack'? Join us to learn from past champions and discuss new tricks! Manila, at its core, provides basic provisioning and management of file shares to users of an OpenStack cloud. The Sahara project provides a framework to expose Big Data services such as Spark and Hadoop.

Together these two projects create a solution that is greater than the sum of its parts. Natural synergy and popular demand led these three teams to develop a joint solution to expose Manila file shares within the Sahara construct to solve real Big Data challenges. This talk serves as a brief introduction to what these two projects encompass as well as a detailed look at the joint integration work that was created involving: o Sahara Data sources o Manila File Shares o Horizon Integration o Sample Workflows Some administrative enhancements to Manila will also be covered including: o Manila snapshots o NFS Connector for Hadoop o HDFS driver for Manila Finally, a demo will be presented showing a Sahara data processing job running with binaries, data sets, and results hosted in Manila file shares mounted on a Sahara cluster. Attendees will leave this session with an understanding of Manila and Sahara integrations and tangible use cases where it can be leveraged as a key component of a Big Data application deployment. Jeff Applewhite is a Technical Marketing Engineer with NetApp’s Cloud Solutions Group. Jeff has an extensive background in operations, storage, high availability, and hosting large, distributed applications requiring the strictest Service Level Agreements. Jeff focuses on helping customers through architectures and solutions that utilize the unique capabilities of NetApp storage to solve real world problems.

Prior to joining NetApp, Jeff worked as a developer, systems engineer, and manager of operations. OVN is a new network virtualization project that brings virtual networking to the Open vSwitch user community.

OVN includes logical switches and routers, security groups, and L2/L3/L4 ACLs, implemented on top of a tunnel-based overlay network. For physical-logical network integration, OVN implements software gateways, as well as supports hardware gateways from a variety of vendors. The OVN architecture simplifies the current OVS integration within Neutron by providing a virtual networking abstraction.

OVN provides Neutron with improved dataplane performance through shortcut, distributed logical L3 processing and in-kernel based security groups, without running special OpenStack agents on hypervisors. In this presentation, we will provide an update on OVN's progress and provide a demo. The demo will show an OpenStack-driven OVN deployment connecting containers and hypervisors. We will demonstrate newly added features such as security groups and logical L3. We will also discuss how users can start using OVN in their own deployments. One of benefits of OpenStack is that various systems can be built by combining each component, such server, storage and network, and tuning the parameters. Thanks to it, a system corresponding to wide range of workloads can be deployed with a multi-hypervisor configuration, mixing VM and baremetal.

But, the actual usecases are rarely in public, and the know-how to deploy the system like tuning parameters is not enough. Also, even though users in Enterprise desire to realize a high availability system failing over gracefully, some issues are remaining and we need to solve them. Based on my actual experience, this session introduces requirements from users for multi-hypervisor system capable of the high availability, the know-how to deploy it, and issues to be solved. These are examples of topics: - Configuration for Nova and Neutron in a configuration mixing VM and Baremetal. - Configuration for Cinder multi backend - Graceful failover in case of hardware/software failure. Shingled magnetic recording (SMR) drives have the potential to significantly reduce storage costs. However, they have very different characteristics than standard drives.

In this talk we will give background information on SMR drives and talk about performance of both device-managed (use firmware to hide differing characteristics) and host-managed (rely on the application to manage the differing characteristics) SMR drives under various simulated Swift workloads modeled after public cloud access patterns observed at SoftLayer. We also present a simulation of what performance would be possible if Swift's DiskFile abstraction was modified to be SMR aware by performing sequential writes, a key requirement for utilizing SMR disks. We then discuss methods to optimize Swift deployments for SMR drives.

The session will highlight: - Background information on SMR drives and their management models - Experiments to characterize SMR drive performance - How to tune Swift to improve performance with SMR drives - Potential Swift changes to enable sequential writes that would enable better usage of SMR drives and expected performance. The advantages of OpenStack cloud are well established, but deploying enterprise grade OpenStack environments at scale is still a work in progress. Learn how Cisco is working with partners like Red Hat, NetApp, and Intel to build environments robust enough for production rollout of cloud applications. Cisco’s OpenStack solutions use industry-leading Cisco UCS integrated infrastructure and advanced policy-based automation through Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) to deliver enterprise grade OpenStack solutions. Joining Mike and Balaji will be Karthik Prabhakar, Global Cloud Technologist at Red Hat. In proof of concept trials, service providers and vendor partners have proven they can virtualize key vCPE network functions.

