Install Osx86 Without Ahci Vs Ide

Configuration of my laptop: I have oldy Asus F80s laptop, with 'not-so-low' specs. - ATI Mobility Radeon 3470 HD ( working on Snow Leopard ) - Intel Core2Duo 2.0 ghz - Atheros AR5007EG ( working ) - 3 GB RAM - 250 GB HD You will need: - Another computer with Macintosh OR any file explorer ( too see hfs+ files ). I had one big problem - OS X installer won't see my HDD drive. But what i should to do when there's no AHCI mode in BIOS? Let's solve it.

Hey guysRecently i purchased an SSD. I am planing on installing it NOT as a boot drive. Ill be using this SSD as a separate drive to play a few games on. I was reading my motherboard manual on configu. However, not every computer will work with Mac OS X. Be sure to read the Hackintosh compatibility guide very carefully, to check whether or not your computer. NOTE: If you're installing Mac OS X on a computer that already has Windows installed, you may have to enable AHCI for Windows beforehand.

Those kexts i was needed to make my OS X see Serial ATA harddrive (attached) - IOATAFamily.kext - AppleNForceATA.kext - AppleVIAATA.kext First method. Write your OS X image to any flash drive. Then drop kexts to '/System/Library/Extensions' OR just use kext installer ( recommended ). If you don't see 'System' folder on your Mac then just open Terminal and type: 'defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE' and then 'killall Finder' to restart Finder. But if you use another file explorer then just drop those kexts. Try to install now. You will see your SATA Drive in device list.

Install Osx86 Without Ahci Vs IdeInstall Osx86 Without Ahci Vs Ide

If first method WON'T work or install fails then try next ( harder procedure ). Disconnect your SATA Harddrive. Get USBtoSATA controller. ( Uses in portative hdds ) 3.

Write your OS X image to any flash drive. ( DO NOT DROP KEXTS THERE ) 4. Connect your HDD which is connected via USBtoSATA controller. Your installer will see your HD without any kexts. Install it on yours HDD which connected via usbtosata controller. When install finishes, it can stuck at 'Still waiting for root device' or 'USBF' log. Shut down your computer.

Disconnect USB HDD, connect it to any computer. Torrent Kyle Xy Saison 4 En. IF YOU USE MACINTOSH - then show all hidden files, and drop kexts which i attached to 'System/Library/Extensions'. IF YOU USE ANOTHER FILE EXPLORER or OS - then just drop those files to same directory. Safe disconnect your USB HDD.

Disconnect your HDD from USB2Sata controller. Connect your HDD back to 'original place'. Try to launch it. OS X should start without any errors.

Tested on Mountain Lion ( 10.8.4 ) and Snow Leopard ( 10.6.6 - 10.6.8 )! 755.3KB 2029 downloads 50.1KB 1815 downloads 348.96KB 1942 downloads. Thank you so much, I've been at this for hours - It was so exciting to finally see the NTFS drives appear in disk utility My machine is an ASUS F83Se, SiS 671 chipset Radeon Mobility HD 4570 graphics, running 10.9 mavericks prepared by the myHack app. I had to tweak a few other things to get the usb installer to boot however, At first it would with ' still waiting for root device', this was fixed by passing USBBusFix=Yes alongside -v -f when starting up Second, bluetooth kexts caused the boot to hang, I just deleted all 3 bluetooth kexts to solve.

Lastly, it seemed to stick at DSMOS has arrived, passing GraphicsEnabler=No solved this one.

Hello, I bought new ssd drive and i want to change my bios configure to AHCI, My computer is Dell Optiplex 380 MT Bios version: A07(Latest) On the following bios guide: it shows that there is SATA Operation option, but this option dosn't exist in real life, I've checked my both computers, both are optiplex 380, one was with A06 bios and other A07 and this option just dosn't there, i can't find any thing even close to drive mode change, I hope you can solve this issue out, i think DELL should release new bios version with the needed option, Thanks, Adi. I have successfully gotten SSD drives to work on 2 different Optiplex 380s. Car Paint Design Program.

Here is how I did it: 1. Boot up the system with no hard drives plugged in. Enter the bios and turn on sata port 2.

Restart the system and at the point that the system alerts you to not having any hard drives, carefully plug in the SSD drive power and sata connection to sata port 2. YES YOU DO THIS WHILE THE SYSTEM IS ON. Re-enter the bios and see if any hard drive information is listed (most likely it will not be there).

Restart the computer and press the button to continue booting even though sata0 is missing. Once in Windows shut down, restart, enter the BIOS, turn off SATA0 to get rid of the warning. You now are running off of an SSD on SATA 2. Some extra notes: I think the key is just to plug the drive in while the system is complaining of not seeing any extra hard drives (while it is on). I did it on SATA2, but it may work on SATA0 too. This must force the system to make an extra attempt at reading the drive info for the BIOS.

Obviously there is some danger here with plugging in a hard drive while the PC is on (proceed at your own risk), but like I said it worked perfectly for me for two SSD hard drives.