Wrestlemania 28 Dvd Free Download

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Douces Wild: Wrestlemania 28 Retrospective Part 3. Match 7: CM Punk. So with that, Jericho has no choice to tap out because Punk is free to just torture him and Punk gets the win on this stage. Obviously, the. On the very next night on RAW, Cena laid down the challenge: Wrestlemania 28Rock vs. In his hometown of Miami, The Great One returned to in-ring action at WrestleMania and defeated John Cena in a challenge that was a year in the making. The Undertaker and Triple H marked the end of an era, going to hell and back with a Hell in a Cell duel officiated by Shawn Michaels. An emotional post-match group.

For the cost of a used paperback, we can share a book online forever. When I started this, people called me crazy. Collect web pages?

Wrestlemania 28 Dvd Free Download

Who’d want to read a book on a screen? For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. We’re dedicated to reader privacy.

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For the cost of a used paperback, we can share a book online forever. When I started this, people called me crazy.

Collect web pages? Who’d want to read a book on a screen? For 21 years, we’ve backed up the Web, so if government data or entire newspapers disappear, we can say: We Got This. We’re dedicated to reader privacy.

We never accept ads. But we still need to pay for servers and staff. If you find our site useful, please chip in. —Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive.

Douces Wild: Wrestlemania 28 Retrospective Part 3 Match 7: CM Punk defeats Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Title at 22:20 When you have a good story going on but it isn’t bombastic or over-dramatic, should you add a new dimension to the story to make it seem more “interesting”? That’s the question that hangs over the head of this match and the entire build of this feud between two men who consider themselves the Best in the World. At Survivor Series, in Madison Square Garden, CM Punk defeated Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Title in what was a huge moment for the company but the argument could be made that it was more out of an attempt at damage control then honestly rewarding Punk. I say damage control because the company had pretty much ruined the Summer of Punk 2011 angle that had made Punk one of the most talked about wrestlers throughout the summer and turned what could have been a very dull summer into something very intriguing and interesting. Fans thought that when Punk cut that legendary Pipe Bomb promo, he was going to become the Stone Cold Steve Austin for THIS generation.

Many were looking at John Cena as sort of the Hulk Hogan of the era and people were looking for their Stone Cold.the fans thought they had it in CM Punk but that was until the WWE stepped in to get a little too hands on with it. The idea of Punk winning the WWE Title in his hometown of Chicago and leaving the WWE with it was a genius hook but it was one that fans honestly didn’t trust the WWE to deliver on.would they REALLY let CM Punk go to ROH or NJPW or anywhere else with THEIR WWE Title?

Well.the company didn’t think that was a good idea so they decided to end the most intriguing part of the entire Summer of Punk angle in a mere 10 days so that the WWE could run the Punk/Cena rematch at Summerslam 2011. After that, the entire thing was pretty much, in my opinion, screwed up by these two guys. Triple H and Kevin Nash’s involvement in the entire angle ended up killing the whole thing and thus it took Punk a good long while to recover from it. The company felt that giving Punk the WWE Title at Survivor Series would help and in a sense, it did but also it just seems like a consolation prize to give to Punk for screwing him over. On the very first RAW at 2012, Chris Jericho made his return to the company after being away for about a year and a halfmany salivated at the idea of Jericho vs Punk for the title at Mania and it seemed like the logical step to go.

Jericho’s 2012 comeback was quite fascinating. Ryan Adams Blackhole Rar Download there. it was the one where he come out, ran around and posed for 10 minutesand then leave without saying a word on the microphone. Jericho promised before the Royal Rumble that it was going to be the end of the world as we knew it, promising us something that I don’t know if Jericho would have been able to deliver. However, Chris Jericho did not win the 2012 Royal Rumble.Sheamus did. Jericho was the original plan and it was certainly the one that made the most sense but apparently, it was just a little too obvious and the company swerved the fans at the last minute with Sheamus winning. In reality, Jericho should have won the match in hindsight.it would have added more to the story between he and Punk, it probably would have helped Sheamus in the long run and they wouldn’t have dicked around with the Jericho/Punk storyline like they did. Once they finally got the match announced after a convoluted Elimination Chamber match where Punk accidentally knocked Jericho out and then Jericho winning an arbitrary battle royal to finally get the shot.