However, virtualization alone is only a first step towards creating and operationalizing a true platform for revenue growth from value-added content and applications. Bringing residential and business vCPE to the cloud is the essential next step. In this presentation NEC/NetCracker will demonstrate the path from virtualization to cloudification, leveraging practical experience in operationalizing vCPE to bring new services to market.

Mark Bieberich is NetCracker’s Senior Director of Strategy for SDN/NFV Solutions. In this role he leads a range of competitive strategy, marketing and business development initiatives for SDN and NFV portfolio solutions developed by NetCracker and its parent company, NEC. Before joining NetCracker Mr. Bieberich was Senior Director of Market Intelligence at Ciena Corp, where he directed a team of market analysts focused on strategic and tactical evaluation of market and competitive dynamics. Analysis from his team contributed to strategic decision making processes within the. In this session, I am going to introduce HyperStack, the secure, public Caas powered by Docker, Hyper, Kubernetes and OpenStack.

Simply put: HyperStack = Cinder/Neutron + Hyper/Docker + Kubernetes HyperStack ensures: - multi-tenancy (together with keystone) - network isolation (by neutron) - persistent storage management (by cinder) - container orchestration (by kubernetes) Hyper is a hypervisor-agnostic Docker runtime. It allows running Docker images with any hypervisor (KVM, Xen, Vbox, ESX). Hyper is different from the minimalist Linux distros like CoreOS by the fact that Hyper runs on the physical box and loads the Docker images from the metal into the VM instance, in which no guest OS is present. Instead of virtualizing a complete operating system, Hyper boots a minimalist kernel in the VM to host the Docker images (Pod). With this approach, Hyper is able to bring some encouraging merits: - 300ms to boot a new HyperVM instance with a Pod of Docker images - 20MB for min Mem footprint of a HyperVM instance - Immutable HyperVM, only kernel+images, serving as atomic unit (Pod) for scheduling - Immune from the shared kernel problem in LXC – i.e.

Isolated by VM- Work seamlessly with OpenStack components, e.g. Neutron, Cinder, due to the nature of a hypervisor - BYOK, bring-your-own-kernel is somewhat mandatory for a public cloud platform. Allyson Klein manages initiative and leadership marketing for Intel's Data Center Group.

In this role she oversees Intel’s marketing strategy for data center technologies and industry collaborations to drive next-generation solutions to market. She also has driven marketing strategy for industry groups including the InfiniBand Trade Association, PCI SIG, Itanium Solutions Alliance, The Green Grid, Climate Savers Computing Initiative and Open Data Center Alliance. Allyson holds a BA from the University of Oregon in Marketing and Management and an MBA from Portland State. Eric Lajoie is a OpenStack & NFV Architecture Consultant for HP Professional Services (PS) – Helion OpenStack, Germany. In his current capacity, Eric is responsible for end to end solution design, be it IPv6, EPC, or virtualization solutions. His key interests and achievements are in design and implementation of carrier grade Helion OpenStack solutions as well as integration with SDN, EPC, LTE, VoLTE, Femto, M2M, VMware, and all flavors of Linux including RHEL, Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, and Gentoo.

He is responsible for solution, design, service implementation and assessments related to service providers environments. Joined HP Enterprise in December 1st 2014 10 Years of SP Industry Experience in Networks and Telecommunication Solutions. Projects thus far: Telefonica UNICA OpenStack and NFV Project including Nuage/DCN Joined Cisco in September 2005 till end of November 2014 Projects while at Cisco: vGi-LAN virtualization proof of concept in Germany EPC field support and enablement in Japan EPC solution design in France IPv6 M2M design. There is an idea to create a sub team in Large Deployments Team ( ) focused on identifying OpenStack performance issues. We would like to work on their solutions and sharing knowledge about performance and scalability researches done by different companies. It will be a good idea to gather together and finalise Performance team mission, #1 issues to work on, and share experience. Moderator: Dina Belova Etherpad:

Recently the TC approved a 'follows standard deprecation' tag which tried to reasonably capture what projects were doing. That coincided with the removal of v1 cinder API from devstack, which didn't really go so well, and had to be reverted. This session will be a bit of a post mortem on what went wrong there, and how we do this less wrong in the future. The expected output is a plan for how cinder (and other projects) can reasonably remove their very old APIs, what's expected there, and what additional guidance we should provide in our standard-deprecation tag. Also we will be talking about libraries and clients and their deprecation story. Moderator: Sean Dague Etherpad: We had presented our cloud design at OpenStack Paris Summit () and started the operation after the conference.

