Mines Of Moria Rulebook Pdf Merge

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March 20 th, 2017 So now that I'm officially entering my second Lead Painter's League - season 11 - I thought that I'd create an actual gallery for each season that I enter. The first and only previous season I entered was Season 8 way back in 2014! So, I threw together all of my entries in order and put them in the.

What is the Lead Painter's League you ask? Well, it's a contest put on annually where all interested painters submit 10 rounds worth of figure images. It runs over 10 weeks and it's really a lot of fun just to see the entries posted every week. It's also pretty fun to take part as well. They are still taking entries too, so if you can take pictures of some nice new figs, you should get in on it.

Check out the details on the. There are rules around when things can be posted, so I'll create a new gallery for season 11 and start posting my pictures there one week after they are posted in the League Forum. March 17 th, 2017 I was going through some old stuff the other day and found a bunch of pictures of miniatures that I had put together but had never published. I was a little surprised at my past self for doing all that work and not publishing, however after a few moments of thought I realized that the images weren't all that great.

Mines Of Moria Rulebook Pdf Merge

It's likely that I intended to take some more images of higher quality and come back to it, but I never did! Additionally, I may have been considering saving those figures for the Lead Adventure forum Lead Painter's League. The deal there is that you can't have published images of the pictures on the internet prior to entering the in League competition if you want to maximize your value. But whatever my past self was thinking, check out the images in the.

Speaking of the Lead Painter's League, I will be entering again this year for the second time. I have some figures that I haven't taken pictures of that I've painted recently, so here we go!

Head over to check it out on the. Until then, I do have some more zombies. Yes, more zombies. How many zombies does on need?!? Among other things that I should be posting soon.

February 6 th, 2017 More monsters for my Dungeons & Dragons campaing! This one is a dire boar for the druid in my play group. The thing about this is that it's unlikely that it will ever get played; the brown bear - and now polar bear - is just much more powerful. There's really no reason not to use the most powerful animal. In any case check out the image in the. I'm working on some terrain now, again for the D&D action.

I am also working on some Bretonnians. I've picked up some more knights and dug out some men-at-arms as well. I'm trying to round out that Bretonnian Kings of War army.

Despite the latest work I imagine that I'll be adding my Empire figs in with the Bretonnians for the time being. Stay tuned for those! December 31 st, 2016 I have been painting, but it's been tough to get the site updated these days. I haven't really had a personal computer for the last few years. I've been using my work computer, my communal family computer, a tablet or two, a phone.

None of which are ideal for anything involved, which website updating can be. I have to get the pictures, get them all formatted and spiffed up, upload the pictures, update the content, etc, etc. This year I gave myself a holiday present and now I have my very own computer again! So, it's possible I will be updating a bit more often. So yeah, a saber-tooth tiger! This is a great figure for Dungeons and Dragons especially when you have a druid in the group. Also, who knows, there may be one hidden in a cart somewhere also!

Check out the images in the. July 7 th, 2016 Whew, finally getting around to posting some images of my latest work on the old blog! This time it's a picture of a vampire spawn that I recently painted for my Curse of Strahd campaign. I am enjoying the creepiness of the campaign quite a bit.

It's a fresh change from the openly fantastic feel of Faerun. Don't get me wrong, I really like the Forgotten Realms! But I also like the dark gothic horror setting of Ravenloft and Barovia.

Check out the images in the. Well, I have to admit that I've fallen into the Magic the Gathering collecting and playing trap! I remember playing back in the mid 90s and just hating the fact that I needed $$ to play a decent game.

This time around though I'm really enjoying the deck building. It's pretty fun!

As a consequence though, I've started painting some of the cards, known as 'altered art' cards. I will likely post some of them up here eventually as well! For miniatures though I have some more D&D related stuff soon!

Spiders, zombies, and more fun coming! February 23 rd, 2016 All right, it's six months late, and I apologize. I know a lot of people have been asking about it, and helping out with ideas, and giving encouragement. I really, really appreciate it. Why is it so late? Well, it wasn't the quick rules update that I thought it would be.

The rules themselves didn't change all that much I guess, but the army lists changed quite a bit. Things like banners and musicians were taken away, and the entire point-cost stacked was completely reworked. This left me with a choice: keep the old army list points stack, or rework it completely to fit in with the new paradigm. Naturally I decided to rework it completely. I wanted to take advantage of inspiration from some of the new lists to inform elephants and whatnot! So, after a lot of work, and - shamefully - too much procrastination, I've complete the 2nd edition update to KoWHAC! All of the four main supplements have been completely updated: Hoplon, Pike, and Arrow, Rome's Rise and Fall, The Viking Age, and Medieval Mayhem are all ready to go for Kings of War 2nd edition.

Check them all out in the. Hmmm, so what's next? I have been painting here and there, but not a lot admittedly. I also have some terrain projects on the go, but nothing quite ready yet to update. So yeah, stay tuned, there will be something sooner or later! I fixed the RSS feed today as well. Does anyone even use RSS any more?!?:).

November 24 th, 2015 I have enjoyed pulling out my old figs and painting them up in the past. A huge part of my undead army is made up of old figures.

But I never painted up the bat swarms again, until this week! The old bat swarms were made up of huge bats, metal figs with somewhat over-exaggerated faces. Some of them were plain goofy, some pretty cool, but all of them 20+ years old. So I went to check what the bat swarms look like these days and it turns out they are still using the same figs! They must not be a real unit in the army anymore? In any case, I remember buying one pack, which came with two bat swarms, and then proceeding to put two bats on each 40mm base in order to make my dollars work more for me. That gave me five bat swarms!

I tried to add tombstones and trees to the bases, but my friends still made fun of me:) Oh well, good times. This time around I painted them up for D&D, which should be fun! I also painted up a spectator! They are basically lower-level versions of the beholder, which I am excited to throw at my players. They should enjoy the spectacle if not the death-dealing rays!

Pun very much intended:) Check out the images in the. October 27 th, 2015 With Dungeons and Dragons I so rarely get to actually have dragons running around.

They're just too powerful! But the Lost Mines of Phandelver start-set adventure did something awesome: they put in a dragon for low-level characters anyway! Now, my characters learned the hard way to be careful *before* they decided to go engage the dragon. Otherwise they would have been reduced to a sloppy, acid-melted mess of gross on some old tower floor thanks to the powerful young green dragon.

