Scrivener Mac Vs Pc

Scrivener Mac Vs PcScrivener Mac Vs Pc

The novelist swears Scrivener is the one and only, while the content writer asks why yWriter is such a bad choice. Even on the yWriter site, it blatantly states that Scrivener is recommended for Mac OS X users, while yWriter is suggested for Windows PCs. YWriter for PC users, Scrivener for Macs.

Have any of you used Scrivener extensively for writing? I have a discount code for it, but I have a PC, and the windows version does not seem to be the least bit accessible with JAWS. I really do not want to pay the extra cost for a Mac at this time, as I just got a new PC, but I might be convinced after learning about some of the Scrivener features. So here is my question for MAc and Scrivener users: Would you say that Scrivener is as amazing for VO users on the Mac as it is for sightlings? Are there any features that don't seem to work well with VO? Also, what do you love/hate about the Mac compared to the Pc? I have been a PC user for almost ten years, but i also use an iPad and bt keyboard on a daily basis.

How difficult will it be for me to learn the Mac with the experience I have? Thanks in advance for your help,:) Forum: • User Options • or to post comments. I haven't used Scrivener extensively, per se, but I can say that as far as my experience goes, it's incredibly accessible. I haven't tested nearly all of the features (one of the beautiful things about Scrivener is it has tons of features and odds are most writers, in most circumstances, only need any given 10% of them, and the 90% they don't need stay out of the way), but I've yet to find any that don't play well with VO.

Are there any in particular you want to know more about? I'd be happy to play around with them and let you know. As for the Mac in general.I love the stability (my Mac is far smoother and more stable than any PC I ever had). I love the integration of the screen reader into the OS itself - it's hard to nail down exactly why this is better, but there are all these little ways in which an integrated screen reader just provides a more consistent and reliable performance than a third-party program. Then there are little Mac-specific things that don't seem like a big deal until you go without them - I am always catching myself trying to delete or highlight by word on my PC at work, only to remember with resignation that I can't. It's a big change, and there are definitely things to get used to - but you've got a headstart if you're already using an iPad with a bluetooth keyboard, as there's a decent amount of crossover between the two. I'd say that, if you were willing to commit to it and stick through the rocky first couple of months, you would be fine.

Does that mean it's the 'right' choice for you? Ultimately, nobody can answer that but you. Hope that helped; sorry if it didn't; let me know if I can answer anything specific about Scrivener, or Mac in general. • or to post comments Submitted by Chris McCausland on 29 January, 2016. I would love to know more about the index card and binder feature with VO, and also, would you say that it's worth switching to the mac mainly for Scrivener accessibility? I write a lot of fantasy, and outline everything to the extreme, so I've been looking for something like Scrivener. If so, any tips on which mac model would be better?

I would use it mostly for Scrivener, pages, and maybe research, and it would definitely need to connect to my Focus 40 blue braille display. Could I get by with a mac mini or would a mac book air be better? Thanks again for the help.:) • or to post comments Submitted by Joseph Westhouse on 2 February, 2016. The advantage of a Macbook obviously is that it's mobile - you could take it to a coffee shop or a park or on a plane or whatever and do your writing wherever you happen to be. Personally I even find that picking up my Macbook and moving to a room in the house that I don't usually write in can really spark more creativity. Change of environment is good for creativity, so I'd say the mobility of your writing platform is a big plus for a writer.

That may be a point in favor of the Macbook Air. I would have to revisit the index cards in Scrivener, but I remember the interactive tutorial (which is extremely well done, by the way) went over them and they worked fine. The binder is basically just a collection of different files associated with your document and is accessed via a list that you can navigate to very easily with VO, no accessibility issues here. In fact, you could probably assign a custom hotspot to your binder list that way you can jump right to it any time you want to go to a different document. (Custom hotspots are one of the things I love most about Voiceover.) I don't know if I'd say it's worth switching just for Scrivener, per se - though I had that same thought when I was considering the change. In the end, Scrivener is just one program.

Yeah, it's a great program - but it's not like you can't write without it. Why I would suggest you consider switching to the Mac is because of what Scrivener *represents.* Scrivener represents everything I'm growing to love about the Mac ecosystem. On the one hand, it represents an ecosystem of apps geared towards creativity and powerful, intuitive user experience.

