Vba Auto Increment File Name Too Long To Copy

Vba Auto Increment File Name Too Long For Destination. VBA Code To Save As A New Version If File Already Exists. Mitsubishi Installers. Type in the file name. I would like to know how I can copy data from one sheet to another via VBA code using the auto Luckily there aren't too many differences. Dim x As Long TestStr.

Vba Auto Increment File Name Too Long To Copy

Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera replied on: 4 of 22 Nice post Doug. I used to work with my ascii files as you explain.

I even write a code called INT2STRZ to work around with files named data001.txt, data002.txt, etc. Now I prefer to use another way. First I search for the files names and create a list with the LS command (in windows) which allows me to use the wildcard ‘*’ and then I just pick the file I need.

So, your code will look like this: list = ls('data*.txt');% Files names on rows (WIN OS) for k = 1:size(list,1) fileName = deblank(list(k,:));% Name of k-file dataStruc.(fileName) = load(fileName); end Of course, there is an extra line, and one should be aware that all ‘data*.txt’ files will be read! Other safer way is to save the filenames on a file and read instead of use LS. Well, just a thought Carlos.

Ramin replied on: 8 of 22 I have same problem but my files are in “.CSV” format (Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File) and I use “csvread“to load one of my files, so I used: fileName= [ 'data' num2str(i)]; datastruct.(fileName)=csvread([fileName'.csv'],0,0,[0,0,32766,0]); But didn’t work. I have also some “.txt” files that have some header line and I use “importdata“to load one of my files, so I used: fileName= [ 'data' num2str(i)]; datastruct.(fileName)=importdata ([fileName '.txt'], ',', 18); But this didn’t work, too.

Deepak replied on: 18 of 22 hi Dough, Thanx for this post. I have a bit different problem. 1- I have a zip file which contains numerous text files I have extracted and kept in a directory. 2- These text files have been named as per per some sequence.

3- I need to import all these files into matlab 4- So I created code to generate the file names 5- But the problem now is i cannot load the data using the importdata() as the function treats the variable as file name. Can u sujjest this can be done.

Sample code: prompt = ‘Enter the date in ddmmyyy format?’; ip= input(prompt); st4= num2str(ip); st2= ‘_’; st1=’E’; prt_cds=importdata(‘port_codes. Spolszczenie Do Pes 2009 Do Pobrania Za Darmo. xlsx’); no_ports= size(prt_cds.Sheet1,1) for k= 1:no_ports st3=prt_cds.Sheet1(k) filename= strcat(st1,st2,st3,st2,st4) f=importdata(‘filename.txt’) end.

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