In this talk, we are going to share some important lessons and processes learned after the one year of OpenStack operation. This talk will help people who just want to start OpenStack operation or think of an operation by a small number of people. Team Building It is essential to organize DevOps team to keep up with an active OpenStack development.

We created DevOps team from scratch. We share the process of the team building and each member's skill doing DevOps.

Monitoring System Monitoring is important to keep the system stable. We share items we are currently monitoring (about 60,000 items) and show some important items to prevent service disruption. Alos, we share some custom scripts for OpenStack health check (e.g. RabbitMQ, MySQL and OpenStack services).

Log Analytics Logs (e.g. OpenStack debug log, Syslog, Auth log and Operation log) give you very important information and we can find potential problems/risks by analyzing those logs. We are getting more than 40GB logs a day and it is difficult to find important information among them. We demonstrate our Elasticsearch based log analytics/visualization tool to sort out useful information. Continuous Integration Once you start a cloud service, it is difficult to stop the service though there are many necessary updates.

We have updated the environment more than 100 times without downtime. We demonstrate Neutron Agent update that is one of the most difficult part of current OpenStack. We also share CI/CD tools and own tools used for system validation after updates.

Daily Operation We share our daily works. • Tools help you to monitor the system efficiently • Tools help you to check security alert • Issue tracking and management • Tools and procedures used for emergency operation (remote operation tools) Thanks to the community, it becomes easier to deploy OpenStack by many tools(e.g.

Juju, RDO and Fuel); however, there is still less information about keep running/updating OpenStack without downtime. We are going to share our experiences and own tools developed through the private cloud operation. Also, we share future challenges to make OpenStack operation more efficient. Today, there are still some manual operations but our goal is to help OpenStack operators sleep better by automating most of the operations. One of the unique features of an object store is the ability to associate user defined metadata attributes and values with containers and objects. However, in order to leverage the full potential of valuable metadata, efficient metadata search is essential.

Although this feature is currently missing in Swift, it is now gaining significant interest in the community. In this talk, we describe the components of design and implementation of a metadata search capability integrated with OpenStack Swift. This facility has a rich metadata search API, and enables key applications that were not previously feasible, such as bio-informatics applications and analysing a media repository. In the public transportation domain, we demonstrate a smart city IoT service which collects bus trip history for EMT Madrid and stores it in Swift, Geo-spatial and time series metadata search enables efficiently retrieving the data of interest - for example it supports queries such as retrieving the bus trip history for a certain bus line close to a major sporting event which took place last Saturday.

This enables efficient analysis of the data, for example comparing it with data for the same event in previous years. Today’s telecom services are driven by demand for cloud-based services.

Customers want dynamic, on-demand cloud services over any combination of virtual and physical networks. The most urgent problem service providers have today is automating the delivery of network services and accelerating cloud service rollouts. Service Function Chaining provides end-to-end network service delivery automation that operates completely independent of whether the network is physical or virtual. It integrates with today’s network infrastructure to create a network service abstraction layer that isolates operations from tedious and diverse configurations at the network layer, making the service layer simple, generic, and programmable. Network service can be auto provisioned and deployed on both general COTS platforms and legacy network devices in your data center using service function chaining, in which a wide variety of service functions scattered over the newtork may be chained together in a flexible and agile manner to provide desired service treatment. Scale-out of these service functions to handle added load or scale-in to reduce the resource usage is an integral part of the service function chaining solution. This presentation will talk about how you can integrate the service function chaining feature, which is being developed as part of OpenStack Neutron, into your Cloud Platform to auto provision differentiated Cloud services in an agile and flexible way, and how to turbo-charge your cloud using service chaining.

The following topics will be covered: 1. Overview of OpenStack Neutron Service Function Chaining Solution 2. How to define the service chains in a simple, prescriptive manner to create cloud services tailored to the needs of individual customers 3.

How to ensure vendor independence and be agnostic of underlying network technology 4. How to achieve scalability and elasticity (scale-out and scale-in) of service functions on your cloud platform 5. How to integrate container technologies, such as Docker, with Service Function Chaining.

OpenStack has been gradually incorporated into the company. Monitoring system for OpenStack has become important. This talk will introduce our monitoring system. It uses OSS products. This monitoring system can monitor both physical server and virtual machine. When OpenStack creates a virtual machine, setting of monitoring is automatically incorporated into it. And our monitoring system has function of collecting and analyzing the openstack logs.

・Monitoring for physical server in OpenStack. ・Monitoring for virtual machine using zabbix in each projects.

