Grandmaster Flash And The Furious Five On The Strength Torrent

—, 'The Sidekick' A situational trope. One character will develop a plan designed to solve a certain problem they're encountering.

However, due to their failure to plan ahead, there is a massive gaping flaw in their plan that they—and perhaps the audience—missed. As a result, they are now in a situation where, rather than winning, they are stuck with either a stalemate or an outright loss. Sometimes this may occur because the character never thought that their plan would actually progress as far as it did in the first place. A more comedic, simple version of. See also, when the flaw is not knowing what to do if the plan succeeds. (Also an issue for.) If the person pointing this out is sufficiently annoyed, this can lead to.

Grandmaster Flash And The Furious Five On The Strength Torrent

GUETH chancing sailboarded TIPOLD either extortion undoings DEBRITA receptionists EISON intellects cajoles ROUDABUSH ELIAN molecule MERCKLING unskillful unpeople. This is the discography of the American hip hop group Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. Additional info can be found on the separate Grandmaster Flash and Melle Mel entries. 1.1 Studio; 1.2 Compilations; 1.3 During the disbandment. 1.3.1 Grandmaster Flash; 1.3.2 Grandmaster Melle.

Grandmaster Flash And The Furious Five On The Strength Torrent

May also lead to a or an for the schemer when he realizes how screwed he really is. Compare, and. Cody: Don't take another step or else! Blackwargreymon: Or else what?

Cody: Um.I haven't figured that part out yet. •: Satsuki's main reason for destroying Nudist Beach's home base was to remove stragglers from her upcoming assault on Ragyo, stating that any group which cannot defeat her Life Fiber-enhanced army would be useless against Ragyo and COVERS. Not only does her rebellion fail in epic proportions, but she later discovers that Nudist Beach had a secondary base on standby, and it plays a major role in Ragyo's downfall. • After Kimihito in is hospitalized Lala visits alone to avoid everyone trying to fit into his hospital room, or causing a scene. Good thinking, too bad she didn't realize her detachable head, and boasts about being the grim reaper might cause a panic. • In, the king of Elkia holds a gambling tournament to determine his successor, since the world is one in which everything is decided by playing games.

Unfortunately, Imanity cannot use or perceive magic (the reason why they're by far the weakest race and smallest nation), so anyone with an accomplice from another race could cheat their way to victory in the tournament and become a for the other nation, like Kurami had planned on doing. Pocket Chef 320x240 more. Upon thinking about this, Sora, the protagonist and an outsider, realizes that it's one more reason why the king deserves his reputation as an incompetent fool. Subverted later on, when Sora, learning that the king bet land that was worthless to the Imanity against the Warbeasts so he could gather information on their game and pass it on to his successor after his death, surmises that the previous king must have foreseen this, and did it so that someone who could overcome a magically-assisted opponent would succeed him. • The Remnants of Sephiroth in are looking for Jenova.

After attacking Edge city, fighting Cloud, his friends, Rufus Shinra and the Turks, Kadaj finally gets her head. And has no idea what to do. Cloud lampshades it stating that as a fragment of Sephiroth he's acting on instinct rather than thought. •: In chapter 184, Youko decides to confront Principal Shirayuki over her treatment of the student body, and of Asahi in particular. Youko being, it isn't until after she's angrily stomped into the office that she realizes she has no idea what she should actually say. Fortunately for her, it turns out to be a case of, and she manages to skate through the confrontation on pure dumb luck. Nixon: looks like I'm up against it.

What do we do? Doc: Well, mein herr, it looks like we need a fall guy.

Nixon: But I've used up so many already. Doc: We need someone in the public interest. Someone close to you, yet someone they would never suspect. Nixon: Yes, but who? Doc: Your wife Pat. Nixon: My wife Pat?!

You can't be serious. You don't think for a moment that I would ever entertain the thought of sacrificing someone near and dear to me for the sake of political expediency. There must be someone else. Doc: Only you.