On the other hand, it represents the way that an integrated screen reader like VO results in a lot of programs being accessible, whether the developers intended them to be or not. Of course there are bound to be inaccessible apps, though I haven't found them yet.but in my limited experience thus far, it seems far less likely to find an app that's accessible on Windows and not on Mac than vice versa. Do you know anyone who has a Mac, or do you have access to one in some other way? It wouldn't hurt to play around for a bit - just bear in mind that certain things like the differences in the screen reader will take time to get used to - more time than you'll probably have; also you may not be able to customize things to your liking as much as you would with your own machine.

But if you have the opportunity to try out a Mac, download Scrivener and take advantage of the very generous trial period to go through the interactive tutorial. By the time you're done, you'll know everything you need to about the app - and I think you'll be hooked, both on Scrivener and on the Mac OS. • or to post comments Submitted by WriterGirl on 3 February, 2016. Yes, I've noticed that more apps seem to be accessible on mac, especially since Windows 8 was released.

I actually upgraded my PC not long ago, but I've come to really despise Windows 8.1, as it is much less JAWS friendly than previous versions. That's part of why I'm considering the switch. Unfortunately I don't really have access to a mac at this time, but I do know friends who have successfully used it with VO for school. I really like the idea of VO being built in rather than having the added expense of future screen-reader updates as well. I've also watched several tutorials on Mac with VO just to see how difficult it will be to learn, and it does look pretty similar to what I'm used to with the iPad and keyboard.

Thanks everyone again for your help! • or to post comments.

When you’re writing a book, you might come to this point where exasperation turns to desperation and you think: “There has to be a better way. There has to be a better piece of book writing software than Microsoft Word.” is the default word processor, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only option. And especially when you’re writing something as complicated as book, you might want a piece of writing software geared specifically toward writing a book. In this post, we’re going to look closely at two of the best pieces of: and, and talk about where each word processor shines and where each falls short.

Plus, check out for more tools to help you write better and faster. How Scrivener Saved Me 250 Hours Writing a Book In 2010, I was writing what would become my first book when I got to a point where Word became impossible. I was in the middle of the second draft, and I kept have to reorganize sections to see what would make the book flow best. This was very annoying in Word.

I had to scroll, scroll, scroll, highlight the section, click “cut,” scroll, scroll, scroll to the place I wanted to put it, paste, and then re-read the section to see if I liked it there. Often as not, I would decide the section I just moved fit better where it first was, and I would have to go move it back. Inevitably, I would forget to copy an important line of text that belonged with the section I was moving and the whole thing wouldn’t make any sense.

It was so frustrating. It wasn’t until my second book that I discovered. It was completely different, and there was definitely a learning curve. Once I got the hang of it, though, I found that I loved how it was geared specifically toward writing books. And its effectiveness showed in my productivity. My first book, written solely with Microsoft Word, took me 550 hours to write. The second book, written with Scrivener, took me only 200 hours.

Of course, some of this was because it was my second book and I had refined my process. But I believe Scrivener saved me hundreds of hours of time, not to mention frustration. I’ve finished six books on scrivener, not to mention half-a-dozen short stories, and I every day I learn new ways to use it, depending on the needs of my project. But let’s break down Microsoft Word and Scrivener’s features so we can see what each is best. Scrivener vs. Word: Which Is Better Book Writing Software?

Both Scrivener and Microsoft Word are effective word processors, but each thrives when used for specific tasks. Let’s compare the two, specifically as book writing software: Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is available in both ($115) and ($124). Pros: Ubiquity.

Microsoft Word is the industry standard, and the default word processor for millions of people. And that is a huge advantage for writing a book. Since almost everyone has Microsoft Word and knows how to use it, it makes it very easy to collaborate using it. For example, most editors edit books in Word and therefore require their clients to submit manuscripts in Word formats (.doc).

Great for editing. Word’s track changes feature is great for collaborating with an editor. It allows you to easily see what changes they’ve made, accept or reject those changes, or completely revert back to the original. Very handy for polishing up your final draft.

In fact, for most of my books, I moved them from Scrivener to Word for the editing process to take advantage of this feature. (However, since Google Docs added “Suggestion mode,” which is the equivalent to track changes, I’ve started using it almost exclusively in replacement of Word for the editing process.).

Track Changes Great formatting. Word is a “what you see is what you get” word processor (WYSIWYG or Wizy-wig), and as such, it’s really effective. The way your book looks on the screen as you type it is the same way it will look on the page when you print: if you write the entire book in 18 pt Papyrus font, it’ll stay that way when you send it to an editor or print out a hard copy (and they will be sad because 18 pt Papyrus is a terrible idea). That makes it easy to see what your formatting will look like from the start and make changes along the way.