・The Log collect and analysis using Fluentd Elasticsearch kibana norikra. How will you transform your first OpenStack Summit into an accelerator for your career and your projects in development? And how will you make it happen without getting lost among thousands of other community members? This fun and engaging panel presentation, moderated by OpenStack Foundation newbie Heidi Joy Tretheway, features regular contributors to the OpenStack community who have found great ways to maximize the value of the Summit for their professional development and the success of their companies. We kick off with advice from those who have been to Vancouver, Paris, and other OpenStack Summits, including: • How to make the most of networking opportunities and social events • How to use the marketplace trade show to form new business connections and uncover opportunities • What to look for on the agenda and how to select the best sessions for you • 'Relationship accelerators' - five easy questions you can ask to get conversations rolling past 'What's your name?'

7 Dias Com Marilyn Monroe Download. And 'Where are you from?' We'll open the panel to your questions. Expect some lively and unconventional answers, and a few great icebreakers that will help you better connect with your newbie colleagues. You'll leave this session Proud to be a Noob, and ready to tackle the rest of the Summit. Setup OpenStack Dev/Test environment is a common daily task.

But Devstack doesn't work for us because need our own openstack build and configuration management tool to deploy to mimic the real thing in production. This talk will go through a history of how we build a cloud for daily dev/test use. How we transitioned from baremetal to cloud over cloud environment, and eventually adopting Kolla to setup the test cloud.

We'll go through the lessons learned during the process and changes we made to make it happen. The talk will be organized as follows: • Overview • A brief history of tools we used at eBay for OpenStack dev and test: Baremetal to VM to Docker using Kolla • Changes we made to run test cloud with Kolla (cell setup, NSX overlay network etc.) • Lessons learned from building a cloud for dev and test • Use cases: use Kolla for OpenStack upgrade test • Something about CI • Challenges. The success of containers through Docker has created a new operational flow and ecosystem far more reaching than anyone initially expected.

Both as a project and a model that unifies, improves, and enforces consistent deployments, while empowering application with near-native performance in a highly-decoupled microservice approach, Docker has created a movement for the next wave of the Internet. In doing so, numerous projects & products have spiraled out to capture a piece of the industry that facilities the adoption and usage of containers even further.

Lost in all the noise of announcements, blog posts and articles is the core of what we all as technologists really care about: what are my actual viable options and what should I know about them? In this talk, I will walk through the R&D work and market analysis that I’ve done in the container ecosystem and educate you on what technologies are worth tracking and incorporating into your stack including, but not limited to: Kubernetes, Swarm, CoreOS, Flocker and Hyper. Join Cumulus Networks to learn how to go from a pile of servers and switches to a working OpenStack deployment in just minutes with zero manual intervention. We'll show automatic installation of switches using ONIE, automatic configuration of switches using ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning), and PXE installing the servers, then use Puppet to install and configure OpenStack. All ONIE/ZTP/PXE/Puppet servers run on the switches themselves, eliminating the need for a separate provisioning server.

The demo illustrates the flexibility of open networking and the ability to unify server and switch automation, monitoring and management. We need to all get together and figure out and understand what the issues with DLM are, what lock management features have been replicated by many various projects and what something like zab (zookeeper), raft (consul, etc.d.), paxos (?), or other variant can offer to openstack and its diverse set of projects. Connected to: Related to: - - - - (and many others) Why: without understanding the problem, and what the solutions are, what the various offerings provide. We have no hope in fixing it, so let's work on that.

Expected result: understanding what a DLM is, what some of the common patterns they offer are, and in my happy world/vision agreeing that a DLM solution (ideally one, not many) will help openstack(s) future (in terms of long-term health, operability, features, and so-on); reduce common code that is replicated similar features and possibly bring world peace. Moderator: Mike Perez Etherpad: When devstack sets up the service users, some of them get the 'service' role, which is great, but nova and neutron get the 'admin' role, which is not great.

Also, the docs seem to say that all the service users should have the 'admin' role. We need a cross-project initiative to figure out what the operations are that the different services need to do (e.g., what does neutron need to do on nova), update the docs with the correct info so that deployers can set up their system in a secure way, update the default policies, and change devstack to do the role assignments for testing. Moderator: bknudson Etherpad:

In this talk I will share my experience doing upstream OpenStack development using the OpenStack Ansible Deployment (OSAD) distribution instead of DevStack as my development platform. OSAD is a production OpenStack distribution for private clouds that deploys upstream OpenStack direct from the official git repositories, without any vendor-specific patches or add-ons. But unlike DevStack, services are isolated from each other in LXC containers, providing more flexibility and less dependency headaches. In this talk I will give you an introduction to the OSAD project and show you how I use it to contribute code upstream. Topics I will cover during the presentation include: • What is OSAD? • Architecture overview • How to deploy an OSAD all-in-one for upstream development • OSAD vs. DevStack: How are they similar, and how are they different?