Originally, the match was built on the precipice of who is better and Jericho’s jealousy at Punk for allegedly copying his gimmick to get himself over. Punk had been calling himself the self-proclaimed “Best in the World”.Jericho was the self-proclaimed “Best in the World At What I Do”. Jericho accused Punk of stealing his shtick to get to the top: stealing his catchphrases, stealing his move set, stealing everything! The story there was that both men came from the same mold of working their way up throughout the worldin fact, they were two of the last batch of guys who did that in their words. However, in Jericho’s mind, he’s more entitled to the “Best in the World” moniker because he knows that many young wrestlers working at this time pretty much took an aspect from him and molded into their character.

Jericho accused Punk of being the biggest Y2J knockoff of them all.the cocky attitude, the swagger, the mic skills.everything that made Punk what he was at the beginning of this feud, Jericho claims that Punk stole from him. As we all know that Punk is a guy who marches to the beat of his own drum, as does Jericho, and both are very opinionated when it comes to character, matches and decisions being made. Both men ARE very similarand we also know that both of these two are two of the best wrestlers on the roster, making their match the most must see match, from a wrestling perspective, on the Wrestlemania 28 card. Hell, these two were flat out saying in promos that they are going to steal the show and that they were going to have the best WRESTLING match on the card and we all know that these two can deliver in that. Jericho even picked up a few wins on Punk leading up to the PPV in tag matches and stuff of that nature, all in an attempt to getting into Punk’s head and throw him off his game. So for about the first 3 weeks of the build towards this match, the feud was simple: two great wrestlers, one WWE Title.who is the best of these two? Simple but effective and that’s all you need.

You’ve already got the big overly dramatic match with the Hell in a Cell match and you also have the big pomp and circumstance match with Rock/Cena.this show is sadly not being sold on Punk/Jericho so basically, all they have to do is keep the story simple, get fans to tune in and steal the show at Wrestlemania. Once you get past Wrestlemania, you can add more fuel to the fire since the rematch, if there was to be one, was going to be a major part of the Extreme Rules PPV the next. However.that’s not what this company did, now did they?

Now, the original idea that Jericho and Punk had for this story was to continue the story that Jericho was better than CM Punk and that he was the true Best in the World, even to the point where Jericho was going to TATTOO HIS INITIALS ONTO CM PUNK’S BODY!!! No, I’m not joking, go read Jericho’s third book!! In fact, Punk was going to actually fly his tattoo guy to the arena and actually have him show Jericho how to do it and to do it properly!!! Of course.the idea was nixed by Vince McMahon due to the potential blood that could come from that.

But imagine that.Jericho was actually going to tattoo his initials on Punk’s body to prove how much better he is than Punk.THAT’S AWESOME!!! And Punk is the kind of guy who would do it toothis is a guy who allowed someone to use a cheese grater to attempt to scrub off his tattoos back in Ring of Honor!!! Because Vince McMahon nixed the idea, he was the one who came up with the idea for Jericho to insult Punk’s formerly alcoholic father. Now for those of you who have watched Punk’s run in Ring of Honor in the past, Punk had already used his father as the basis for a feud with Raven back in ROH in 2003 so it wasn’t an original idea whatsoever.

Prodigy Discography Torrent Mp3 Converter here. In fact, Vince probably heard about it from someone and passed the idea off as his own like he was some great genius, I could TOTALLY see that happening!! So Jericho proceeded to call Punk a fraud, that his straight edge lifestyle was all a lie because he was trying to bury the demons of his alcoholic father. Jericho insinuated that being an alcoholic was in Punk’s bloodhe was born with it because of his father and that Jericho was going to beat Punk so bad at Wrestlemania that Punk was going to forego his entire Straight Edge lifestyle and turn to drinking. Punk came out and told audiences that what Jericho said was, indeed, true about his father being an alcoholic but Punk has since forgiven his father for his actions and that he uses his father’s story as motivation to be better, especially since Punk’s father had battled and beaten his addictions. However, Jericho came up on the Titan Tron and eventually revealed a whole new piece of information that not a lot of people knew about.Punk’s sister and her history with drugs.