Simple. For most people, Microsoft Word was one of the first programs they ever used on a computer. It’s simple, convenient, and it works, even for writing a book!

Cons: Single document. The major drawback of Word when you’re writing a book is that it limits you to a single, linear document. This means you’re kind of forced to work linearly through your draft. If you get an idea for chapter five, but you’re working on chapter two, it’s not easy to just put that idea in the chapter five folder; you have to put it below in random space. It also means that if you want to make chapter two into chapter three, you have to copy and then literally delete that chapter before pasting it below the new chapter two. This makes for some awkward maneuvering.

Not designed for books. Because Word wasn’t originally designed for documents as large as books, as your book grows, it becomes more and more unwieldy. Gets slow after you get over certain sizes. For me, this was 30,000 words. After I reached 30,000 words, every time I opened up my book, it took several minutes to load. Even after it opened, I would have to wait until it loaded the pages below.

This is really frustrating when you’re antsy to get writing. You can use it for publishing, but it’s not easy. I’ve personally used Word to publish several books on Kindle, Nook, and other online retailers. It’s not easy or elegant. You have to format every header and chapter title with “Heading 1” and “Heading 2,” remove all indents, save the document in HTML, upload to Kindle, check the proof for formatting errors (which there inevitably are), and then start over. You almost always have to use a program called Sigil, an epub editor, to clean up the file before you publish it. It’s possible, but definitely a hassle. (Note: Now, I use Vellum for this.

It’s amazing, and we’ll be reviewing it soon.) Still, if you decide you have to use Word to publish your book, you can grab. It’s free, too, which is nice. Overall: Fine but annoying. You can use Word to write books.

But the problem is that as your book grows it becomes more and more difficult to work with. Scrivener You can find ($45) and ($40). Pros: Made specifically for writing books. While Microsoft Word gets more and more difficult to use the bigger your document gets, Scrivener gets more and more useful as your document grows. That’s mainly because of its “binder feature,” which is a simple but game-changing advance for word processors. The Binder allows you to separate your chapters and individual scenes into folders and subdocuments, which you can then drag and drop wherever you feel like they fit best. It’s SO freeing!

Trust me, you’re going to love it. Here’s a screenshot of my latest book in Scrivener.

Notice the Binder on the left with all my chapters, sections, and even supporting documents. Features specifically designed for each step of the book writing process. If the Binder mode was the only difference, then Scrivener would instantly be so much better than Word for writing books.

But fortunately, there are dozens of features that make Scrivener awesome for book writing. Here are just a few: •. Project Targets Project targets. Scrivener honestly has more features than I need, but one that I use constantly is Project Targets, which allows you to set a deadline and projected word count for your draft and then see how many words you have to write each day to meet that deadline. You can also set it up so you just have a daily word count goal, 1,000 words a day for example, and it will hold you accountable to that (as much as writing software can hold you accountable that is). Write wherever you are with the Scrivener App. Scrivener recently released its iOS app (), which you can sync with your desktop and then write and edit your book wherever you are.

Fair publishing support. One of Scrivener’s selling points is that you can export directly to Kindle and ePub file types, making it much easier to publish your book than Word.

(Again, Vellum is even easier and makes much more beautiful eBooks. We’ll be reviewing it soon!) Cons: Formatting is frustrating. Formatting is clunky on Scrivener. And when you format within the document, that doesn’t mean that your formatting choices will all go to print. For example, while Word is a “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) word processor, Scrivener has chosen to apply formatting mainly when you compile the document for print or export. You might write your book in white 18 pt Papyrus on a blue background, but when you prepare it to print, it will format the book according to different formatting settings you’ve selected, like black 12 pt Times New Roman. That means you can customize your writing space to write however you’d like without worrying about messing up how your book will look (or making your editor sad with 18 pt Papyrus).

But when it comes to the nitty-gritties of formatting, it’s kind of annoying. Collaborating isn’t easy. When you’re working with an editor, or even a co-author, Scrivener gets difficult. Part of this is because Scrivener is just not as ubiquitous as Word, and so if your editor doesn’t have it, you’re forced to switch to Word, the industry standard. Also, like Word, Scrivener has some track changes and commenting features so that you can collaborate with an editor, but they’re not as easy to use or convenient as Word’s.

Personally, after I finish my second draft and start working with editors, I prefer Google Docs. Overall: Scrivener is the premier book writing software. And it just keeps getting better.