But alas, they haven't even gone to fight the dragon yet, and they're leveling and learning quickly, so there's hope for them still! I also had the chance to paint some more bugbears: one King and a few archers. This should just about give me enough bugbears to carry me indefinitely, so I'll stop for now. Check out the green dragon and bugbear images in the. I've been painting some vampire bats to play the role of vampire bats and also stirges.

What are stirges anyway? Giant blood-sucking hairy mosquito bugs? I plan to not even introduce the concept of a stirge, and just characterize them as blood-sucking bats! That's a lot more sensible and relatable I think.

Also a little less goofy? So expect to see those along with some other random dungeon-crawling monsters in the near future! Until next time. October 13 th, 2015 It really doesn't feel like it's been almost two years since I last painted some Andalusians in 28mm. It was all the way back in February 2014 that I last painted some Andalusians I guess. Those HaT light horse figs. They were fun, but I was ecstatic when I heard that Gripping Beast was doing Arab plastics!

Of course, they would need some conversion, but they would be much easier to convert than the Gripping Beast Dark Age Warriors I was originally planning to use! So, I picked up a few boxes. And then held on to them for about a year and a half, and now I'm finally getting to them! Check out the images in the. So my D&D group kinda fell apart, which means that I don't *really* need to work on D&D figs at the moment. That being said, I still am working on them! So I'll likely be posting some of those.

But I've also been thinking about dusting off some Kings of War dwarves since I recently received my brand-new rulebook! I need a couple more units to give that dwarf army some teeth and then I can enlist the (now old enough) kids to defend the dwarven realms against my undead horde! So, we'll see. Until next time! October 4 th, 2015 I got the pumpkin twig blights painted up!

I'm quite happy with these, and I think I might actually do some more. I'm pretty happy with these.

Check out the images in the. I have a few more Dungeons and Dragons figures that are in progress on the desk, and I'll try to finish those up before I go back to the Kings of War armies that I was working on. I have so many half-finished figures on the desk now actually: zombicide characters, D&D monsters, pulp sailors, Arab plastics, Mice & Mystics rats, Kings of War panther-riding females, and even Hobbit miniatures. I may have to simply put those away for how.:) Next up though?

I don't know. Until next time!

September 4 th, 2015 As always happens when I start playing D&D, all of my miniature army plans go out the door and it's all about one-off Dungeons & Dragons monsters! In this case it turns out that I needed some interesting plant-type monsters for D&D, and wasn't sure how to repsent them. Then I remembered the pumpkin constructs I made and decided to create a few more. Check out four more of those in the Check out the images in the. One the topic of D&D, I've been playing a lot of fifth edition lately, and I'm really liking it. I like the simplifications, the rules feel more reasonable in general, and overall it's awesome. One little thing though, challenge rating.

When I found out that challenge rating was basically gone, and that everything was calculated on experience points I was soooo happy, certainly it has to be much simpler than it was?!? And indeed it is much simpler. But I feel it could be simpler. But really, I'v really liking fifth edition! So yeah, more D&D monsters on the way! August 20 th, 2015 I originally started painting these guys back in May 2014 for the Lead Adventure League competition.

Turns out, I didn't actually finish them until over a year later!:) Oh well, sometimes that's how it goes. I tried to out do my previous 28mm Persians with these guys, and I think it worked out. A little more attention to detail, and better shield designs, and they are looking pretty good! Check out the images in the. Next up, likely some Zombicide survivors. Or some more figs that I've been painting for Dungeons and Dragons.

Or another Norman that I painted up. Or some new terrain that I've been working on. I guess we'll have to just wait and see if I manage to get any of the many projects done between now and next time! Until then, have fun! August 1 st, 2015 It all started with the Lead Adventure League and the rule that images couldn't be used as backgrounds. The League is an annual painting competition over on the Lead Adventure Forum that requires competitors to paint groups of figures and present them in a single picture at a single angle. Terrain-strewn backdrops are encouraged and images are actually not allowed.

Many people set up elaborate shots with their terrain, and typically the better the entire composition and presentation are, the more successful the images are. After trying to set up some amazing scenes and mostly failing, I got the idea of setting up a forced-perspective terrain piece to make it *look* like an elaborate terrain set up. Also, I mostly just take pictures of miniatures. I rarely ever play. So, I came up with many ideas for forced perspective terrain, and the first one I actually sat down to try was a medieval village. The idea was to create a shallow set up that looked deep and complex, but is small, easy to store, and that's fun to make! For my first attempt, check out the.

Here's a teaser. June 23 rd, 2015 I know now that I'll never get through painting all of the zombies from Zombicide's many, many games.

The thing is, when you let yourself play with unpainted figures, you never end up painting them! In any case, I am now done the first half of the first box of zombies from season one, the first Zombicide game. Now there are only seven times that many more to do!:) Check out the latest ones in the. I am currently working on a few different things actually. Thinking of trying to make it through the insane number of figs on the workbench that I currently have.

Most of which are from projects that I never completed for the 2014 Lead Painter's League:) Some of those include Gripping Beast Arabs, Lead Adventure miniatures sailors, Mantic's human women, which I realize are not actually that great to paint (sorry Mantic, I tried!), some Wargames Factory Persians, some Hobbit figs, and the last of the rats from the Mice & Mystics boardgame. I'm not all that impressed with that boardgame either. So who knows when or if I'll ever get to those! In any case, I have some half completed, so stay tuned!

June 16 th, 2015 I've had a few emails over the past few years regarding the 'Follow On' rules in my Kings of War Historical Ancient Combat supplements, and i finally decided to do something about it. Essentially what happened was that Mantic changed their rules and removed that one back in 2012. So, check out all of the for the rules updates and some army unit profile updates as well: I fixed the skirmisher rules a bit too, making them a bit less effective than they were, bringing them inline with the historical reality:) I should mention actually that I haven't updated the English Civil War supplement because it didn't seem to suffer the same issues. I have some more zombies, zombie survivors, and I'm working on some plastic historical figs as well. The new Kigns of War that's coming has me thinking about that again, so we'll see! Until next time. March 12 th, 2015 I'm back with yet more zombies.