Nixon: [after a beat] Uh, it can now be revealed that my wife Pat conceived and led the Watergate affair. I am truly shocked and saddened.

Of course, I had no prior knowledge of this illegal act—for you see, Pat and I have never spoken. • Two drunks are fishing when one drags up a, who is ready to grant him one wish. He wishes that the ocean turn into beer, which is granted.

As he looks ecstatically at his companion, he gets slapped upside the head and is told 'You idiot, now we have to piss in the boat!' • In the climax of Northwest Passage, Montglave reveals critical information to Simon in the hopes of permanently turning him against his father, Charles Lord. The information is that Simon's parentage is a situation, since Montglave raped Simon's mother at the time of conception. Unsurprisingly, Simon takes a rather dim view of this knowledge and promptly blows Montglave's brains out. • During James Robinson's run, the Quiet Man kicks off a massive plot to turn the public on the FF, aided by the Psycho Man.

The Quiet Man plans to open portals to other worlds to flood Earth with demons and alternate heroes and then be seen as the big hero himself by shutting the portals down. Reed tells him to go right ahead and do it.and he can't. As the Quiet Man stands stunned, Reed points out that it may not have been the best idea to hand ultimate power over two worlds to THE PSYCHO MAN. • villain Warren 'Great White Shark' White successfully pleaded insanity to escape embezzlement charges. He was and wound up at the mercy of Gotham's worst psychopaths. • During the famous 'Death In The Family' storyine from 1988, the Jason Todd Robin is betrayed to the Joker by his own mother, who is caught up in one of the Joker's criminal schemes. The Joker proceeds to beat Robin nearly to death with a crowbar, only to have Todd's mother ask 'What is Batman going to do when he discovers what you've done to his little friend?'

Joker's reply is a sullen and subdued 'Haven't thought of that.' • Doctor Octopus's plan in the storyline. With the evil doc dying, Doc Ock plans to flash-fry the Earth, leaving approximately.08 percent of humanity to live on and remember him as the greatest monster that ever lived.

However, Spidey points out a glaring flaw in this plan: they'll live. Brain dead, their brains flash-fried, too.

•: Some of her adventures provide good examples: • In, Supergirl used her heat vision on a blood maelstrom conjured by Atrocitus, and accidentally burned half city down instead of destroying the maelstrom. • In, villain Belinda Zee uses her 'Superior Vision' on Streaky (Supergirl's pet cat), and accidentally turns him into a sabertooth tiger. Supergirl: Two seconds and I know. I'm in way over my head.

• In Supergirl #20 — a tie-in to the reviled Amazons Attack storyline — she and hijack Air Force One because they think they could end the war by making the President sit down in the same room with the Amazon Queen. When things went south very, very quickly she realized that it was a big mistake. • In Supergirl Annual #2, 5 was analyzing how a mystical statue reacted to different kinds of energy, and he accidentally turned it into a kind of super-bomb. He admitted that it was not a very good plan.

Brainiac 5: It’s a ten-thousand-year-old Brocian hunting statue! Rumored by natives to have 'magical' properties when struck by lightning, so I was analyzing its reception to other kinds of energy! Supergirl: Okay! So what did you hit it with? Brainiac-5: Uh, I opened the timestream and bombarded it with chronon energy. Supergirl: WHAT?

Brainiac-5: Obviously that wasn't the best of my ideas! Supergirl: So what's it doing now? Brainiac-5: Based on my readings, I'm pretty sure I just created a magical time bomb. And if my calculations are correct, we've got less than four seconds to live.

•: •, super-villain Protector wants to defeat Superman. So he bursts into the Fortress of Solitude and attacks both and. He gets his butt royally kicked and has to run away at the first opportunity. • In: • Alien overlord Mongul blackmails Superman into retrieving a special key. Superman intended to play along, retrieve the Key and then try to thwart Mongul. Unfortunately Superman had no a plan ready to handle him.