• Development workflow • Types of upstream work that work well with OSAD. • Types of upstream work that do not work well with OSAD. • Live Demonstration. Let's talk about the application workloads and scenarios you can envision on a truly open cloud.

What do you think about owning your health data or fitness data? How about running the infrastructure on an OpenStack cloud?

After learning that her eleven-year-old son was diagnosed with Type I diabetes in 2014, Anne began investigating technology to help with the daunting task of living with the day-to-day management of the condition. True story, she found a way to use OpenStack resources to monitor data from his continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to gather not just five data points a day but nearly 300 data points in a 24-hour period. Hear the story of finding Nightscout, a collection of open source projects that can run real-time monitoring applications on OpenStack clouds. While the project's original approach to collect the data required an Android phone attached to the CGM receiver, the project now has a REST API for collecting and displaying data. Justin has a family member with Type I diabetes also, and we can compare and contrast the proprietary approach with the open source approach. We can demonstrate the Nightscout web application and iOS app running on a Rackspace Cloud server with node.js connected to a MongoDB database.

While the CGM use cases are medical devices with medical data, we also want to explore consumer data collection such as fitness trackers. Let's discuss the full spectrum of open source and open data in an open cloud. As the distinguished architect for Rackspace Private Cloud powered by OpenStack, Justin Shepherd is an ambassador of openness. He is often traveling the globe talking about the powers of OpenStack and private cloud, and has trained numerous companies on deploying and operating OpenStack clusters. While starting his career as a systems engineer on a small IT team working in a traditional IT environment, Justin joined Rackspace 10 years ago and has been part of OpenStack since the beginning. He is a core contributor to OpenStack and has helped found both the Chef and Ansible OpenStack communities.

ConoHa supports multi locations which are Japan(Tokyo), USA(San Jose) and Singapore. In this session, we will talk about the backend system operation when deploying OpenStack systems(multi locations) on single KeyStone, from a developer’s point of view. This session will cover: - Replication of KeyStone databases. - In the case of the token table, Striping the table in order to reduce replication cost About GMO Internet, Inc. GMO Internet Group, headquartered in Tokyo, is a leading force in the Internet industry offering one of the most comperehensive ranges of Internet services worldwide. We are providing a public cloud called “ConoHa” and “GMO APPs Cloud” as part of our services. Both are based on OpenStack.

Managing multiple sites of OpenStack is a headache. Each site is an individual silo, with its separate identity management, resources, networks, images, etc. Tricircle project uses a top-level OpenStack to manage multiple bottom-level OpenStack instances with site-to-site connectivity, to provide the same overlay across sites.

This allows for a tenant to deploy VMs from the same virtual network on different OpenStack instances. In this session, we will deep dive into the Tricircle project, covering aspects such as cross-site overlay network, image synchronization, VM migration, etc. We will present our current design and roadmaps. DVR (Distributed Virtual Router) was first implemented at Juno.

Virtual routers needed to work on Network Node, but, with DVR, they can work on Compute Nodes. Since Network Node runs virtual routers and some other networking functions for all VMs, it was a single point of failure and can be a performance bottleneck.

If you need a highly available OpenStack system, you needed a cluster of Network Node. And if you need to scale out the networking, you needed to add more Network Nodes.

With DVR, those issues can be addressed. At Juno, virtual routers were distributed to Compute Nodes, but DHCP and SNAT stayed put on Network Node due to some technical challenges. We still need Network Node for them, meaning we also need a cluster for HA and more Network Nodes for scaling out the system. Distributing them, we can complete DVR and we no longer need Network Node at all. We submitted a RFE for DHCP and SNAT distribution and worked on them, targeting for Liberty[1][2].

In this session, we will explain what were the technical challenges and how we solved them. Also explain how we can use the completed DVR and what the benefits are for us.

[1] [2] We successfuly developed a massively multiplayer online and realtime game platform on the OpenStack environment.

This platform archives an optimized gaming environment that dynamically controls openstack's resources by state of the gaming. It's so hard to handle the online game traffic. Because the amount of traffic changes drastically in a short time, and communications are under a 'state'(These are non-stateless). In such case, we can't adopt a simple auto-scaling method with heat and ceilometer. In order to solve this problem, we need a way of controlling openstack resources which cooperates with state of communications or applications. But there was not a way to archive it.