I could literally paint these zombies for years. With the four boxed games that I have there has to be at least 200 Zombicide zombies, and that doesn't include the zombie dogs, or the extra zombies that I purchased. They look nice though at least, but I am getting tired of them a little. I enjoy the game a lot though, then again, it's pretty much the only game I've played over the past year, so it might be time for something new. Check out the latest figs starting. Up next, more zombies. I have some more survivors in the works, but I'm not as in practice as I once was, so they aren't looking as good as I'd like.

Still, I'll post pictures eventually. Until next time, play on! February 16 th, 2015 So it's been a while. Too long, but I'm hack from the dead! If I were like other bloggers that I've seen around the webz, this is where I do two things: lament all the other work that's kept me busy over the last seven months and promise that this marks the beginning of regular updates!

Then I promptly fail to post EVER AGAIN:) Just kidding of course. I won't be making any promises, but I do have some miniatures painted up as well as some in the works. Finding time to get the updates on to the site has been a bit tough. On the topic of being back from the dead, I have a handful more zombies from Zombicide.

These figures are really top notch and a lot of fun to paint! Check them out in the.

Next up, likely more zombies, but we'll see. I have been working on some survivors as well.

August 1 st, 2014 Another group of figures that I originally painted for the Lead Advenure league and finally got around to posting pictures of! I honestly thought that I'd be the only person to do the Arab Revolt in the final round, but boy was I wrong. I think that most people did the Arab Revolt, or something in the same region.

Pretty funny really! Check them out in the new. I have a collection of Ottoman Turks from the period too that I'll be posting up shortly. After that, likely I'll get around to taking some pictures of the tens of zombies that I've been painting lately for Zombicide. A sea of dead gray corpses! July 7 th, 2014 It's literally been two-and-a-half years since I've painted some Vikings.

I know, it's shameful for sure. I painted these guys for the second round of the Lead Painter's League over on the.

They lost miserably, but it was still fun and a great excuse to paint some more Vikings! I have a whole box of these Gripping Beast dark-age warriors. They're good, but they're not quite Vikings unfortunately.

But they can be fixed up to fit the bill, they're very well sculpted, and they're plastic! Check them out in the. Next up, perhaps some more Lead Adventure figs that I'm catching up on, or some more of those modern Zombicide zombies. I have a number of them in the pipes, but these days I never know when I'll be able to finish them!

Until next time. June 25 th, 2014 Four more Zombicide survivors! So now I have completed all of the survivors for the first game as well as for the toxic-city mall expansion. These figs aren't all that easy to paint given their extra detail, many different colours, and classy character, so they're actually coming along pretty quickly considering! This time we have Amy, Doug, Elsa, and Neema, and I am pretty happy with all of them.

Check them out in the! I'm kinda burnt out on these survivor figures at this point though. That being said, I'm just finishing off some zombies as well, so stay tuned for that! I've also finally gotten around to taking proper pictures of my Lead Painter's League figures, so keep your eyes peeled for those in the coming weeks! Until next time.

June 15 th, 2014 Okay, so more zombicide figs this time around! Josh and Ned make it to the fray. After these two, only two more survivors before I'm done with the survivors for the original Zombicide game! Now, there are only two more games to go after that, and then two more games coming up after that; apparently there's another zombicide kickstarting looming on the horizon! I have to admit that the addition of a competitive angle doesn't really make it more desireable for me, but apparently it allows the difficulty to scale with the number of players, which is quite valuable in a cooperative mode. In any case, check out the two new survivors in the.

Until next time! June 7 th, 2014 I know that Zombicide is now terribly old. Like, years old, and that everyone and their dog has painted the figures.

The thing is, I've finally gotten around to playing this game somewhat regularly. It's a great game, and a lot of fun to play. I honestly thought that I wouldn't get back to it, but I'm happy that I have!

First up is Phil. I picked Phil because he's easy to paint, straight forward colour scheme, and still a cool figurine with a lot of character. Check him out in the. Up next are likely the figures associated with entries in my entries. Over the past ten weeks I've been submitting new or older images of figs to compete against the top-notch gentlemen and women who also took part. It was fun, but I wasn't allowed to post images of the figs anywhere else.

So, be prepared for that! April 10 th, 2014 Finally got some pictures together of the heroes from the Mice and Mystics game. These figures are pretty cool, and now that I'm done, this is officially the first game that I've painted all of the figures for!

Yes, I failed to paint all of the figures for Shadows Over Camelot. And I've heard recently that that game has had a resurgence in popularity. In any case, check out the heroes from Mice and Mystics in the. Things are still moving along in the Lead Adventure Painter's League, so don't forget to. They are updated every week!

As for what's next? Well, I have one picture left to post from Mice and Mystics, and that's the centipede. Not sure when I'll get to it though because it seems that I've forgotted to take pictures of it and it's already chipped! That will teach me to let the kids play with the figures;) Instead, I'll likely be posting some more vikings. April 2 nd, 2014 Ah, it's been a while, but I finally have more figures to show off!

Actually I've had a few sets of figs painted for a while, but I'd been saving them up! What am I saving them up for you may ask? Well, to be honest it's the over on the Lead Adventure Forum. It's an annual painting competition round robin sorta deal that I've always meant to enter but never gotten around to. In any case, they're on round two so I suggest you get over there and check it out!

There are a number of fantastic figs on show so it's worth the time. In any case, my first set of figures was the heroes from Mice and Mystics. I have them painted, but not quite photographed. So, to start, I have the enemies of the mice ready. Check them out in the.

I'll post again next week with the heroes. And maybe even that centipede. February 14 th, 2014 There's no denying that 2013 was a slow miniature gaming and painting year for me. It appears that 2014 hasn't gotten off to a great start either:) I'm still painting though, just much slower than I have in the past.

My updates have been even slower in coming. But rest assured that I will update this site as things come togather!

I finished these back in November but couldn't make the time to get pictures of them together. Over all, I'm pretty happy with the HaT Andalusian light horse. I'd buy more. It sucks that the rest of the HaT Andalusian line is no good though. In any case, I'm done with Andalusians for a while I think.

Maybe I'll be back to this project again in another five years like last time! Up next is a race between some Mantic Dwarves and the figures in the Mice & Mystics board game.

I've been finding that board games are much more likely to get played here these days. They are less work to set up and much faster for people to learn, and so I've been leaning toward them. And to be honest the figures in the Mice and Mystics game are really very nice. So, stay tuned, hopefully I'll have something to update later in February or early March! Until then, keep your paints wet and your brushes clean! October 19 th, 2013 So, after four years I'm finally back to my 28mm Andalusians.