Now, the father is something that is relatable but it’s not exactly uncommonwe see how Punk’s father’s lifestyle shaped him into the man that he became in life but to hear that Punk’s sister also dabbled in drugs really paints a very uncompromising picture on Punk’s family life and probably explains Punk’s bitterness towards the world that he seems to have. I also enjoyed the tease of Jericho bringing up Punk’s mother.only to reveal that she did nothing wrong and was a saint but then revealed that Punk was consummated out of wedlock and Jericho called him a “bastard child”. Soin the span of 3 weeks, we go from two men fighting for the WWE Title to prove who the Best in the World truly is.to alcoholic fathers, drug addicted sisters and bastard children!!

It’s like we’ve walked out of a wrestling promotion and into an episode of Game of Thrones for Christ’s Sake!! And I really do like Jericho bringing all of this stuff up to get into Punk’s mind and I love it.but didn’t feel a little forced or even a little rushed? To me, this seems like Jericho should have been doing AFTER he lost at Wrestlemania, to hype up the match at Extreme Rules between themnot BEFORE their match at Mania. It’s almost as if the writers didn’t trust the story and felt that this match also needed this overdramatic hook to it just to get people to pay more attention to it and now you’re placing another set of expectations on a match that didn’t need them in the first place. At the end of the day, you were going to sell this match on the quality of the action and the storytelling these two could bring out.the Game of Thrones scenario was unnecessary. And you’d think this company would have learned from the Triple H/Randy Orton debacle just 3 years prior that adding a “if Punk gets DQ’d, Jericho wins the title” stipulation is DETRACTING from the match rather than ADDING to the match.

The difference is that Triple H and Randy Orton need weapons and violence to have great matches against each other because without them, they aren’t the most enjoyable of guys to watch with each other.Jericho and Punk don’t need weapons, they are just as great without them. However, I’ll be damned if they didn’t spend the first 5 MINUTES of this match trying to beat it over your skull about that “Punk better not get DQ’d” stipulation where Jericho kept trying to bait Punk in by taunting him about his father and mother then cowering in the corner as Punk kept pounding on him. So the match isn’t about who is betterthe match is about Punk’s revenge and if he can control his temperwhich I would be fine with if the match actually needed a hook like that to be good, which this one didn’t need.

After that, however, this match does something interesting: it gets BETTER!! There is one spot in the match where Jericho flat out suplexes Punk out of the ring to the floor in probably the nastiest spot of the entire show and thus begins the story of Jericho’s assault on Punk’s back and that’s when we are back to the original story: who is better? And just like that, the match turns on a dime and it becomes the fantastic match that I knew these two could haveI was really caught up in the action rewatching this and I felt that they had earned my respect after losing my interest early on.

Punk and Jericho worked very well together and while this may not have been their first match against each other, it was certainly their best. And like I said earlier where these two didn’t need weapons or over the top violence to get their point acrossit gets proven here as these two have ZERO problems in pounding the absolute shit out of each other. Their chops were vicious, their moves had extra snap against each other, submissions had extra torque, kicks and knee strikes were more viciousthey took their intensity to a whole other level and the fans started playing along once they came alive after the very disappointing first 5 minutes.

They were buying into every counter, every strike and every near fall.and kudos to these two as you watch the match, you still think that maybe, just maybe, Jericho has a chance of pulling this thing off!! The finish is fantastic as Punk attempts the Anaconda Vice after the GTS proved to not work against Jericho but it was also because he wanted to punish Jericho and make him submit for the things he said. Jericho viciously kneed his way out of the hold and once again, we get more counters and it’s only fair that Punk add extra torque to his submission after Jericho finally dusted off the old Liontamer out on Punk during this match along with the more well-known Walls of Jericho. After more counters, Punk finally caught Jericho in the Anaconda Vice again and this time, he actually alters his body to where Jericho can’t hit him with the knee strikes to get out of the hold!!! So with that, Jericho has no choice to tap out because Punk is free to just torture him and Punk gets the win on this stage.