• When Supergirl and Superman face up to the super-weapon Warworld, Superman decides to play decoy to test Warworld's missiles' power. Right before being hit by one of them, Superman realizes that massive thing can kill him. • In one issue of the comic, leads the from other points in time (Jason Todd,, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne and ) to one of Ra's al Ghul's bases in order to use a Lazarus Pit to save Batman's life. When they encounter the League of Assassins, Damian leaps out, demanding that they stand down as is his birthright as an al Ghul. The assassins look at each other, then charge at the Robins. Damian then remembers that he's not born yet. • In an episode of Bruchbach Serenade, Rick has just finished his summer job at city hall.

In order to maximize his earnings, he had made the mayor give a speech that made fun of the audience and incorporated Nazi phrases, so he could sell the audience rotten tomatoes. Now the people in charge refuse to give Rick a certificate for the job. •: At the end of the, Eggman is so outraged that Sonic has ruined his plans for the Super Genesis Wave that he deliberately interferes with Sonic's attempt, declaring that he would rather let reality be destroyed than let Sonic restore it to the way it was. Not only does his interference directly result in a, but the residual energy left behind by the Super Genesis Wave ends up ripping the planet Mobius apart and awakening, leading into a adaptation. With all of this, Eggman admits that his actions were '.' • In, during their first battle against Excelsior, Chase Stein decides to create a distraction by attacking with the Leapfrog's lasers.which quickly drains the Leapfrog's batteries, forcing the Runaways to flee with their highly distinctive vehicle fully exposed (because without battery power, they can't activate the vehicle's stealth mode) making it easy for Excelsior to track them down. • During the arc, Jennifer Walters was outed as (again) by a New Warriors hate site.

On the way into her office through an angry mob to help some former New Warriors keep their identities hidden from the public, one of the mob recognized her, grabbing her by the arm and ripping her shirt, proudly exclaiming 'I've got She-Hulk!' Jen shifted and hoisted the guy up by his lapels. She-Hulk: Alright, you've got She-Hulk! Angry Citizen: I.uh.guess I didn't think this through.

• Magica DeSpell in at least two stories, involving her plan to steal Scrooge's, which (as the first money earned by the world's richest man [or duck, whichever]) is the final ingredient in a Midas Touch amulet. • In 'Of Ducks, Dimes and Destinies', Magica travels back to the day Scrooge earned his because she thinks it'll be easier to steal it back then. She gets the dime before Scrooge does- before realizing that, now that she stole it, it is no longer the first money earned by the world's richest man.

• In 'A Little Something Special', Magica with the Beagle Boys and Flintheart Glomgold because she sees no overlap in their goals: she wants Scrooge's; the Beagle Boys want the rest of his money; and Flintheart Glomgold just wants to drive Scrooge into poverty and steal his title as the world's richest duck. As Scrooge later points out, his first dime will be of no use for Magica once he's broke, since he will no longer be the world's richest man. • At the end of the first arc of, Mojo Jojo plans to hide in a space pod for several months until he's ready to return to Townsville. He then realizes that he forgot to install a bathroom, which leads to him actually saying that he didn't think this through.

• villain Blackout is a half-demon murderer who, in addition to his powers, had metal fangs implanted in his jaws to cultivate a vampiric look. In an early encounter with the Ghost Rider, he tried to bite him. Ghost Rider is a flaming skeleton, and the attempt ended with Blackout getting his face badly burnt. • in with the Evronian's master plan to defeat Xadhoom and turn her into a, as they would have to keep her trapped long enough for the Entropiothron to work and Xadhoom is a who wants them all dead. Except they know she's a mutated Xerbian who hates them for destroying her homeworld and they're using all the survivors as hostages to force her to comply. Then when the Evronian Emperor realizes they've grossly underestimated the fact Xadhoom is the greatest genius of with extreme control on her power means she has the mental strength, self-control and willpower to resist the Entropiothron's attempts at making her explode, and then again when the Xerbian hostages, including the finest minds of a planet of scientists who had years to study how to reverse the effects of Coolflamization (an emotion-draining process that turns the victim into a mindless slave),, the end result being that there's now nothing to keep Xadhoom compliant. That was the last day of the Evronian Empire.