If you’re writing a book, save yourself time by getting scrivener. In fact, we believe in Scrivener so much, we published a book about how creative writers can write more, faster using it. It’s called.

If you’re using Scrivener or want to save yourself time as you learn how to use it for your creative writing, you can. Which book writing software do you use? Let us know in! PRACTICE The right book writing software is helpful, but what really matters is that you’re writing. So today, let’s get writing. • First, open your favorite book writing software. If you don’t have a favorite, get Scrivener ( / ).

• Then, write 100 words. You can continue a work in progress or free write (bonus points if you use project targets on Scrivener to keep track of your words). • When you meet your target word count, copy and paste your writing into the and share it for feedback. • After you share, give feedback on a few practices from other writers.

Happy writing! Thomas followed the patchy shade of the trees along the familiar bush track as he ambled homeward. It was too hot to take his time as he usually liked to, stopping to watch whatever was going on in the bush, but nothing, not human or animal was out in the heat today, That reminded him he’d better keep an eye out for anything laying stretched out along the shadow line of an overhead branch or curled up in the shade of a clump of grass, it too would be trying to escape the heat of the open ground. When I got a MacBook I switched from Word to Scrivener. I had it on my PC, but it sucked. It was created for Mac, and I don’t think it translated well to PC.

Now I have two books on Scrivener, and it’s great. It has helped me organize, something I don’t do well. I keep the left hand column open to see book parts and chapters. It’s like a simple outline or table of contents plus there’s a separate outline feature.

I use a fraction of the Scrivener features and keep it simple. The Scrivener manual is beyond my comprehension, so I rely on other sources for teaching me and to answer those questions that start, “How do I...”. Apologies, this is written as a straight comment. I had been using Word plus a great writing programme called WriteItNow. Scrivener was always my third choice as it kept annoying me with some of its features. I’m now using it for my current book and ignoring some of those problems, especially the clunky formatting. I love the corkboard feature but WriteItNow does it better.

However, at the end of each session I can compile an RTF version and know that it is readable in Wordand I can save copies in OneDrive, Dropbox and on a USB drive. I’m a devoted user of Word!

I got Scrivener because a client offered me a discount on it and it has sat on my desktop gathering dust ever since. I use Google Docs or Word for my short stories and chapter drafts.

But when you are writing for clients and online interfaces, using something other than Word just adds extra steps to the process. Whenever I don’t use Word, I end up converting most pieces back to Word anyway. Although I know so many writers in various fields are fantastically devoted to it, Scrivener seems clunky and not terribly intuitive. I’ve been debating on whether to get Word or Scrivener. Right now, I’m using a free word processing software called Open Office. It works similarly to Word. The big downside is, like Scrivener, no one really does anything with Open Office.

So most of the time, I transfer my documents to Google Docs for writers to critique and share their work with me. After reading this post, I’m more inclined to go with Word than Scrivener. Both have pros I could use with my work. I think the only reason I would choose Word over Scrivener is that I have no plans to write a book anytime soon. And also, by the time I write my next draft on my laptop, I’ll have a sense on how I want the story to go. Janie Willingson wanted her doctorate in women’s studies.

Specifically, she wanted to attend the University of Arizona in Tucson. Her initial visit there for a class trip during the last year of graduate school fanned a spark burning in her since high school when she learned about careers for women, about women. She dragged her disagreeable husband, Darrell, to the city for vacation whenever he would tolerate such a trip, which amounted to not often. In twenty-seven years of marriage, they went to Tucson twice.

She curbed her usual enthusiasm and now broached the subject with caution and hesitation. She spent hours in her home office privately poring over her well-organized and updated collection of information about the city and the university. Thus, Darrell found her on a sunny August afternoon.

I used Word for the above passage. My project is at about 36,000 words. I have each scene in a separate document to avoid the bulkiness to which you referred, Joe. This approach requires a separate document for keeping them in order as Word alphabetizes the scene titles. I also use index cards. I have gotten through about half of the Scrivener tutorial, but have not yet applied it to my project.

I think I will like Scrivener once I get the hang of it. I like the idea of writing in Scrivener, and editing and sharing in Word. I am intrigued by the claims of yWriter—thank you to James Wright for recommending. I am all for whatever makes the writing life easier. Let me begin by saying, I flat-out refuse to use Google-anything.

Google’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy require you to agree to let them use your content in any way they think will improve the services they provide. This is the cost of using Google’s services and apps. For me, that’s a price too high to pay, since what I write needs to be free of all potential copyright issues. Also, be aware that Google uses a content distribution network (CDN) that is global. At any given time, you do not know where in the world your documents are being stored. Some countries do not respect such trivial things as copyright and patent ownership. So, be aware of these things if you’re using Google Docs.