I believe I started painting those figures back in 2005 or 2006, and I had meant to build a 28mm Andalusian army ever since. I did end up building a 15mm Andalusian army or two (if you consider Granada in there), but never really a 28mm one. I have since given away those Gripping Beast 28mm figs that I had painted; they were not Andalusian enough for me:) Those pointy helmets were too Hollywood for me!

Doesn't Gripping Beast know that Andalusians wore round helmets?!? But I digress, I've painted up some HaT plastic 28mm Andalusians. I've had these figs for a while as well, but most of the range are too small. The Light Horse though are actually pretty good.

HaT, why weren't you consistent with your Andalusian figure scale?!? So, I won't be using HaT for the entire army, but the light horse are more than adequate.

Check them out in the. So what's next? I'm painting more Andalusians yet since I have eight total and I've only finished the first six. Once I get those done I'll put them on a multi base and post some pictures. After that I'm not sure. I still haven't found good figures to represent Andalusian foot and medium cavalry yet.

Perhaps more dreadball or Kings of War? I have a terrain project idea as well, but I'm not sure how to realize it yet. September 28 th, 2013 I managed to whip through these three - not one, but three - guys in the past few weeks. I guess that's not actually all that fast.

Ori, Oin, and Bombur take to the field against the threat of what lies in the depths of Erebor! Fun to paint, but I am getting character fatigue. So much so that I took a break from painting dwarves to paint some Andalusians for the past little while, as previously mentioned. But I digress. Check out the latest dwarves starting here in the. So despite the relatively less painting I've been doing I have listened to some great audiobooks though while painting, including Dianna Wyne Jones' Sophie series. I think most people refer to it as Howl's series, but to me it's clearly about Sophie; Howl is totally just a supporting character!

I highly recommend it for kids, young and old. Andalusians in the next few weeks, stay tuned! August 27 th, 2013 Two miniatures that have been around for a long time finally come off of the 'primed but unpainted' shelf! Good times for sure. I was inspired to finally paint these simply because they were staring at me for so long. And because I was tired of painting Hobbit dwarves, and because I was listening the Timothy Zahn's first Star Wars Trilogy of novels, Heir to the Empire or whatever. All of those things culminated into the two latest figs in the.

Next up probably another dwarf from the Hobbit. But after that it's back to historical figures! After looking endlessly around for Andalusian figures I decided that the light horse box set from HaT figures might actually work. But only the light horse set, the other sets are too small.

August 16 th, 2013 This one has been on my painting table for years. In fact, you can see it in pewter on this August 2010 picture of my. Finally I managed to motivate myself to get it done! I decided to go with all black, but use the comic-book method of highlighting black with blue.

I remember after reading The NAM comic books, for years I thought the Viet Cong wore blue outfits. In any case, check out the figure in the. I've been working on more figures that have been languishing on my painting desk as well. Stay tuned for more of those to come!

July 22 nd, 2013 Painted up a fig that's been laying around for ages in the unpainted pile. It was one that I moved last year when I packed up everything. Took it down from the unpainted shelf and packed it, then when I unpacked it, I put it back on that shelf. And now it's done! Check out a couple of pictures of it in the. I'm currently working on a few more dwarves from Middle-earth. So many dwarves.

But they would come together, but after those dwarves I might take a break and work on something else entirely. There are a lot of Warmachine players in my area, so who knows. June 24 th, 2013 I have been almost too afraid to work on the Fellowship figures.

Not sure why, but I felt I didn't want to paint them unless I painted them absolutely perfectly. But Gandalf is actually quite simple to paint, he has a very limited colour palette. So, when I picked up the Hobbit box set and it had another plastic Gandalf, I figured I would do them both together. Check them out in the, which was formerly the. Up next are likely some dwarves, and perhaps a few ad-hoc figures that have been sitting on my painting shelves waiting for paint for who knows how long. March 19 th, 2013 Got some more of the Klaxus Redbombers done!

Another jack and guard. Not that there is anything else on the golbin/orx team anyway! The poses are similar but different, so that's nice.

I had a change to play a game with my oldest kiddo and I realized that the level of complexity in the game compared to the amount of action in the game is really high. That is, there's lots of complexity, but not all that much action. At least, not compared to a wargames. After three action tokens, one player moved and picked up the ball, the other slammed and opponent, that's it! It doesn't look like it's going to be a hit with the kids unfortunately, but it's still pretty cool none-the-less! I'll paint up the rest of the miniatures for it anyway;) Without further ado, check them out in the.

Until next time. February 7 th, 2013 On to the second Dreadball team. The first of the Klaxus Redbombers, which are my take on the Ork and Goblin Dreadball team. I basically stuck with the Mantic colour scheme for the Greenmoon Smackers because teeny tiny (aka Kiddo the Second) really liked that scheme and adobpted the 'giant green guys' as the team of choice.

So yeah, red and black and green. Check out the first couple of figures in the gallery. I'm going to try to finish painting the Redbombers before I throw in the towel on Dreadball for now. It's cool, but I feel I need a change in projects. Not sure what's next although I have a million unpainted figs to choose from:). January 21 st, 2013 Finally finished, the Nidavellir Flames are ready for the Dreadball Pitch! It was pretty fun to paint, but I'm not sure why Mantic bothered to send ten figures, when a Dreadball team only needs eight.

I painted them all up in any case though. Although I might night paint up the extras for the other teams. One team down, three more to go! The orcs and goblins are next, not sure which team I will paint after that.

Might take a break from Dreadball, but we'll have to wait and see! Until then, check out the in all of their glory! January 13 th, 2013 I got my Dreadball kickstarter package just about the time everyone did, before the December festivities. Of course, it took a while to actually get them ready, but here they are. At least here's the first of them anyway. I have to admit that I'm not at all into sports, and at first I thought 'why would I potentially promote a violent sports game when I don't support it in reality?'

Then I realized that I play wargames, and I certainly don't support war either. So yeah, I let myself off the hook and bought into the kickstarter. The game play looks pretty interesting, and the figures are pretty nice. I think that overall the Forgefather team has too much detail per fig though. Which is sad because I really wanted to get into the forgefathers for Warpath. But I digress. Check out the Nidavellir Flames in the.