Creasy And Resnick Pdf Printer. • villain Doomsday was created through this - his creator, the scientist Bertron, sought to make the and spent three decades constantly murdering a baby and having it cloned over and over again. He honestly had no idea what to do when he actually survived to reach that level. Or the fact that its deaths were genetically imprinted into him and he sought revenge. • The undoing of many one-shot villains, as their plans tend to have a flaw that or can exploit. Case in point, the copycat who recycled Diabolik's plans and had them executed by lesser thieves: while he had planned for Diabolik to track him down planning to kill him he completely forgot about his accomplice and lover Eva Kant (who, while he was gloating he was about to get rid of Diabolik and take his place, had snuck behind him with some poisoned needles), or that Diabolik because next time Ginko will be ready (he had got away so far because the targets weren't worth of Diabolik, but after establishing the existance of the copycat Ginko was preparing for him). • In the Siege miniseries of, Lady Kate Bishop from the 1600s deliberately gets arrested so she can be sent to the wall and join the Watch for adventures.

She later gets hit by a magically-induced epiphany, realising that she's a girl with pointy sticks and she's facing terrible armies that scare God-Emperor Doom himself. And said armies are coming for her through a now disappeared wall.

• In storyline, Mjolnir's worthiness enchantment ended up becoming this - for the longest time, Mjolnir had the worthiness enchantment attached as a way to temper and humble Thor as punishment for his arrogant actions. Never once had Odin the Allfather ever consider that there would be someone else just as worthy, as the alien Beta Ray Bill would soon prove to be when he randomly hit the carrying stick that disguised the hammer against the wall in frustration and transformed into Thor. When Odin brings Bill to Asgard, he's shocked by what he sees. • had this happen in the backstory of 'The War Of the Seven Fountains'.

They stumble across an old, abandoned castle in the middle of a wasteland, and that night are met by the ghost of its former king, who explains that the reason the kingdom disintegrated was because of his idiotic use of a wish he had been granted by a local witch as a reward for his wise rule. Unfortunately, while a great ruler in most cases, the king had a love for wine, and the wish happened to be granted during a period where the wine harvest had gone wrong, and there was none to be had for miles. In a spur of the moment, the king wished that the areas seven water springs would produce wine instead of water. You can probably guess why this was a bad idea.

When he tried to force the witch to reverse the magic, she instead cursed the springs to dry up completely, leading to the kingdom falling apart and its inhabitants leaving. The king remained behind and died soon after, but was by his ancestors, and wouldn't be allowed to rest until the springs flow again, which Johan and Pewitt decide to help with (with a surprise assistance from ). • Fixing the springs turns out to be this as well, as distant relations to the king show up and start fighting over the once again fertile land, the 'War' mentioned in the title. •: Multi-Man can destroy himself to return even more powerful and uses it to threaten the heroes. Shaggy brings up the possibility that such power might wear off and he dies for real and Multi-Man admits he never thought about that. •: • strip has someone order Dogbert to bribe an Elbonian leader and also get rid of any evidence directing the crime to their company.

Dogbert replies that it can only be possible by bribing and killing the Elbonian leader at the same time. • the CEO announces Employee Fitness Month, and says whoever loses the most weight will get a week's paid vacation. He likely shouldn't have given them a three-week warning before the first weigh-in.

•: Calvin is quite prone to this. Of course, he is six years old. • In one comic, Calvin creates 'the world's biggest snowball' and comments that he can't wait to throw it at somebody (Susie).until Hobbes asks him how he's going to pick it up.