With regard to Word vs. Scrivener, it’s not an either-or for me.

I use them both. I use a collection of writing tools to do my writing, whether I’m working on a book or a script or a poem.

Here’s the upshot of my toolset and process. When I begin a new project, I use a storyboarding tool called “Save The Cat!”. It’s software that implements Blake Snyder’s method for developing screenplays. I have found it is equally useful in storyboarding books. It forces you to make sure you have some of the basics of your story figured out before you start actually writing it. (Note: Pantsers might struggle with this.) Once I have a sense of the story’s beginning, middle, and end, I start drafting scenes in Scrivener. As Joe said above, it lets you move sections around without the hassle of cut-n-paste purgatory.

Unfortunately, the word processor built into Scrivener is downright terrible. It’s not likely to change, since this is done by design. The folks over at Literature and Latte, the tool’s developers, took the approach that all those fancy formatting bells and whistles were just distractions to the writing process. You say to-MAY-to, I say to-MAH-to. *shrug* Pick a side on that debate.

Me, I have used MS Word for over 20 years. Not much about it is distracting for me. Once I have the core set of scenes and have them sequenced they way I want, then I export it to Word. I won’t say this doesn’t result in some back-and-forthing between Scrivener and Word, but on the whole, Scrivener let’s me design the core of the story. But editing and embellishing is something I do in MS Word. When I find new scenes need to be added, I’ll often draft the scene in Scrivener, then cut-n-paste it into the correct place in MS Word.

I’ve recently created a habit of updating the scenes in Scrivener with the edited and polished version from MS Word. My logic here is that it lets me compile the scenes at the end of the process into any of the popular formats I need. Scrivener can output the text to Kindle, MS Word, PDF, etc.

I would use Scrivener exclusively, if they would just improve the word processor’s formatting capabilities. Better yet, it’d be a DREAM if they could just let the user select the word processor and then write the interfaces and plug-ins necessary to make it seamless. Oh well, that’s in the “Dream Big or Go Home” pile. So, bottom line Save the Cat! For storyboarding Scrivener for scene writing and sequencing MS Word for editing and polishing Scrivener for final output generation Bill •. I’ve used about every writing program there is.

Word is good for business and and personal letters, but not for writing that great American novel. Scrivener is good for writing that novel but to complicated, the learning curve is too big. I used Scrivener for quite awhile and never quite understood it’s process.

I’m too much of a practical person. Things have to make sense to me, they have to have a certain flow to them. Scrivener never had that feel, all I ever did was worry and think of the process of how it worked. That’s not for me.

That’s why I’m using Ulysses. Once I got used to the way the program worked (which wasn’t long) I can now concentrate on writing my novel. It’s not perfect. There isn’t any program that is. I do the same thing. But my writing is very organic, nothing like the issues the person was describing in the article. I write, finish the chapter, and do an edit read through.

My beta does the same and makes notes in the comments section then sends the doc back. I have chapters (or chapter titles) listed at the beginning, that are each hyperlinked. Then the beginning of each chapter is a book mark. I can skip around very easily that way. When I first started writing, I was keeping my notes in another word doc, and using bookmarks there as well. Hp Scanner Software Mac Lion.

But I recently switched all my notes over to google doc excel-type sheets. Boston Digital Ba7500 Drivers more. I am thoroughly enjoying the tabs for all my different ideas and sections. I can also share google docs with my beta or others for easy review of my brainstorming process, or my chapter counts.

IDK, bottom line is that Word is pretty easy if you know how to use it. I guess it depends on how difficult writing is for you and how much hand-holding you need. This Scrivner software seems perfect for those writers who struggle with certain things more, or who need that definitive outline. To each their own. I use Word, Scrivener and LibreOffice Writer as I have a Windows 10 machine and a Linux laptop.

Each program has its strengths and it’s a simple matter to switch between them. Scrivener can import and export both docx and odt files. For document-wide changes, Word and Writer are better.

And if you use Dragon, it interfaces most completely with Word. For those who are having difficulty mastering Scrivener, Gwen Hernandez has written Scrivener for Dummies and it’s awesome. Check it out. For every day, I use Scrivener instead of OneNote or Evernote because I can control where my data goes, it’s easy to organize your material and you can create links between pages (binder items) in Scrivener. If I’ve put something in the wrong place, it’s just a matter of dragging and dropping. Yes, there is a steepish learning curve.