We solved this problem by utilizing two technologies. First one is RACK, the RACK is a way to control openstack's resources as an actual program resources easily(*1). The another is Monobit-Engine.

It's a free online game platform engine(*2). We implemented RACK to Monobit-Engine, and they make a best 'Gaming as a Service' platform. In this session, we would like to share the structure and the principle of our 'Gaming as a Service' platform while viewing a beautiful and funny gaming demo. *1) RACK *2) Monobit-Engine It’s the battle of the titans! Or at least, a storage of how David (ScaleIO) crushes Goliath (Ceph) with 6x the performance! You read the blog posting (), now see it live.

We’ll run Ceph side by side against ScaleIO and measure block storage performance using a live system. Let’s put these distributed storage systems through their paces and test performance of a few different configurations then discuss why architectural differences lead to the huge performance gap.

Then we’ll go through audience Q&A on ScaleIO architecture and design principles. Audience members who ask questions will be eligible to win a free giveaway!

This session will be a fireside chat with Jason Rouault, Sr. Director of Cloud Services at Time Warner Cable who has has a large-scale production deployment of OpenStack private cloud for application developers. For this multi-data center cloud, providing enterprise-grade load balancing / application delivery was a critical requirement. The requirements included self-service provisioning, High Availability (HA), SSL offload, multi-tenancy from a centralized identity management, and native integration with OpenStack Horizon UI. This session will focus on: • Details of the developer private cloud use case • Requirements for load balancing, application security, and monitoring • Challenges faced with existing ADC / LBaaS solutions • How Avi Networks elastic LBaaS solution addressed the challenges • Benefits for the cloud and application/dev teams. (continued) We need to all get together and figure out and understand what the issues with DLM are, what lock management features have been replicated by many various projects and what something like zab (zookeeper), raft (consul, etc.d.), paxos (?), or other variant can offer to openstack and its diverse set of projects. Connected to: Related to: - - - - (and many others) Why: without understanding the problem, and what the solutions are, what the various offerings provide.

We have no hope in fixing it, so let's work on that. Expected result: understanding what a DLM is, what some of the common patterns they offer are, and in my happy world/vision agreeing that a DLM solution (ideally one, not many) will help openstack(s) future (in terms of long-term health, operability, features, and so-on); reduce common code that is replicated similar features and possibly bring world peace. Moderator: Mike Perez Etherpad: Over the last cycles we realized that the OpenStack Way, our common culture and reference points, was no longer naturally transmitted to newcomers via oral tradition. To start solving that problem, during the Liberty cycle the Technical Committee formed a workgroup to document our common culture. The result is the Project Team Guide, which can be found at: What's the next step there?

Where can we improve that? Any new chapters to suggest?

Should we further discontinue the wiki? How to improve publicity around that guide?

We also started work to make keeping up with what's happening in OpenStack development easier, including summaries of important threads from openstack-dev. In this session we'll brainstorm how to further improve on that. Moderator: Thierry Carrez Etherpad: When Keystone was first incubated, roles were global. Roles were later scoped to projects, but policy files have not kept up with this. The Goal of the Dynammic Policy discussions has been to make policy better match the requirements of scaling delegation decisions in cloud, but have thus far been limited by the static nature of policy files. Lets fix this.

One of the biggest problems is global Admin; a user assigned admin in any role gets admin everywhere. We can fix parts of this in Keystone, but, again, it needs a crossproject effort to wipe out global admin. Blueprints: keystone/dynamic-policies-delivery Moderator: Adam Young Etherpad: Many Datacenter providers are looking for proven and open-source hyper converged OpenStack solution so that they can provide simple, low-cost, high-performance and rapid-deployment OpenStack environment. To archive this goal, the followings topics become key considerations. - Infrastructure should be simple as much as possible.

- Using commodity hardware and open source software. - Using tool to help rapid and ease of deployment.

- High density. - Secure performance and network bandwidth. To address this challengs, in this session we will share the best practices and lesson learns about the idea to use OpenStack as hyper converged infrastructure with high standard technologies.

The key concept of this PoC is to evaluate OpenStack as hyper converged infrastructure with following key technologies. - Network - 40G/56G physical network - DPDK - VXLAN offload capability - Storage - PCI Express SSD - Ceph RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) - Deploy - Ubuntu Juju/MAAS and publish charm bundle as executable whitepaper. Automated deployment has become an important differentiator for OpenStack based products. This presentation highlights similarities and differences, across several OpenStack vendors. Vetri Venduma Pottu Parada Mp3 Song.