Next up, more Dreadball! I'm not sure if I'll paint up all of the Dreadball teams consecutively, but at least for now it's all that's on my painting table. December 10 th, 2012 I bought this figure simply because its awesome, and it sat on my desk unpainted for so long because I was worried about doing the sculpt justice in painting. But now that it's done, I am pretty happy with the result, and I will definitely be fielding it with my Romans when they play the part of humans in Mantica - that's Mantic Games Kings of War fantasy world. Check out the figure in the. Still working on those Corsairs as well.

And another medieval house is in the works too! December 3 rd, 2012 This one was started back in 2009, and finally finished a couple of weeks ago. It was a fun project to look back on, but it makes me realize that I wasn't really all that great:) But these horses did the job in 15mm for sure, and it was interesting to be part of the process of creating an army from scratch, sculpting, watch it get cast, painting and assembling. So yeah, check out the in the articles section and see for yourself. Next up some Corsairs of Umbar from the Lord of the Rings action. And after that, not sure:) Until then. November 27 th, 2012 Probably only ten more to go!

But I'm really happy with the finished building. I'm not sure I'd call it haunted exactly, but it's got a certain creappy vibe, and that's good enough for now. I've finished off the, and I've also put together a detailed gallery of the finished building! Check out those pictures in the terrain gallery. Next up are some Corsairs of Umbar, and perhaps another 15mm sculpting article.

While I was converting my table-layout site into a CSS-layout site I found an almost-complete article on how to sculpt 15mm horses. I recall deciding not to publish it because - in all honesty - I wasn't all that happy with my 15mm sculpting quality:) But I might publish it anyway:) Until then. November 26 th, 2012 I spent the past five days spending countless hours updating the table-based layout of this site to CSS-based layout! What does that mean?

Nothing really. It just means that I spent a lot of time doing something that makes pretty much no difference to anyone:) No, I'm not cynical, but honestly, I don't see what's wrong with table based layouts. If you're reading this and you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's good.

Just ignore me. I just felt I should mention it considering the effort that went in to the update:). November 5 th, 2012 I can't believe that I hadn't done an audio book review since January 2010. That's just insane, it feels like I wrote that just a year or so ago!

But alas, it's almost been three years! So, I decided to add a new review:.

The book trilogy is a lot of fun, very well written and exceedingly well planned, and believable. In any case, check out the.

I plan to get an article together for the first stages in the medieval house terrain building process, but it's a lot of extra time composing the article. So it may not come together this week. Then again, it may! Until next time. October 31 st, 2012 The final zombie werewolf on Halloween! It must be a sign. In any case, check out the last of the zombie werewolves in the.

That's it for undead for a while, but not for haunted, spooky things I don't think. I'm currently planning some terrain in the medieval genre, and I plan to add some haunted aspects to it. Perhaps an entire town of haunted houses.

An abandoned town, perhaps the inhabitants were recruited into the armies of the undead. And the odd one remains, mimicking its former life. October 23 rd, 2012 Well, it's the last of my living werewolves. I really like these bones figures from Reaper, but I realize that these figs are oldish, and just don't have the sex appeal of the newer ones:) Perhaps a bit stiff, but a pleasure to paint. Check out the latest werewolf in the.

One more undead werewolf after this for Halloween next week, and then its on to different worlds. The terrain project is in the planning phase still, but it's still coming. I'm also setting up some Corsairs of Umbar to paint as well, so stay tuned for those! October 17 th, 2012 On I continue with the zombie werewolves. This one is based on a completely different sculpt than the previous ones, and it's nice. In total, that's three zombie werewolves and one living werewolf done.

One living werewolf and one zombie werewolf left to go and that will be two units of werewolves for my Kings of War army. Check out the latest zombie werewolf, and the first complete unit image in the. More werewolves yet to come, but after that my plan is to get back to terrain. It's been a couple of years since I've done any terrain - - and about two and a half years since I've done 28mm terrain - - so I feel the need to get back to it. My plan is to extend the town around the Prancing Pony; not just to make it into the city from Lord of the Rings, but a city/town that could be in Middle-earth, Medieval western Europe, or any similarly advanced society in any fantasy world. More on my plans later.

October 9 th, 2012 I'm not sure if I'd laugh or cry after being kicked out of a pub in northern England on a full moon! So, for those of you that got the American Werewolf in London reference, yes, this update is about more werewolves, but this time a living one. I needed some werewolves - as I'm sure you know if you've seen my previous posts - and I wanted to paint some of Reapers' Bones line. The rubbery plastic figures are great, I really like them! In any case, check out the werewolf in the. You guessed it, more werewolves, both the living and the dead!

Beware the moon lads, beware the moon! October 1 st, 2012.

Carrying skeletons! This one sorta cracks me up, which is why I decided to paint it up.

I imagine a disgruntled or humourous sculptor stretching the first sculpt into a second by by adding a skeleton in an interesting way. But what am I blathering on about? Check out my latest zombie werewolf in the. The next few figures are also going to be some flavour of werewolf. Reaper has one more zombie werewolf sculpt, which I am working on. I also bought a couple of normal werewolves and an extra zombie werewolf.

So yeah, more werewolves on the horizon! September 24 th, 2012 It's on to a different track for a while I think. I'm looking forward to painting some fantasy stuff, not that I wasn't happy with the Persians, but hey.

Check out the first of the zombie werewolves in the. I figure that although werewolves might hate vampires, zombie werewolves don't care either way:) I realize that werewolves might be related to vampires in some stories, but there are a lot of stories that pit them against each other as enemies. In any case, more werewolves coming soon. I have a couple more zombies, and then a fresh one:) Until then. September 17 th, 2012 It was a long haul, but it finally came together.

I had, in all honesty, been working on these Persians since June I think. Assembly, painting, basing, rinse, repeat. I enjoyed it though and don't really feel burnt out, I just wish I had more time to paint.

Or rather, didn't have to sleep and could paint all night;) But anyway, the first unit is done, check it out in the. The project is really going to take a long time to complete though. Firstly, there are hundreds of figures to be painted.

Secondly, I don't currently have a gaming buddy to play with, so I have little motivation to actually finish an army. But I'm sure I'll get back to them soon. Up next however are some werewolves.

I have wanted to add werewolves to my undead army for a while; Mantic's Kings of War Undead army list includes an option for werewolves. I know, in some fantasy worlds werewolves hate the undead, but in others it's simply the opposite. For me I had to figure out a way to make people from all those worlds happy and paint some werewolves that would be found with armies lead by vampires and other undead.

