Eric Hanson Trial Begins In Case

WHEATON, Ill. -- A jury will begin deliberations in the murder trial of Eric Hanson. Lawyers presented closing arguments today. The most emotional part of the day came at the end of the prosecutor's closing argument when he reminded jurors once again just how brutal these crimes were. He showed them some graphic crime scene photos of the victims. It was followed by one single wedding shot of the victims. The trial has lasted almost a month.

Oct 17, 2013. Trial of third suspect pushed back to February, Local News, Lake Oswego local News, Breaking News alerts for Lake Oswego city. Her attorney, Eric Hanson, said his client didn't understand the risks of working as a driver in the Lake Oswego robbery. “I don't think she really understood exactly the.

There were 50 witnesses called, including the defendant himself and more than 400 pieces of evidence were presented. A liar, thief and quadruple murderer - that is how prosecutors described Eric Hanson to a DuPage County jury Wednesday. The 31-year-old Naperville man is on trial for killing his parents, sister and brother-in-law. Download List Naruto Shippuden Sub Indo.

Eric Hanson Trial Begins In Case

A murder weapon was never found, nor do police have a confession. Instead, prosecutors focused on the motive, which they say was greed. The Figure Walt Reed Pdf - Free Software And Shareware. During the almost month-long trial, jurors heard evidence of how Hanson allegedly stole more than $80,000 in credit cards and checks. They say he killed his family after his mother and sister found out about the scam. Hanson was arrested one day after Terry and Mary Hanson and Kate and Jimmy Tsao were found dead on September 29, 2005. While all four bodies were discovered inside the Tsaos' Aurora home, police believe the parents were shot to death inside their Naperville home. The younger couple was bludgeoned to death.

During the trial, Hanson took the witness stand and admitted stealing from his parents but said he didn't murder anyone. In closing arguments, the defense accused police of putting blinders on and never focusing on any other suspect besides Hanson. DuPage County assistant state's attorney Mike Wolf concluded his argument by asking the jury to 'impose on him a concept he has no understanding, responsibility. Find him guilty.' Jurors were then hearing rebuttal arguments from the prosecution.

Then they will get jury instructions from the judge. They will likely get the case by 6 p.m. There is a good chance that the jury may stay Wednesday night and deliberate. In this trial, Eric Hanson's only surviving sibling, his sister, testified against him. She said she is convinced that he is guilty.