To automate deployment is an absolute necessity in running an OpenStack environment, but which approach should you choose? Some vendors want you to deploy with Puppet, others with Chef, still others with Juju. Some major public OpenStack providers manage their infrastructure with Ansible or Ironic. In this presentation, you'll learn about a variety of automated deployment approaches for OpenStack and their pros and cons. We will be covering the RHEL OSP Director (TripleO), SUSE Cloud (Chef/Crowbar), Ubuntu OpenStack (Juju), and Rackspace (Ansible).

In this session, we will talk about stuff that's going to make developing Swift easy by offloading the hard problems of storage. OpenStack Swift makes your application better. We can find dozens of storage systems that can do read write and delete but the fact that you can use swift for these advanced features means that you're able to focus on making your app awesome rather than worrying about the hard problems in storage. We will cover how application developers can take advantage of some of the more advanced features in Swift, including. TempURL, StaticWeb, FormPost, and Static or Dynamic Large Objects among others.

Alternate Title (Living the OpenStack Bare metal Dream). This talk is a follow up of the talk from Vancouver 'Horizontal Migrations: How Yahoo is Moving it's Existing Hardware into a Bare-metal Cloud' by James Penick. I will be sharing in more detail our current OpenStack bare metal infrastructure including: • Bare metal Hardware Lifecycle • Quota / Availability Zone Management • Random testing of bare metal hardware inventory • Challenges we faced • What we did to solve some of the problem • What we learned that we can apply to ironic I will also share my day to day experience of running OpenStack bare metal cluster with 10's of thousands of nodes. OpenStack is more and more the darling of the Enterprise world.

Over the past few years that's changed the development priorities of the community. With increasing adoption of OpenStack by enterprise customers coupled with the consolidation of OpenStack startups, OpenStack is a changing landscape. In this free-flowing discussion 3 very experienced stackers will discuss the future of OpenStack and what it means for deployers and users.

• Kenneth Hui - Director of Technical Marketing at Platform9 • Jesse Proudman - CTO at Blue Box, an IBM Company • Matt Joyce - One of the original DevOps on NASA's Nebula Project Questions we intend to answer and discuss: • Is OpenStack still cloud software? • Has OpenStack shifted its development efforts to support a more monolithic model and away from the horizontally scaled distributed model it was designed to promote? While there are still large cloud deployments making big waves in the community, increasingly, private cloud adoption at new deployers is targeted at replacing existing VM workloads that have a legacy in the monolithic world of VMWare vSphere. How does this impact the OpenStack community? • Is Neutron intended to solve the needs of cloud deployers?

Or is it something else? • Most hyperscale OpenStack deployers have still avoided the transition to Neutron from nova-network. Nova-network is again seeing development, and there is an admitted conflict of design goals in the two projects that has led to a fracture in how OpenStack is deployed across the community.

The question posed is, does Neutron meet the needs of a traditional elastic cloud, or is it more intended to address the needs of a more monolithic virtualization infrastructure. What is it’s place in OpenStack deployment? • Is hosted OpenStack the future of OpenStack? • OpenStack is still very difficult to deploy, and maintain. Finding the talent to support an environment has been an uphill struggle for most deployers.

IBM recently made a huge bet on the Blue Box model of hosted OpenStack clouds. Is OpenStack as a Service the future of OpenStack? How does the drive to replace costly legacy vSphere infrastructure impact this emerging adoption model? • Is the road to Mitaka the road to a collision course with vSphere?

• VMWare is a major contributor to OpenStack. Nicira who was acquired by VMWare was amongst the earliest and largest contributors to Neutron. Today VMWare is a member of the foundation board of directors. And yet, increasingly OpenStack with KVM is finding itself conflicting with VMware vSphere in the market. VSphere is arguably the mainstay product of VMWare’s enterprise offerings. What does the future hold for OpenStack and vSphere, are these once friendly compliments to each other now beginning to compete for the same market? In Vancouver the OpenStack Board chartered a work group to explore and foster a diverse OpenStack Community.

The basis for this is the belief that enlisting the broadest set of viewpoints and experience will enable us to create the most innovative and impactful technologies in support of the OpenStack Mission. A broad set of community members formed the Diversity Work Group that has worked over the Liberty cycle to form a framework for a diverse community through the creation of a Diversity Policy, integrated Diversity expectations into our Code of Conducts and identified initial areas of focus for extending the diversity of our community. Please come join us to discuss the team’s work and shape the future direction.