What excetly do I mean? Well, you'll have to wait and see, until next week! September 10 th, 2012 Only three left and the unit is finished! But then, I have to base it all up properly and paint the base. Still, I'm way over the halfway point! The latest figs are pretty good I think, and painting all of them makes them seem less daunting; even after I painted my 15mm Persians I was still daunted by the amount of work that went into them, but now I'm not so much. In any case, check them out in the.

Stay tuned later this week for the remaining figs, and then after that - probably next week - I'll posted pictures of the whole unit all together once I get it done! September 3 rd, 2012 The supplement is finally ready!

I've been working on this one for about 11 months, and I'm glad it's finished. It was by far the largest one I've done, with the most army lists to be researched.

Download it in the. I also took this time to update ALL of my KoWHAC supplements, so feel free to download them all anew and dust off those old armies! I've added a couple of special rules, updated some army lists, and in general just spiffed everything up! So check all of those out: • • • • So now with done, what's next you ask? Well, I'm only missing a few pre-gunpowder periods: Ancient Egypt, the period of Arab expansion and Merovingian/Carolingian expansion, as well as the east. Perhaps my next supplement should be for medieval Asia, including Japan - pre-Samurai & Samurai - China, the various nomadic tribes, etc. Or perhaps I should extend the Viking Age supplement to include the Arab and Frankish expansions, which would be pretty easy and would fill the gap.

If you have a preference either way, feel free to get in touch with me via the and let me know! August 27 th, 2012 Another shield bearer is ready to join the ranks of the Persian unit that I'm building.

I am starting to get ready to put these guys on bases. The first batch of eight is almost done, and once that's done I can start on the second batch:) Unfortunately it's not going to be done as soon as I'd hoped. Uless I get some extra time to paint though, I won't be done for another few weeks yet I'm guessing. Anyway, check out the latest shield bearer in the. Until next time, enjoy!

August 25 th, 2012 For the first batch of Persians I decided to go with three archers (which I posted previously) and five shield bearers. Typically the first group of figures is a test batch, so I don't usually do the shield-bearers first, since they really represent the unit.

Especially in this case since the shields form the front rank. That being said, it's my most favourite part of the unit, so it is easy and fun to paint. I won't post a picture of the front of the shield yet though, since I want to wait until the unit is absolutely complete until I show it, but in the mean time, here's an image of the shield bearer without the shield in the I figure these shield bearers will come together quickly, then the rest of the arthers and then I'll have pictures of the whole unit in the next couple weeks. I just received a shipment from Reaper miniatures for six werewolves that I plan to paint up nice and bloody for my Undead Kings of War army and I want to get on to those sooner rather than later:) A couple of them are from the bones line of Reaper figs, which are a bizarre rubbery plastic that has amazing detail and surprisingly takes paint very well! August 15 th, 2012 Actually, amass might be too strong, since at this point we only have two!

But still, it's the beginning of a real unit. Painting these figs is a lot of fun, but a lot of time. The problem is that they have so many colours per figure, which makes things a lot more time consuming.

On top of that, there's an irregularly large number of fiddly details. Still, it will be a nice unit when it's all together. Check out the latest figure in the. Persians are the focus for the foreseeable future here. But I do have a desire to get back to some Mantic dwarves with the release of the beautiful new Kings of War rulebook. I might even do a detailed review of the book in the next while if I get the chance! Auguest 6 th, 2012 Finally done!

All of my Bretonnian knights with this latest update to my. My last two Bretonnian knights are painted and it's nice.

Funny though that I only painted 12 in the end, but hey. That's 1.5 units of human knights for Kings of War, and that's enough for me at this point!

Up next are likely some Persians. I'm doing another unit base, so it may be a while as I get the 20 or so figures painted for it. But in the mean time I may showcase each figure as it is finished! July 17 th, 2012 I enjoyed painting the last of my Bretonnian archers from the early-edition box set. Finally they're all painted, but these ones are specifically based on medieval British archers from the Hundred Years War period. I am happy with how they turned out and am looking forward to painting some more Bretonnians, in the way of historical-specific knights again! After that, I'll have virtually no unpainted Bretonnians!

Check them out in the. Next up some Bretonnian knights are likely to make the cut, but I'm also assembling some ancient Persians from Wargames Factory, so we'll see which ones get done first.

Aside from that I have a lot of unpainted one-off figs taunting me from my painting desk. July 3 rd, 2012 Over a year later and finally some of the last knights or Bretonnia are ready for battle! When I say last, I mean the last of the unpainted figures that I have in the backlog that is! After these two I have only two more left! They were a lot easier to paint this time around.

It's just not as daunting to paint the barding anymore:) Check out the latest knights in the. The incentive for me to do the Bretonnians at tis point is the Medieval Kings of War Historical supplement that I have on the go. You'll notice that the knights I painted are closely based on historical colour schemes and heraldry, and it's no coincidence:) I plan to use either archers or knights, or both from the old Bretonnian range on the cover of that supplement. As such, more archers are up next! After that, probably more knights.

June 18 th, 2012 This thing took me a couple of months to finish, but it's finally here! I'm pretty happy with it now that it's done, but I won't be purchasing another one;) Check out the Balrog of Morgoth - aka Durin's Bane - in the. Now that that's out of the way I imagine I'll have more updates more often! Not only did it take a lot of work to finish the balrog, but I didn't always have a lot of motivation to do it at times.

So it was extra slow. But I'm already well on my way to finishing some Bretonnian knights; I decided I wanted something colourful for a change!

On top of that, I've been putting some serious effort into the medieval KoW supplement as well. It's a big one - similar in size to the Rome's Rise and Fall supplement - so it will be a while yet. Also, I have to decide whether I'll simply use my Bretonnians for the cover since they're basically 100 years war British, or get some truly medieval figs instead! In any case, until next time. June 13 th, 2012 It's been so long that I almost forget how to update this bloody site! That'll teach me to build my own proprietary Website I guess:) Anyway, a quick update here letting you all know that I've overhauled the Kings of War Historical Ancient Battles supplements!