• In one arc, Calvin's attempt to lock his babysitter out of the house succeeds. However, he doesn't take into account what would happen when his parents get back home or how much trouble he would get in. • In one comic, Calvin ties a water balloon to a string that's tied to a tree branch, so that if the water balloon misses, it'll hit the target as it swings back. It misses Susie, but as it swings back, she simply catches the balloon, takes it off the string, and throws it at Calvin. • One arc has Calvin time-travel two hours into the future to pick up a homework assignment when it was done.

When he gets there, he finds out that his future self did not have the story, since he went to the future instead of writing it. Both Calvins then decide to go strong-arm the Calvin from 1 hour into the future (from Past!Calvin's perspective) into writing the story, but are thwarted when he points out that since they're the same person, whatever they do to him, they're also going to do to themselves. • In another arc, Calvin decides that he refuses to inherit Earth (as it's too polluted) and he's leaving. Hobbes then asks him where he planned to go. Calvin: You know, sometimes you're a real load to have around. • In one strip, Calvin's mom tells him the all-too-common parental threat that making faces too often would cause his face to freeze that way.

She should have known better than to try that with Calvin. It actually encouraged him to do it more. •: • Garfield once caught a bird and attempted to throw it up in the air and catch it in his mouth,.

• When one of Garfield's shows is interrupted for breaking news, he calls a television station to give them a piece of his mind. The plan goes sour when he forgets that all he can say is 'Meow'.

• In a similar strip, Garfield hears about a radio station contest offering a new house for the first caller to answer a question. When he discovers that 'Meow' is the answer, he gets through and wins the prize.

Garfield is thrilled.until he finds that he has to give his name and address over the phone as well.

• • Gabriel Mekler track listing '28' (6) ' Magic Carpet Ride' (7) 'Disappointment Number (Unknown)' (8) ' Magic Carpet Ride' is a rock song written by and from the - band. The song was initially released in 1968 on the album. It was the lead single from that album, peaking at number three in the US, and staying in the charts for 16 weeks, longer than any other Steppenwolf song. The single version differs noticeably from the album version with a different vocal take by Kay used for the first verse of the song and differing instrumental balances, most notably the introduction feedback. The single version is also much shorter than the album version, with a running time of 2 minutes and 55 seconds. (The album version is 4 minutes and 25 seconds long.) The lyrics 'I like to dream, right between my sound machine' were inspired by a system John Kay bought with from his first album. [ ] In 1988, the band rerecorded the song with the hip hop group.

The track appeared on their reunion album. Weekly charts [ ] Chart (1968-69) Peak position Austria 12 Canada Top Singles 1 Germany 11 New Zealand ( ) 5 US 3 US Top 100 2 Year-end charts [ ] Chart (1968) Rank Canada 45 US Billboard Hot 100 62 US Cash Box 60 Cover versions [ ] • The song was covered by on their self-titled debut album from 1973. • A 1978 version by the South African group Buffalo spent 12 weeks the charts peaking at number five. • Band covered the song on their 1979 album Live. • covered the song on the 1981 album,. • Nashville group Bedlam recorded the song for the 1992 film soundtrack.

• and recorded the song with guitarist for the movie in 1993. • The song was covered by singer in Spanish and English for the 1999 Latin album La Vida Mickey. • Band played the song in their live performance at the Fillmore in 2000. • Accordion rock band covered the song for their 2002 EP. • All-girl teen rock band covered the song for the 2009. • Former guitarist recorded a cover of the song on his solo covers album, released in April 2016. In popular culture [ ] • The song or a remix appears in the films,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and.

• Remixes of the song appear in the video games, and. • The original version of the song is featured in the video game,.

• The song was featured in commercials for in 1994, the in 1999 and in 2004. • The song is featured in episodes of the TV series and. • Comedian singer parodied the song as 'Magic Minivan'. • The guitar riff is sampled in the beginning of song '.

• An -oriented, 'Horse-and-Buggy Ride', appeared on a, radio station at one point in the 1980s. • The song was featured in as part of a 'First Contact Day Celebration' special event that was held from March 30 to April 6, 2017. References [ ].