Abstract: Based on the results of OpenStack user surveys, KVM is the de facto hypervisor used to underpin OpenStack clouds and Open vSwitch the most common network plug-in. However, as OpenStack matures to run production workloads and broadens its reach beyond the core users, it is inevitable that additional hypervisors, containers, bare metal workload will gain a foothold.

The whole notion of supporting a multi-hypervisor OpenStack environment is need driven. To illustrate, imagine that some databases in a business are virtualized on ESXi while the corresponding web servers are virtualized using KVM. In addition to the diversity, it is highly likely all these hypervisors and Docker container will be running concurrently in the same OpenStack cluster.

As a result, a different approach to interconnecting is required to provide common network substrate. We’ll discuss how multi-hypervisor networking in OpenStack can be achieved. This session will cover the technology options, the benefits of each and dive into various use cases where a multi-hypervisor OpenStack environment is desirable. With the Liberty release of OpenStack, Neutron will have the ability to act as a BGP speaker on an operator's network. This functionality enables Neutron to advertise host routes for floating IP's, and next-hops for tenant networks created with Neutron. This can alleviate many of the networking burdens placed on the operator when designing and operating an OpenStack cloud. It also enables new functionality in Neutron such as floating IP mobility and directly routable IPv4 and IPv6 tenant networks through a Neutron router.

In addition, deployment of Neutron BGP dynamic routing enables better support for existing features such as IPv6 and distributed virtual routing (DVR). In this session we will explore how to use Neutron BGP dynamic routing to maximize the value of your Neutron deployment. We will demonstrate how to deploy, configure, and use Neutron BGP dynamic routing and discuss the use cases it enables. We will also explore how Neutron BGP dynamic routing works with features such as address scopes, routed network segments, distributed virtual routing (DVR), and what considerations operators should be aware of when deploying Neutron BGP dynamic routing. We will also discuss future plans for expanding BGP dynamic routing capabilities in Neutron. Swift is an object storage system designed for data that needs to be instantly accessible, stored forever, and accessible from multiple devices. In short, it is the engine that runs the biggest storage clouds on the planet.

This session will cover Swift's architecture, its technology capabilities, and real-world infrastructure-as-a-service use cases. This OpenStack Swift introduction is great for attendees who want to understand the design goals of Swift and how they can best make use of this OpenStack component. It will be an informative introduction for those interested in running Swift or contributing to the Swift project. The technology industry has been abuzz about cloud workload containerization since the open source Docker project became a phenomenon in early 2014. Meanwhile, an OpenStack Containers Team was formed and the Magnum project launched to provide users with a convenient Containers-as-a-Service solution for OpenStack environments. As the potential of both technologies emerged, many wanted to see shared governance over the baseline container specification and runtime technology to ensure an open cloud ecosystem. This past June, a new group was formed with a goal of creating open, industry standards around container formats and runtimes, called the Open Container Initiative ().

So how will OpenStack Magnum influence - and be influenced by - the new OCI group? Why is the OCI under the stewardship of the Linux Foundation? What is the scope of the OCI effort? What project goals and/or principles will guide their work? Attend this session to learn the following: • A brief history of the open container ecosystem and the major benefits that containerization provides • An overview of the Magnum CaaS plugin architecture and design goals • Insider details on the the progress of the Linux Foundation Open Container Initiative (and the related Cloud Native Computing Foundation) • What it all means for deploying container orchestration engines on your cloud with OpenStack Magnum. One of the exciting use cases for OpenStack, is NFV as proposed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and promoted by the whole Telco industry.

The published documents from the ETSI-NFV phase 1 activity contain an informative set of interfaces and information models for NFV. As OpenStack’s origins are more closely aligned with Cloud and there are different sets of information models leveraged in Cloud and Telco, it is probably not surprising to learn that the interface and information model mapping to NFV is not straight forward.

However Policy is needed for both communities and both want to make good use of OpenStack. Resource-disaggregated platform can realize IO resource (device) nodes separation from compute nodes at some distance and dynamic reconfiguration of their connectivity. In this talk, we first introduce ExpEther technology which achieves resource-disaggregated architecture. Resource management using OpenStack Ironic is a key component for reconfiguring logical connectivity between compute nodes and target resources (NIC, SSD, GPGPU, etc.). Finally, PostgreSQL acceleration on GPGPU (called 'PG-Strom') is presented as a use-case of reconfiguration of resource-disaggregated platform.