Well, all of the ones I actually wrote; the English Civil War supplement remains as it was. I basically brought them more in line with Mantic's latest rule set, including their human army list. Also, someone pointed out that there wasn't a profile for Pikemen in the Hoplon, Pike, and Arrow supplement! What an oversight! I didn't change everything, but there are a few tweaks that I think are for the best, including simple things like the layout of the unit profiles. Grab all of the documents in the. I know what you're thinking though.

The new version of KoW is just around the corner, so will these lists be updated when the revisions come out? The answer is that I completely intend to! Stay tuned for that. I am actually quite excited about the new Kings of War book and their whole kickstarter project. Unfortunately, I have craploads of unpainted miniatures already that I need to get to. Anyway, I ordered the new book at least!

As far as painting, it looks like the balrog will finally be done this coming week! Stay tuned for images of that when it's ready! Until next time. April 29 th, 2012 The title is terribly lame, but what can you do? It's been a long few months for me, but I'm finally back! After years of taking updating the site once a week at least, it's been a couple of months.

I put paint to metal again for the first time in months this past week, and managed to finish a single figure! I had started this one ring wraith - as well as a few more - before I had packed up my painting desk, but could only bring myself to finish this one; the black and brown monochrome was just too drab for me to get enthusiastic about.

In any case, check out in the. My painting skills are rusty to say the least, and the habit of sitting down to paint is all but gone.

That being said, I've been pining to get back to painting for the entire past few months. Not sure what I'll paint up next, but I'm sure it will be bright! When will the next update be? It might not be next week; I have a lot of other things to get done aside from painting in the evenings these days. But I will update regularly! Until next time.

February 19 th, 2012 It's that time of year again! Actually, it was that time of year about a month and a half ago, but I've just been too busy to get this done! Anyway, it's finally done. I've updated my and sections finally for the end of the year.

It's been a pretty up and down year. My painting numbers were up early in the year, and down later in the year. Same goes for my unpainted miniatures. Over all, I'm pretty happy with the outcome though!

This year I have no real resolutions. I generally want to reduce my unpainted pile, whether by painting or selling/donating my unpainted figs. I might very well buy more in the future as well, since I have some more projects that I want to expand. Also, I'm in a new area so I might have to paint/play games that the locals are already into as well. I imagine that means Warhammer for 28s - not a great prospect - and DBA for 15s, which is cool. In the near future I hope to finish some Kings of War Historical battle reports and some details on my packing and moving! There's still no painting to be done or displayed at this point.

Perhaps a couple more months! January 28 th, 2012 It's been a long week. I meant to get this update out Monday, but I just haven't had the time. But for this week, it's back to the east! And back to Lord of the Rings figs. I'm not sure why I've pulled these figs out, but I have a feeling it was a mix of the cave troll and the new Hobbit Movie trailer.

That one should be good. But let's get back to the moment. I pulled out a handful of plastic Easterlings and painted them up, check them out in the.

Honestly, I haven't painted in over a week. That is pretty crazy for me. I have some figs on the go, but I'm not sure how long they'll take. Also, I have a problem with my paints and figures. I've been packing up and moving, and that's opened up a lot of insanity with moving figures and paints.

Packing figs is pretty easy for the most part, but packing multi-base units like my Kings of War figs is a real challenge. My plan is to chronicle the process a bit just in case anyone else might find the process insightful! Also, if anyone has any suggestions, don't hestitate to contact me and let me know;) Until next time. January 10 th, 2012 I've been sitting on these for just over two years now. I had planned to use them along with for some Russian Civil War action.

My anarchists. But we never got around to it. Anyway, I finally got around to painting them, and they were fun to paint and a lot easier than I expected. Check them out in their new. I'm currently painting up some Lord of the Rings Easterlings. I'm also going to try to get my medieval Kings of War Historical supplement done, a battle report, and finally, a year end report!

I haven't updated my painted/unpainted sections for a while. Until next time. January 4 th, 2012 It's back to the undead again. I took the time to paint up more of those Mantic zombies that I started back in November. This month has flown by for me, and I haven't had a lot of time to update this site. Appologies for that. However, the zombies are looking good I think, check them out in the.

In regards to erratic updates, in all honesty it looks like things will get even more spotty in the next few months. Expect erratic updates for probably the next three or four months while things get settled again. Sometimes other things just make it hard to constantly update, what can you do eh? Also, painting more undead reminds me of the time. I got and email from asking if I was truly done, or if I'd be back to it sooner than later?

Of course it will never really be done. But it's still fun to 'complete' a project sometimes. Even if it's only and interrim completion! Next up, some Russian Civil War anarchists!

December 19 th, 2011 This bloody cave troll has been sitting on my painting desk since at least 2009. Don't believe me?

Play a quick game of 'Where's Waldo Cavetroll' in. Hint: it's all black! Anyway, I finally decided to get it done! Check it out in the. It's been a slow time for me lately. A lot of life stuff keeping me busy.

Cod Waw Mod Tools Download Xbox 360. I know, I know, you've heard that excuse before! But honestly, going forward it looks like things won't really be changing.

I have some stuff on the go though, so I should at least update with pictures of painted figs. I have a battle report in the works, as well as my medieval supplement for Kings of War, so stay tuned for those as well! December 5 th, 2011 Some more of those Mantic dwarves that have been filling up my painting desk for the past year. Well, technically they're in the drawer, but it's certainly full of Mantic plastic figures.

So, I finished off a troop unit of Mantic dwarf Ironwatch. I armed them all with rifles (or whatever they are), because why waste time training up crossbowmen when you can have black powder weapons? I only wish they could shoot a bit better. Still, they should add punch to my melee forces! Check them out in the.

Next up are likely some zombies, although I'm sorely tempted to get into that high elf project. The idea is to use Lord of the Rings elves to make a Kings of War army, but finding Lord of the Rings High-elf spearmen is a challenge at the moment. So far I have a whopping six.

Anyone have a batch that they'd be willing to sell or trade for? Until next time. November 15 th, 2011 A few Viking Berzerkers just rolled out to fill out the berzerker option for the. These guys basically play like dwarf throwing mastifs, which works perfectly in my book.

They were made using Wargames Factory and Gripping beast figs similar to my previous set of berzerks. Check them out in the. This is the last of the vikings for now. Of course, I have plans to double the army, so I'm sure I'll be back to them soon. I was planning on doing some dwarfs next, but I have a handful of Andalusians sitting around that I might do first.