But do you remember when you first started using Word way back when? It had a steep learning curve too. I use Scrivener. Took me a few tries to really see the advantages of it, and now I will use nothing else!

However, it does become a PIA when editing and sharing docs with critique partners. I always have to copy and save to a new Word doc. I haven’t got the hang of converting just a piece of the book to a Word file. One feature I use a lot is the Outline view mode. In that section, I have changed some of the headers so that I have a column for total scene words, time frame, reveals, characters in scene, lunar phase, etc.

Some of it is really story specific, so it’s helpful to keep track of things. My next challenge is making better use of the cork board. I use Scrivener for Linux and am now a Scrivener junkie as I cannot get enough of it.

One of my works-in-progress is the first of a trilogy of novels that start in the 27th century and progress a little beyond the end of the Universe by the end of the third book. Scrivener is a fantastic tool not only to write, but to have each and every one of my oodles of records, research and notes on tap. I have my character bios, future history and historical timelines, notes on the political structure of future interstellar humanity, dossiers on technology, Earth colonies, alien cultures, exobiology, genetic engineering, et cetera all available whenever my brain demands it. And the plantser side of me (a hybrid between planner and pantser — I plan out every scene in the corkboard with an eye on structure then I “pants” the prose) appreciates Scrivener’s ability to easily shuffle scenes or entire chapters around. And if I ever need to use a simpler Word processor’s functions, I can export my work to RTF or other format and work within LibreOffice Writer. I have decided to only ever use a simple wordprocessor for short fiction or for simple edits of short passages from a long fiction piece.

Yeah, so I kinda like Scrivener Sorta. Word gets slow after just 30,000 words?! If that’s the case Joe, I can almost guarantee that you are not using Word as it was intended. A 358-page book on my other screen right now is fully paginated with contextual running headers & footers for the front-end content, 41 chapters, 3 appendices, an index, bibliography, and 327 endnotes. It has a comprehensive automated table of contents; most chapters include footnotes; 12 illustrations have text flowing around them; most content is in German, but Language Packs ensure that spell- and grammar-checking works properly for the occasional content included in other languages. At 284,164 words, this 1,923 KB document is almost 9.5× the word count you cite — yet it opens in seconds.

All of the formatting is managed by styles with no direct formatting at all. No “Return Return” for paragraph spacing; no tab to get a first-line indent; no manual page breaks; no click on the “center” button to center a heading, etc. In my experience, few Word users bother to learn about and use styles.

Styles are a fundamental part of Word’s design. If you just use the default Normal style and add formatting, your document will be unnecessarily large and complicated — and you definitely will not be able to get the full benefit of the program. For example, Word’s Navigation panel uses “heading level” attributes within the built-in Heading X styles to present your content by level so you can easily jump back and forth within it.

Even more useful for a writer, Word’s Outline view uses these same level attributes to let you easily rearrange your content: just drag & drop a level to where you want it; all content “below” it will move with it. These capabilities are available with the built-in heading styles by default (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.), but you can assign a heading level of 1–9 to any style. If you don’t use styles, none of this is available.

The options you cite are from normal-clicking the icon 4th in from the left of the application’s top bar, and yes, they do perform as you describe. However, my suggestion was to right-click within Word’s ribbon instead. For example, if the Home tab is displayed, try right-clicking in the grey area below the B I U buttons of the Font group.

For any of the Office programs, a right-click within the grey area of a ribbon that is not specifically a button will show the 5 pop-out options: Add to Quick Access Toolbar; Customize Quick Access Toolbar; Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon; Customize the Ribbon; and, Collapse the Ribbon. I used Scrivener for two years and then I found WriteItNow5. WIN5 works wonders for me as a writer of horror fiction. It’s less complicated than Scrivener and just as intuitive, if not more.

I find WIN5 has more of what I really need for the creation of great fiction and less – if not none – of what I do not need. Don’t get me wrong; Scrivener is fantastic but, as an author of fiction WIN5 does the trick for me throughout every single aspect of the writing process • Pingback: () • Pingback: () • Pingback: () •. I don’t know if anyone else does this or not buy one thing that I do to use word more effectively is to open up two different documents into two different panes and work with them side by side.

For example: you can open your outline in one pane and your chapter (whatever ch. Your on) in another. For school, you can open your lecture notes in one and write your essay in another. Open more documents in more panes and toggle them (min or max) them as you need them. Of course a wider screen helps.

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