Build them out into a real unit perhaps. Who knows though, the dwarfs are built, I have elves on the painting table too, so tune in next time for whatever happens to come together! November 8 th, 2011 Well, not exactly the last. I have a few archers to paint up still to be honest. But it's the last of the proper fighting units. My Viking army so far (as you can see if you view this entire gallery) is made up mostly of the heavily-armoured warriors, but the last couple units are free levies; that is, they aren't slaves. Don't kid yourself though, they certainly aren't exactly volunteers!

Check out the last troop unit (for now) in the. This army is likely headed west to the isles of the Saxons. Or perhaps south to Andalusian Spain. That is until I get around to painting up a Slav or Russian army;) More Vikings next week I think. Some berserker to add to the units of armoured Vikings. November 3 rd, 2011 I've had three Mantic zombies on my painting desk for just about eight months, and I finally got around to them last week.

The unfortunate reality is that I used all of my GW zombies for my undead army unit bases, so I don't have the skirmishing zombies that I often need for role-playing games and other skirmish stuff. So I figured I'd paint some up. I've finally started with three mantic zombies - there are three on each spru - and I'm sure it won't end until I've painted them all! Of course, that could take forever. Anyway, check them out in the.

Until next time. October 26 th, 2011 It's been a crazy few weeks, and the Vikings I'd been working on took a bit longer than I thought they would. Despite that, I've finally finished them! It's another unit base, this one is the size of a Kings of War troop unit at 100mm by 40mm.

Back to Wargames Factory again, since nobody else is doing plastic viking peasants (bondi). Check them out in the. I want to finish off my Vikings, and I only have another unit or so to do, with a few extra characters here and there. But next up will be a few zombies from Mantic.

I haven't painted any Mantic zombies yet, so I figured I'd whip some together just for the fun of it! Stay tuned for them next week.

October 11 th, 2011 I figured I should try to finish that Parthian/Scythian morph army before the big event. But it turns out that it's this weekend, and with only half of the elements done, it's just not going to happen. However, check out the next three elements of Scythian/Parthian light horse in the. It's interesting really, because this is the first project that I committed to that I didn't come through on. I guess it's a sign that my priorities have changed. I've moved away from 15mm stuff for the most part, and away from the DBA rule set.

Well, 28s were always my favourite. And DBA is currently in the throes of a version 'update' from 2.2 to 3.0, and nobody knows how that will shake out, but it's stratified the community already. Also, I really like the Kings of War rules.

It looks like I won't be painting the Parthian/Scythian morph again for a bit - in fact, I'll wait until gets around to starting his before I get back to them;) No rush Tim, I've got lots of Vikings to paint yet! Up next are some more 28mm vikings. I've been wanting to work on these guys for a while, and now that the Greek 15mm commission is done and the Parthian/Scythian morph is on hold, it's back to the Viking Age! First up is a troop of peasant levy! Technically they're norse, but they'd work as any of the more beardy fold in northern Europe.

Community In Tabletop Simulator, you can create your own original games, import custom assets, set up complete RPG dungeons, manipulate the physics, create hinges & joints, and of course flip the table when you are losing the game. All with an easy to use system integrated with Steam Workshop.

You can do anything you want in Tabletop Simulator. The possibilities are endless! OFFICIAL SITES • • • • • HELPFUL SITES • • • FIND PLAYERS • • MODS • • Rules Click for our full rules, and check our before posting. • Keep content related to Tabletop Simulator. • Be civil to one another. • No spamming.

• No NSFW/NSFL content. • No personal information. • No begging or trading. • No impersonation.

• English language only. • No bug report or suggestion submissions. • Post suggestions in either the or the. • Post bug reports on either the. The last feature request thread was a success, so we're doing it again!

To help give us some idea of what features are most requested, please post your suggestions here. And then upvote your favorites as that will give us a better idea of what features are most wanted. Please only post actual features that are not already in the game or variations of existing in-game functions. Do not post bug reports & issues.

This is for features only. [EDIT] If you can, please try to put ONE idea per post to make it easier on voting. Another guy suggested the option to request to be let in to a locked room.

What I'd like to have is a spectator-lock checkbox, so if the owner doesn't mind if people join the server, but also doesn't want people to start doing things on the table without permission, this would be a good alternative. This would certainly open up a lot more servers. If the person wants to be let in, they can ask politely in the chat. EDIT: If a game is in progress, most owners lock the room. This would stop that from needing to happen. EDIT2: Added in to the game! Really think this would be a nice addition.

The Custom music I can live without (you can just run your favorite music software minimized in the background), but a way to add new Tables and/or Panoramic Backgrounds, I would love to see! Especially the Panoramic Backgrounds. Image the different locations you could play in! At the Pub, in your own (or a Friends) house, on a space ship (or even just 'in space'), in the mines of moria, mos eisley cantina, Silent hill, on a Firefly Class Transport Ship. The list goes on. A feature I'd really like is for each player to be able to have a 'drawer'.

By this I mean each player would have a personalized chest that they could place objects (models, cards, whatever) and only they could interact with. This would clear up table space.

An alternative to this would be for the bag object (which is awesome!) to be able to be browsed. The way I picture it would be to right click a bag container, click something like 'browse', and in bottom of the screen see something like the chest browser but larger (talle and maybe cross the entire screen width). This would also be amazing for decks! Add in Alt viewing (so you don't have to depend on recognizing a card from the thumbnail) and an indicator that a player is browsing (say, place an of the player's color hovering over the object) and you'd prevent cheating, too! To be able to draw and such in the game, as accurate as you can make it!

Pencils, permanent markers, highlighters, pens, rubbers/erasers. Anything of this nature that you could put in the game and be able to draw on pieces of paper would be amazing.:) Also: folding of the paper if that's not too much to ask. This way we can play that funny character game where one person draws the head, then two lines.

The next person draws the body on those two lines etc. EDIT: If paper is added, typing should also be an easy thing to do using a type tool which you can place text anywhere on the paper kinda like flockdraw does. EDIT2: Scissors, or just adjustable paper sizes?

In all seriousness though, first some mini requests for better functionality: • Accurate sliding of objects without picking them up. • Linking multiple objects together (Try picking up two objects on top of each other for instance and you'll see the problem) • In line with RiceKun's 'fog of war' suggestion, there definitely need to be more ways to hide information from your opponents, like hiding textures from the opponents. Think of games like Stratego, where you could physically strangle your opponent if they'd dare to peek around.